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Page "Song Jiang" ¶ 7
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They and have
They would have to go west through the narrow river valley that separated Leyte from Samar and hope that it didn't close in before they returned.
They were married over the week-end, though he was easily sixty and she could not have been even thirty.
`` They wouldn't have sold me in the first place if there'd been food enough to go around ''.
They have pulled out all my teeth and now she will carve out my tongue with her hacksaw!!
They couldn't have much dough, but then none of the freight-bums Feathertop rolled had much.
They have also led the nation in the direction of a welfare state.
They believe that if the South had been let alone it would have produced a civilization superior to that of modern America.
They, too, have fragments of the go code with them.
As Wisman put it, `` They have separate pieces of the pie, and we have the whole pie.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
They are in general those fears that once seemed to have been amenable to prayer or ritual.
They are presumed to have plunged to a common grave in this fatal embrace.
They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough, I believe, in pointing out Faulkner's independence, his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition.
They have an ancestry extending back, however, at least to 1728, when William Byrd described the Lubberlanders he encountered in the back country of Virginia and North Carolina.
They tell us, sir, that we are free, because we have in one hand a ballot, and in the other a stock certificate.
They all have this in common: the earth is situated near the center of the deferent.
They were in fact quietly laughing at him, for their King wished to have nothing to do with the Western world.
On December 21, the day that the Irish House of Commons petitioned for removal of Sir Constantine Phipps, their Tory Lord Chancellor, Molesworth reportedly made this remark on the defense of Phipps by Convocation: `` They that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also ''.
They have remained on the opened page of my mind in all the years which since have passed.
They, in effect, have compromised the opposing positions of the nineteenth century.
They, too, have links with the city's ills.
They opposed the Forand bill, which would have placed the major burden of financial support upon the individual himself through compulsory payroll deduction ; ;

They and brawl
They were not simply handed weapons and given vague directions to engage in a disorderly brawl.
They get drunk and triumph in a barroom brawl.
They flee from the court of Charlemagne after Renaud kills one of Charlemagne's nephews ( Bertolai ) in a brawl.
They repeated as champions in 1954, but the 1953 championship did not finish when players from Ponce and San German were involved in a brawl which BSN officials could not control.
They brawl throughout Habitat, a living forest connected to Cadmus, bringing most of it down.
They then turned to do the same to the north goal post, but were met by Oregon State fans who had come on the field, resulting in a major brawl.
They continued to brawl outside.
They eliminated The Bolsheviks from the match before being eliminated by a double-disqualification in a brawl with the Brain Busters.
They blame a group of Mexicans in a repair shop, and the two groups brawl.
They faced the Nasty Boys once more, this time for the WCW World Tag Team Championships, in a Chicago Street Fight on Spring Stampede 1994, but were defeated in a brutal brawl.

They and over
They squatted on their heels in the deep mud and Dill found a cigar in his breast pocket, passing it over silently.
They were sitting on their heels, rider-fashion, over by the still empty calf wagon.
They made Jess double over.
`` They haven't seen us '', Greg yelled to himself over the engine noise.
They grounded him ( over his protests -- not including his true reason for wanting to fly ) and put him in the Command offices.
They are situated in the midst of trees, which hang over them, and appear truly romantick.
They, however much they were in disagreement with the late Victorians over the method by which Britain was Germanized, agreed with them that the end result was the complete extinction of the previous Celtic population and civilization.
They went up against an SS unit of comparable size, over a little rise of ground, over an open field.
They start on the East side of the Schuylkill, have to cross over to the West to use the expressway and cross over again to the East at their destination.
They crowded the small room and peered over one another's shoulders to watch the handless man write his name in the book.
They won't never git over inter loyal western Virginia, them traitors!!
They had closed over, absolutely, with the sealing of old Izaak's grave.
They form effective fallout shelters when mounded over with earth, as shown in figure 10.
They range from an eight-foot pram, which you can build yourself for less than $50, to auxiliary sailboats which can cost over $100,000.
They must in their planning be able to count on at least tentative commitments of foreign capital assistance over periods of several years.
They had winged over the Adriatic, they had taken Bari by complete surprise and now they were battering her, attacking with deadly skill.
They got it over the side and clambered aboard only a few minutes before their schooner went under.
They overran the 7th Cav's forward machine-gun positions through sheer weight of numbers, over piles of their own dead.
They spread over an area no larger than Oregon ; ;
They knew that I was still grieving over the tragic event, and they felt that if I could see the recovery and the spirit of the people, who hold no grudge, but who also regret Pearl Harbor, I would be happier and would understand better a new Japan.
They were all three bent over a shabby riding boot ; ;
They are accused of whisking secrets out of naval strongrooms over which they kept guard.

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