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Page "Fathers' rights movement in the United Kingdom" ¶ 24
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There and are
There are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place.
There are of course many Souths ; ;
There is unceasing pressure, but its sources are immediate.
( There are two receivers in case one should be dropped and damaged.
There are thousands of square miles of salt pan which are hideous.
There are almost no fictional treatments of the industrialized south ''.
There are certainly large areas of understanding in the human sciences which in themselves and even without political invention can help to dispel our present fears.
There are many domains in which understanding has brought about widespread and quite appropriate reduction in ritual and fear.
There are, however, some wonderful chapters at the beginning of the second part, concerning the reactions of the Swedes in adversity.
There are ghostly scenes in which the little boy on his rocking horse rocks madly toward the climax that will magically give him the name of the winning horse.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
There is essential pleasantness in reading the writing of men who are not angry, who can contend without quarreling.
There are in The Almagest no rules for determining in advance whether a new epicycle will be required for dealing with abberations in lunar, solar, or planetary behavior.
Said: `` There are things I must tell you about this man you are marrying which he does not know himself ''.
There is plenty more to recommend Gorton, the facts of whose life are given in The Life And Times Of Samuel Gorton, by Adelos Gorton.
There are millions who accept this doctrine, but few indeed are those who accept it so truly that the fate of humanity lies as a weight on their souls night and day.
There are some people, intelligent people, who seem to be untouched by the sea of wonder in which we are immersed and in which we spend our lives.
There are few things of which I am prouder than of that unblemished record.
There are only two men remaining in Congress who, with Rayburn, voted for the declaration of war against Germany in 1917.
There are many causes for this change.

There and issues
There were long debates on such issues as sovereignty, the exact powers to be given the confederate government, whether to have a judiciary, and voting procedures.
There are additional inefficiencies arising from the highly fragmented nature of the municipal bond market which has two million outstanding issues and 50, 000 issuers in contrast to the Treasury market which has 400 issues and a single issuer.
There are also issues with this breed's increased need to have Caesarean sections when calving, which means an increased cost, added work, and can become a welfare issue.
There were to be a succession of discussions about them rejoining the Liberals, but these usually foundered on the issues of free trade and continued support for the National Government.
There remain housing issues for many of the residents as of late 2005.
There has been considerable controversy in the United States and elsewhere about the lack of regulations in the manufacture of such jewelry — these range from human rights issues surrounding the treatment of labor, to the use of manufacturing processes in which small, but potentially harmful, amounts of toxic metals are added during production.
There was a fourth bureau for miscellaneous issues, which was put under Polybius until his execution for treason.
There were only 3 issues in total.
There is no formal bug tracking system, but there is a third-party bug tracking system that CPAN designated as the suggested official method of reporting issues with modules.
There are ecclesially-accountable committees for co-ordinated preaching, youth and Sunday School work, conscientious objection issues, care of the elderly, and humanitarian work.
There were several serious confrontations between the U. S. and Denmark on security policy in the so-called " footnote era " ( 1982 – 88 ), when an alternative parliamentary majority forced the government to adopt specific national positions on nuclear and arms control issues.
There are ongoing issues concerning the validity and reliability of the diagnostic categories ; the reliance on superficial symptoms ; the use of artificial dividing lines between categories and from ' normality '; possible cultural bias ; medicalization of human distress and financial conflicts of interest, including with the practice of psychiatrists and with the pharmaceutical industry ; political controversies about the inclusion or exclusion of diagnoses from the manual, in general or in regard to specific issues ; and the experience of those who are most directly affected by the manual by being diagnosed, including the consumer / survivor movement.
There are two transnational political issues which affect Diego Garcia and the BIOT, through the British government.
There are approximately 44 different theories what the heresies encountered by the church at Colossae were, including a view there was no particular heresy at all but issues typical of those faced by believers.
There are also some general treaties with one or two clauses referring to environmental issues but these are rarer.
There exists no international Islamic authority to settle fiqh issues today, in a legislative sense.
There is no one organization that represents all LGBT people and their interests, although there are two organizations that are inclusive of many of the LGBT community issues: InterPride by coordinating and networking gay pride events worldwide, and International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission ( IGLHRC ), which addresses human rights violations against LGBT and HIV-positive people and works with the United Nations.
There was little or no violence, but the new Catholic Center Party won a fourth of the seats in the Reichstag ( Imperial Parliament ), and its middle position on most issues allowed it to play a decisive role in the formation of majorities.
There is a need for on-site support to physically work on some help desk issues ; however, help desks are able to be more flexible with their remote support.
There are also issues with computerized money-handling systems.
There has been very little top-down discussion of the knowledge representation ( KR ) issues and research in this area is a well aged quillwork.
There is so little thought given to eternal issues that their very absence make them pointedly there.
There have been variations in the design of the keyboard to address technical and musical issues.

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