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Page "Newstalk ZB" ¶ 13
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Some Related Sentences

There and are
There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place.
There are of course many Souths ; ;
There is unceasing pressure, but its sources are immediate.
( There are two receivers in case one should be dropped and damaged.
There are thousands of square miles of salt pan which are hideous.
There are almost no fictional treatments of the industrialized south ''.
There are certainly large areas of understanding in the human sciences which in themselves and even without political invention can help to dispel our present fears.
There are many domains in which understanding has brought about widespread and quite appropriate reduction in ritual and fear.
There are, however, some wonderful chapters at the beginning of the second part, concerning the reactions of the Swedes in adversity.
There are ghostly scenes in which the little boy on his rocking horse rocks madly toward the climax that will magically give him the name of the winning horse.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
There is essential pleasantness in reading the writing of men who are not angry, who can contend without quarreling.
There are in The Almagest no rules for determining in advance whether a new epicycle will be required for dealing with abberations in lunar, solar, or planetary behavior.
Said: `` There are things I must tell you about this man you are marrying which he does not know himself ''.
There is plenty more to recommend Gorton, the facts of whose life are given in The Life And Times Of Samuel Gorton, by Adelos Gorton.
There are millions who accept this doctrine, but few indeed are those who accept it so truly that the fate of humanity lies as a weight on their souls night and day.
There are some people, intelligent people, who seem to be untouched by the sea of wonder in which we are immersed and in which we spend our lives.
There are few things of which I am prouder than of that unblemished record.
There are only two men remaining in Congress who, with Rayburn, voted for the declaration of war against Germany in 1917.
There are many causes for this change.

There and brief
There was a brief interruption while one of O'Banion's men jerked out both his guns and threatened to shoot a waiter who was pestering him for a tip.
There also came a brief contretemps with the sound mixers who made the mistake of being overheard during a quiet moment near the conclusion of `` Do It Again '', and she made the tart observation that `` I never saw so much moving about in an audience ''.
There is also a brief physical description found in John Malalas ' Chronographia:
There is a brief reference to his love poetry in a passage by Cicero.
There is a brief reference to the ansible in Winning Colors.
There were two more brief periods when Athanasius was exiled.
There are also brief glosses on " minor " judges: Shamgar ( 3: 31 ), Tola and Jair ( 10: 1-5 ), Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon ( 12: 8-15 ).
There is also a special 64-page book available, The Beano Special Collectors Edition: 70 Years of Fun, giving a brief history of the comic.
There is little story in the game except for a brief text prelude located under " Help " in the Main Menu, and a few cutscenes after the completion of an episode.
There are brief but vivid descriptions of the South as it began and grew, with backgrounds of the main characters: the stylish and highbrow French, the gentlemanly English, the forced-to-flee and looked-down-upon Irish.
There is also a brief memoir by Karl Goedeke in Göttinger Professoren ( Gotha ( Perthes ), 1872 ).
There was a brief exchange that occurred when the surviving members reunited in Aspen, Colorado, in 1998 for a show that was broadcast on HBO and has since become available on video.
There is a brief epilogue sequence in which the fates of the six only known survivors are shown: Sydney underwent surgery on his kneecap injuries and lives as a horticulturist with his son Seymour, Arthur received an OBE for lifelong service to the theatre and retired to the country, Sebastian wrote a book about the film's events and is currently negotiating the film rights.
There was a brief period between 2000 and 2003 when the rivalry was renewed due to regular season games each year and playoff meetings that saw the Raiders remove the Jets from contention.
There was a brief and profitable foray into television in Great Britain with the series O. S. S.
There were serious proposals to revert the name to " Stalingrad " during Konstantin Chernenko's brief administration in 1985.
There followed the famous Year of Four Emperors, a brief period of civil war and instability, which was finally brought to an end by Vespasian, 9th Roman emperor, and founder of the Flavian dynasty.
There is a separate and distinct entity with a similar brief, the International Joint Commission, which exists between the federal levels of the US and Canada.
There was a brief interludes of Roman conquest ( Roman Assyria, Roman Mesopotamia ; AD 116 to 118 ) under Trajan, after which the Parthians reasserted control.
There was just a brief period when the city changed hands ( in 1509 ) during the wars of the League of Cambray.
There were notable counter-examples, such as the famine in Rwanda during World War II and the Malawi famine of 1949, but most famines were localized and brief food shortages.
* " Estimating the Chances of Life Out There "— brief biography for astrobiology workshop at the NASA Ames Research Center.
There was a brief Munster Republic during the Irish Civil War, soon defeated by the Irish Army.
There are two main types of trial excavation in professional archaeology both commonly associated with development-led excavation: the test pit or trench and the watching brief.
There exist brief prose biographies — vidas — for eight trobairitz: Almucs de Castelnau ( actually a razo ), Azalais de Porcairagues, the Comtessa de Dia, Castelloza, Iseut de Capio ( also a razo ), Lombarda, Maria de Ventadorn, and Tibors de Sarenom.

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