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Page "Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke" ¶ 12
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These and episodes
These disorders range from bipolar I disorder, featuring full-blown manic episodes, to cyclothymia, featuring less prominent hypomanic episodes, to " subsyndromal " conditions where only some of the criteria for mania or hypomania are met.
These disorders typically also involve depressive symptoms or episodes that alternate with the elevated mood states, or with mixed episodes that feature symptoms of both.
These cases generally involve severe manic episodes with dangerous behavior or depressive episodes with suicidal ideation.
( These rules are not intended to apply in case of differing episodes of the same series ; this difference may not always be communicated to distributors, although this is rather rare.
These patients have recurrent absence seizures, brief episodes of unresponsive staring, sometimes with minor motor features such as eye blinking or subtle chewing.
These three writers rarely used episodes from Roman history.
These episodes were first broadcast in 1984 – 85.
These episodes appear in many later adaptations of Geoffrey's account.
These later series make extensive use of specific street and garden locations in most episodes, particularly for scenes involving the Meldrew's neighbours.
These are characterised by problems with mood control and the psychotic episodes appear associated with disturbances in mood, and patients will often have periods of normal functioning between psychotic episodes even without medication.
These series usually run six or eight episodes.
These episodes use the Enterprise crew as the most barbaric members of the Terran Empire.
This final episode, titled " These Are the Voyages ...", aired May 13, 2005 in the United States and was one of the most heavily criticized episodes of the Star Trek franchise.
These episodes show Holmes possesses a degree of charm ; yet apart from the case of Adler, there is no indication of a serious or long-term interest.
These appeared in only one or two episodes each.
These episodes were alarming to her family, who were unable to wake her when she fell asleep suddenly and without warning.
These first five episodes feature a noticeably different tone from the rest of the series, including some more adult-oriented humor, with some raunchier elements and slightly coarser language ; several of the characters, primarily those of Rosco and Cooter, are also given different interpretation to their more recognized roles.
These episodes are usually associated with widespread, but variable airflow obstruction within the lung that is often reversible either spontaneously or with treatment ".
These episodes can cause fractures and muscle tears.
Later, in Star Trek: Enterprise the actual founding of the Federation can be seen in the episodes " Zero Hour " and " These Are the Voyages ...," and early negotiations that lead to it in " Demons " and " Terra Prime.
These appearances began in the second season and included the 1978 Hawaii episodes.

These and demonstrated
These conferences demonstrated that the bishops of disparate churches could manifest the unity of the church in their episcopal collegiality despite the absence of universal legal ties.
These post-acute withdrawal symptoms have also been demonstrated in animal models of alcohol dependence and withdrawal.
These oral histories often contained folk-tale motifs and demonstrated a moral, yet they also contained substantial facts relating to geography, anthropology and history, all compiled by Herodotus in an entertaining style and format.
These studies demonstrated quite clearly that C. alleganiensis feeds primarily on crayfish and small fish.
These works demonstrated a culmination of Escher's skills to incorporate mathematics into art.
These devices are still in the early stages of research, though promising preamplifier results have been demonstrated.
" These urban pioneers demonstrated that the inner-city was an " appropriate " and " viable " place to live, resulting in what is called " inner city chic " ( London and Palen, 1984 ).
These discoveries have demonstrated that manuscripts bearing a " pre-Samaritan " text of at least some portions of the Pentateuch such as Exodus and Numbers circulated alongside other manuscripts with a " pre-Masoretic " text.
These actions demonstrated that during those years, the nation ’ s domestic preparedness was addressed by several disparate legislative actions, motivated by policy and budgetary earmarking, and not by a single, unifying, comprehensive strategy to meet the nation ’ s needs over time.
These changes are demonstrated when he thanks his servants for their service, and allows Nuala to keep the pendant given to him by his recent ex-lover, though earlier Lucien had warned her Morpheus would not want any reminder to be seen in the castle.
) The newspaper showed documents signed by Papon which demonstrated his responsibility in the deportation of 1, 690 Jews of Bordeaux to Drancy from 1942 to 1944 These documents had been provided to the satirical newspaper by one of the survivors of Papon's raid, Michel Slitinsky, in the spring of 1981.
These tests demonstrated several problems, including poor shot-to-shot performance of the decades-old gunpowder, and the fact that the projectile left the barrel so quickly that the powder did not have time to burn completely.
These individuals were selected based on demonstrated leadership, community service and broad representation of community interests and geographic areas ," Watson said.
These neurons are equally active for positive and negative reinforcers, and have been demonstrated to cause plasticity in many cortical regions.
These moors disappeared in the nineteenth century, and it had been thought that the Fenland did not have this kind of peat, until archeological and documentary evidence demonstrated that it did until the early nineteenth century.
These theses were in favour of " revolutionary defeatism ", as opposed to the " imperialist war " ( whose " link to Capital " must be demonstrated to the masses ) and the Social-Chauvinists ( such as Georgi Plekhanov the grandfather of Russian socialism ), who supported the war.
These and several other studies conclusively demonstrated that introducing clay-based materials such as bentonite and termite mound materials significantly and persistently improve the productivity of degraded, light – textured soils.
These actions cost the Americans about 50 % more casualties than those incurred by the British, and they demonstrated to the British officers present that the Americans were capable of putting up stiff resistance.
These data have demonstrated no risk to children as a result of growing up in a family with one or more gay parents.
These include the Wiley Prize for Psychology, founded in 2009 ; the Peter Townsend Policy Press Prize, created in 2011 ; and the British Academy President ’ s Medal, created in 2010 and awarded to up to five recipients each year who have demonstrated “ signal service to the cause of the humanities and social sciences ”.
These are demonstrated in this public domain polyglot written in ANSI C, PHP and bash:
These things must be entirely demonstrated by you, if you will wish to infer from here anything of the absurd.
These early combat experiences demonstrated that standard weapons were not ideal for airborne operations.
These findings strongly demonstrated Africa's central role in the evolution of modern humans, but also indicated that the multiregional model had some validity.

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