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Page "Cedar Waxwing" ¶ 3
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These and birds
These birds are absent from the southern tip of Florida and the highest elevations of the Appalachian Mountains, but are found in eastern Mexico and in Cuba.
These birds are generally solitary or found in pairs early in the year, but family groups are common in the late summer and winter roosts may have two dozen or more birds in a single covey.
These are generally monogamous birds, though some evidence of polygamy has been noted.
These birds can raise 1-2 broods of 12-16 eggs per brood annually.
These birds are believed to have had a life span of about 20 to 25 years.
These are characteristics of mammals and birds.
Lovette, a member of the committee, said that more testing is needed to support that change, but concluded that " These results will likely initiate an interesting debate on how we should classify these birds.
These birds need about per pair so they can find enough food to feed their young and themselves.
These paired birds will mate every year between January and May.
These include from microscopic rotifers and insects, to fish, amphibians, birds and mammals.
These sand bars are often associated with large wetlands, which support large numbers of plant and animal species, as well as providing important rest areas for migratory birds.
These contain a rich southern biota ; typical examples include birds such as ibis and egrets.
These birds feed by hunting fish, squid and other small sea animals, for which they travel and dive quite extensively.
These same studies suggest, however, that moose learn quickly and adapt, fleeing an area if they hear or smell wolves, bears, or scavenger birds such as ravens.
These include all vertebrates with quadrupedal ancestors, including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds.
These are either carrion-feeding or large raptors that can take live mammal prey, including Golden Eagle, Rough-legged Buzzard ( also known as the Rough-legged Hawk ), and Raven, or else seed-eating birds, including several species of grouse and crossbills.
These frequencies are invisible to humans, but visible to a number of insects and birds.
These birds are of great value as scavengers, especially in hot regions.
These eagles often target various arboreal or ground-dwelling mammals and birds, which are often unsuspectingly ambushed in such dense, knotty environments.
These included Guillaume Rondelet who described his observations in the Mediterranean and Pierre Belon who described the fish and birds that he had seen in France and the Levant.
These projects help to identify distributions of birds, their population densities and changes over time, arrival and departure dates of migration, breeding seasonality and even population genetics.
These flies are an important source of food for migratory and nesting birds.
These are mainly woodland birds with long tails and high visual acuity, hunting by sudden dashes from a concealed perch.
These data support the idea that non-breeding birds combine adrenal and / or gonadal DHEA synthesis with neural DHEA metabolism to maintain territorial behavior when gonadal testosterone secretion is low.

These and most
These things are important to almost all Persians and perhaps most important to the most ordinary.
These Seven Founders constituted an intellectual and social elite, the most respectable and disinterested leadership any revolution ever confessed.
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
These changes were most marked in the gastrocnemius and biceps and less evident in the pectoralis, diaphragm, and transversus.
These items, and most of the others listed above, seem quite comparable to items whose right of survival is provided for in section 381.
These men -- for the most part educated in our `` best '' New England colleges, well established financially and socially in the community -- under kindly but insistent probing, reveal little or no objective or explicit criteria or data for their generalizations about the interests and attitudes of the people they claim to serve, or about the public responses that actually follow their occasional breach of a `` client-service relationship ''.
These dates are older than dates associated with most other proto-languages.
These three cell layers consist of the melanophores ( occupying the deepest layer ), the guanophores ( forming an intermediate layer and containing many granules, producing a blue-green colour ) and the lipophores ( yellow, the most superficial layer ).
These three differ from each other in the way they treat vowels: abjads have letters for consonants and leave most vowels unexpressed ; abugidas are also consonant-based, but indicate vowels with diacritics to or a systematic graphic modification of the consonants.
These parameters were most clearly articulated in the various rubrics of the successive prayer books, as well as the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.
These Lambeth Conferences have been held roughly every 10 years since 1878 ( the second such conference ) and remain the most visible coming-together of the whole Communion.
These and most other cities and large towns are now connected with asphalt-paved roads, while smaller towns are often connected by dirt roads, which may require a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
These buses are not for tourists only, but are certainly the nicest and most uniform of the bus systems.
These four elements were eventually codified in most states.
These and other works raised his reputation so high that the most flattering offers were sent to him from the Russian court to induce him to remove to St Petersburg, but these were declined, although many of his finest works made their way to the Hermitage Museum.
" These criteria for autobiography generally persisted until recent times, and most serious autobiographies of the next three hundred years conformed to them.
These guitars are most commonly used by swing and jazz players and often incorporate electronics in the form of a pickup.
These works are among the most frequently recorded of Salieri's compositions.
These represent the most intellectual type of chamber-music of their period, and it is to be regretted that they have remained almost entirely in manuscript, since a careful study of them is indispensable to anyone who wishes to form an adequate idea of Scarlatti's development.
These medications are among those most commonly prescribed by psychiatrists and other physicians, and their effectiveness and adverse effects are the subject of many studies and competing claims.
These techniques also tend to form the backbone of most undergraduate analytical chemistry educational labs.
These AC's are the most familiar based on extensive study due to their important roles in human health.
These compounds, e. g. calicheamicin, are some of the most aggressive antitumor drugs known, so much so that the ene-diyne subunit is sometimes referred to as a " warhead.
These pieces are representative of Beethoven's " Middle " stylistic period, which went from roughly 1803 to 1812, and which included many of his most famous works.

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