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Page "United Party (Papua New Guinea)" ¶ 1
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There and were
There were tracks of cattle all over his six hundred and forty acres.
There were three other men within this prison whom Barton would have liked to liberate, but they were in other cell blocks.
There were seven of them, enough for a show of strength -- to run a bluff.
There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots.
There were two horses in the barn, a sway-backed dun and Jess Crouch's buckskin.
There was raw fury in his eyes, and the veins of his neck were swollen.
There were no less than six or seven saloons in Ganado, not counting the lower class dives, all vying for the trade of celebrating miners and teamsters.
There were gigantic blisters and rope burns on our hands ; ;
There was a measure of protection in its concrete walls and ceiling, but the engineers who hastily installed it were well aware that concrete is not much better than prayer, if as efficacious, when a direct hit comes along.
There were fantastic flowers without perfume, and gaudy birds without song.
There were two rubbing sticks for making fire, two stones shaped roughly like knives, a woven-root container which held a few pounds of dried worms and the dead body of some rodent.
There were fences in the old days when we were children.
There were more indications by the mid-twentieth century.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
There were no reasons for such suppositions then.
There were three years of this strange warfare ; ;
There never were two fames alike.
There were times that he worked with both lyricists simultaneously.
There is a mediocre restaurant at Sounion and I fed a thin little Grecian cat and gave it two saucers of water -- there was no milk -- which it lapped up as though it were nectar.
There was much sickness in the corps, and the men were, in addition, without the clothing, shoes, and blankets needed for the winter weather.
There were several men of ninety or more whom I knew first or last, all of whom were still productive and most of whom knew one another as if they had naturally come together at the apex of their lives.
There were four from St. John's and four from Christ's, three from Pembroke, and two from each of the colleges, Jesus, Peterhouse, Queens', and Trinity, with Caius, Clare, King's, Magdalene, and Sidney supplying one each in the ordo senioritatis.

There and attempts
There were attempts at compromise.
There were attempts to regulate anagram formation, an important one in English being that of George Puttenham's Of the Anagram or Posy Transposed in The Art of English Poesie ( 1589 ).
There he remained for about twelve years, during which time he made repeated but unsuccessful attempts to escape.
There have also been relatively successful attempts with regard to chess and music.
There have been at least 20 known attempts on U. S. presidents ' lives.
There is a third view that sees merit in both arguments above and attempts to bridge them, and so cannot be articulated as starkly as they can ; it sees more than one Christianity and more than one attitude towards paganism at work in the poem, separated from each other by hundreds of years ; it sees the poem as originally the product of a literate Christian author with one foot in the pagan world and one in the Christian, himself a convert perhaps or one whose forbears had been pagan, a poet who was conversant in both oral and literary milieus and was capable of a masterful " repurposing " of poetry from the oral tradition ; this early Christian poet saw virtue manifest in a willingness to sacrifice oneself in a devotion to justice and in an attempt to aid and protect those in need of help and greater safety ; good pagan men had trodden that noble path and so this poet presents pagan culture with equanimity and respect ; yet overlaid upon this early Christian poet's composition are verses from a much later reformist " fire-and-brimstone " Christian poet who vilifies pagan practice as dark and sinful and who adds satanic aspects to its monsters.
There have been many different and contradictory attempts to classify traditional ballads by theme, but commonly identified types are the religious, supernatural, tragic, love ballads, historic, legendary and humorous.
There have been attempts at categorizing this fictional group of beings, and Phillip A. Schreffler argues that by carefully scrutinizing Lovecraft's writings a workable framework emerges that outlines the entire " pantheon " – from the unreachable " Outer Ones " ( e. g. Azathoth, who apparently occupies the centre of the universe ) and " Great Old Ones " ( e. g. Cthulhu, imprisoned on Earth in the sunken city of R ' lyeh ) to the lesser castes ( the lowly slave shoggoths and the Mi-go ).
There have been attempts to incorporate democracy, republicanism, and industrialism into Chinese philosophy, notably by Sun Yat-Sen ( Sūn yì xiān, in one Mandarin form of the name ) at the beginning of the 20th century.
There were two fruitless attempts at establishing a congress of provinces in the subsequent months.
There have been several coup attempts since, but he gained firm control of the country after stepping down temporarily and winning a presidential election in 2002.
There have been many attempts to explain the depiction of Cerberus.
There is also some co-operation between the Central ( Amended ) and Unamended Fellowships in North America – most recently in the Great Lakes region, where numerous Amended & Unamended ecclesias have opened fellowship to one another despite the failure of wider attempts at re-union under the North American Statement of Understanding ( NASU ) in recent years.
There were also five unsuccesssful attempts to design a calculating clock in the 17th century.
There have been attempts to find the cern root in the name of Conall Cernach, the foster brother of the Irish hero Cuchulainn in the Ulster Cycle.
There are early mystery novels in which a police force attempts to contend with the type of criminal known in the 1920s as a homicidal maniac, such as a few of the early novels of Philip Macdonald and Ellery Queen's Cat of Many Tails.
There are sometimes attempts to separate the governing body as a means to resolve these frustrations, but they are rarely successful.
There are attempts to adjust the wording for the upcoming DSM-V.
There were also attempts ( during 1984 ) to take DPNSS into North America.
There were some attempts to declare complete independence in this period, but the UK had given an undertaking not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Faroe Islands nor to act without the permission of a liberated Denmark.
There were several early failed attempts at proving the theorem.
There have been attempts to resolve the Fermi paradox by locating evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations, along with proposals that such life could exist without human knowledge.
There could be multiple such instances of attempts to push, but it seems from the accounts of the ancients that these were perfectly orchestrated and attempted organized en masse.
There had been three attempts in 1606, 1667, and 1689 to unite the two countries by Acts of Parliament, but it was not until the early 18th century that the idea had the will of both political establishments behind them, albeit for rather different reasons.
There was also increasing opposition to the use of psychiatric hospitals, and attempts to move people back into the community on a collaborative user-led group approach (" therapeutic communities ") not controlled by psychiatry.

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