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Page "History of Guinea-Bissau" ¶ 12
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There and were
There were tracks of cattle all over his six hundred and forty acres.
There were three other men within this prison whom Barton would have liked to liberate, but they were in other cell blocks.
There were seven of them, enough for a show of strength -- to run a bluff.
There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots.
There were two horses in the barn, a sway-backed dun and Jess Crouch's buckskin.
There was raw fury in his eyes, and the veins of his neck were swollen.
There were no less than six or seven saloons in Ganado, not counting the lower class dives, all vying for the trade of celebrating miners and teamsters.
There were gigantic blisters and rope burns on our hands ; ;
There was a measure of protection in its concrete walls and ceiling, but the engineers who hastily installed it were well aware that concrete is not much better than prayer, if as efficacious, when a direct hit comes along.
There were fantastic flowers without perfume, and gaudy birds without song.
There were two rubbing sticks for making fire, two stones shaped roughly like knives, a woven-root container which held a few pounds of dried worms and the dead body of some rodent.
There were fences in the old days when we were children.
There were more indications by the mid-twentieth century.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
There were no reasons for such suppositions then.
There were three years of this strange warfare ; ;
There never were two fames alike.
There were times that he worked with both lyricists simultaneously.
There is a mediocre restaurant at Sounion and I fed a thin little Grecian cat and gave it two saucers of water -- there was no milk -- which it lapped up as though it were nectar.
There was much sickness in the corps, and the men were, in addition, without the clothing, shoes, and blankets needed for the winter weather.
There were several men of ninety or more whom I knew first or last, all of whom were still productive and most of whom knew one another as if they had naturally come together at the apex of their lives.
There were four from St. John's and four from Christ's, three from Pembroke, and two from each of the colleges, Jesus, Peterhouse, Queens', and Trinity, with Caius, Clare, King's, Magdalene, and Sidney supplying one each in the ordo senioritatis.

There and alleged
In an interview with the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Atchison revealed that he slept through most of the day of his alleged presidency: " There had been three or four busy nights finishing up the work of the Senate, and I slept most of that Sunday.
" There y ' are Don, I told you I could bowl a leg break " was Grimmett's alleged response.
There is no clear evidence that the United States actually exercised such a degree of control as to justify treating the contras as acting on its behalf ... Having reached the above conclusion, the Court takes the view that the Contras remain responsible for their acts, in particular the alleged violations by them of humanitarian law.
There have been a number of proposals to reform this system and they have tended to be in the direction of fully privatizing rural land for the alleged purpose of increasing efficiency.
There must be a thorough investigation of this alleged brutality.
There are also rumours that it provided money for Solidarity in Poland ( it has been widely alleged that the Vatican Bank funded Solidarity ).
* Accountancy scandals – There are reports of alleged fraud at WorldCom, one of the world's largest telcos and internet service providers.
There is however some evidence that the area had been occupied long before the alleged arrival of Mycenaeans ( at Enkomi ) and the town of Salamis was developed as a replacement when Engkomi was isolated from the sea.
There is also a legendary droit du seigneur (" the lord's right ", often conflated with the Latin phrase " ius primae noctis ") which alleged entitled the lord of an estate to take the virginity of the estate's virgins on the night of their marriage, a right which the lord can trade for money.
There are however alleged ruins of a Roman house known as " The House of Pilate in Bisenti ".
" There is considerable disagreement over the veracity of Hadleigh's claims about alleged homosexuals in Hollywood.
There was no inquest on his death and it was variously alleged he had stabbed himself or cut his throat with a penknife or taken an overdose of opium, while a few newspapers reported his death as due to an apoplectic fit or stroke.
There is a disputed claim that the castle is the bona fide location of the entire legend, and the alleged Okiku's Well remains in the castle to this day ..
There has, however, been some controversy over alleged misconduct by climate scientists at the Climatic Research Unit ( CRU ).
There were reports of looting of Iraq's archaeological treasures, mostly from the National Museum of Iraq ; up to an alleged 170, 000 items, worth billions of U. S. dollars: these reports were later revealed to be vastly exaggerated.
There is a belief found in historical and literary writings that the shtetl disintegrated before it was destroyed during World War II ; however, this alleged cultural break-up is never clearly defined.
There are alleged sightings in remote areas of pterosaur-like creatures such as the Kongamato in Africa.
There he convalesced and came to terms with his career and alleged knowledge of Nazi war crimes.
There is some evidence that Fard lived at least until the 1960s ; his alleged lover stated that he had returned to New Zealand.
" None of the original allegations put forward by the U. S. government three years prior, the claims that held Padilla in the majority in solitary confinement throughout that period, were part of the indictment: " Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced Padilla is being removed from military custody and charged with a series of crimes " and " There is no mention in the indictment of Padilla's alleged plot to use a dirty bomb in the United States.
He added: " There is photographic evidence to prove that Elvis was here on March 3rd 1960, however we are not aware of any photographs of this alleged visit to London, while the timing of it also seems a bit vague.
There was much dissension within the Nauruan government over the move by Harris, which the prime minister was alleged to have made on his own initiative.
There have been some, a minority, in every generation since then who have believed that Warbeck was Richard, Duke of York, while others have alleged that he was an illegitimate son of either Edward IV or Richard III.
There have been several Popes who were known or alleged to have been sexually active during their reign, or even to have died as a result of this, as claimed by various authors in history.

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