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new and political
If we were creating a wholly new society, we could insist that our social, political, economic and philosophic institutions foster rather than hamper man ; ;
Britain in the nineteenth century is a textbook designed `` to give the sense of continuous growth, to show how economic led to social, and social to political change, how the political events reacted on the economic and social, and how new thoughts and new ideals accompanied or directed the whole complicated process ''.
In the next few months of comparative silence, Pike waited patiently until conditions were perfect for a new attack, and then, displaying a remarkable grasp of the subtleties of political infighting, gained from his first bout with Woodruff, he used these changed conditions to excellent advantage.
The unstable political situation there represents one reason new plants shy away from the East Side.
In the first place, a large part of the discrepancy between President Eisenhower's estimate of a 1.5 billion dollar surplus for the same period and the new estimate of an almost seven billion dollar deficit is the result of the outgoing President's farewell gift of a political booby-trap to his successor.
The capacity of intellectuals and members of the new professional classes to contribute creatively to national development is likely to be destroyed by a constraining sense of inferiority toward both their own political class and their colleagues and professional counterparts in the West.
In the absence of a reservoir of political consensus each organized political group hopes that the elections will give them new prominence, but in a system where there is as yet no place for the less prominent.
The new Council was itself inescapably of political meaning, which was most clearly revealed in the absence of any U.N.F.P. members and the presence of several Istiqlal leaders.
A heterogeneous people have needed it to attain an element of cultural and political cohesion in a new and ever-changing land.
Regarding Atlanta's new multi-million-dollar airport, the jury recommended `` that when the new management takes charge Jan. 1 the airport be operated in a manner that will eliminate political influences ''.
`` Such a vicious statement can only have its origin in the desire of a new political candidate to try to make his name known by condemning a man of world stature.
The goal of the Annales was to undo the work of the Sorbonnistes, to turn French historians away from the narrowly political and diplomatic toward the new vistas in social and economic history.
When the Jacobin faction seized control of the Revolutionary government in 1792, Jean-Jacques Ampère resisted the new political tides, and he was guillotined on November 24, 1793, as part of the Jacobin purges of the period.
Although Amalaric eventually became king in his own right, the political continuity of the Visigothic kingdom was broken ; " Amalaric's succession was the result of new power structures, not old ones ," as Heather describes it.
The disposition of Essex, held by West Saxon kings since the days of Egbert, is unclear from the treaty, though, given Alfred ’ s political and military superiority, it would have been surprising if he had conceded any disputed territory to his new godson.
In parallel with the revolutions against rising political absolutism based on established religion and the replacememt of faith by reasonable faith, new systems of metaphysics were promulgated in the lecture halls by charismatic professors, such as Immanuel Kant, Nietzsche and Hegel.
The CSP continued to ban political parties and organizations, yet promised a transition to civilian rule and a new constitution.
One condition placed on the Bauhaus in this new political environment was the exhibition of work undertaken at the school.
Having presided over relatively serene political, economic and social conditions, the feeling of prosperity in the UK had been maintained into the new millennium, and Labour would have a free hand to assert its ideals in the subsequent parliament.
The political terms of " modern ", " progressive " or " new " Liberalism began to appear in the mid to late 1880s and became increasingly common to denote the tendency in the Liberal Party to favour an increased role for the state as more important than the classical liberal stress on self-help and freedom of choice.

new and unity
With the expansion of the British Empire, and hence the growth of Anglicanism outside Great Britain and Ireland, the Communion sought to establish new vehicles of unity.
A new take on Catharism in Languedoc — argues against any kind of doctrinal unity of mid-13th-century Cathars.
His images were carefully ordered in a patterned sequence, and his major theme was the unity of all life, the continuing process of life and death and new life that linked the generations.
One, indicating unity: one new man, one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
At that time, numerous influences-including a growing awareness of the unity and fragility of the biosphere following mankind's first steps into outer space ( see, for example, the Blue Marble ), increased public concern over the impact of industrial activity on natural resources and human health ( see, for example, the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire, the increasing strength of the regulatory state, and more broadly the advent and success of environmentalism as a political movement-coalesced to produce a huge new body of law in a relatively short period of time.
This new stage convention highlighted the frequency with which Shakespeare shifts dramatic location, encouraging the recurrent criticisms of his violation of the neoclassical principle of maintaining a unity of place.
The new RCC's motto became " freedom, socialism, and unity ".
Men like Rabanus Maurus, Louis ' younger half-brothers Drogo and Hugh, and Emma, Judith's sister and Louis the German's new wife, worked on the younger Louis to make peace with his father, for the sake of unity of the empire.
With the end of the war, the priority of allied unity was replaced with a new challenge, the nature of the relationship between the two emerging superpowers.
With the popular dream of unity still a popular force that politicians often thought they had to give lip service to, Egypt, Syria and Iraq entered into an abortive agreement in 1963 to form a new " United Arab Republic ," which was to be entirely federal in structure, leaving each member state its identity and institutions.
Before that, the German question ruptured this " German unity " after the ' 48 Revolution before it was achieved, however ; Austria-Hungary as a multinational state could not become part of the new " German empire ", and nationality conflicts in Prussia with the Prussian Poles arose (" We can never be Germans-Prussians, every time!
Two years later, under the pressure of Allies ( especially France desperate to open a new front ), on August 14 / 27 1916 it joined the Allies, for which they were promised support for the accomplishment of national unity, Romania declared war on Austria-Hungary.
Moreover, the glory and comparative unity of the Arab World under Saladin was seen as the perfect symbol for the new unity sought by Arab nationalists, such as Gamal Abdel Nasser.
A new concept of celebrations beneath the human underground must emerge, become conscious, and be shared, so a revolution can be formed with a renaissance of compassion, awareness, and love, and the revelation of unity for all mankind.
The leader of the historic Spanish reactionary conservative movement called the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right declared his intention to " give Spain a true unity, a new spirit, a totalitarian polity ..." and went on to say " Democracy is not an end but a means to the conquest of the new state.
Also, already during the interwar period, Otto Neurath and other members of the Vienna Circle strongly propagated the need for both the unity of science and the popularization of new scientific concepts.
On 5 January 1990, addressing Conservatives in Liverpool, Powell claimed that if the Conservatives played the " British card " at the next general election, they could win ; the new mood in Britain for " self-determination " had given the newly independent nations of Eastern Europe a " beacon ", adding that Britain should stand alone, if necessary, for European freedom, adding: " We are taunted –- by the French, by the Italians, by the Spaniards -– for refusing to worship at the shrine of a common government superimposed upon them all ... where were the European unity merchants in 1940?
" I believe that the man choosing progress can find a new unity through the development of all his human forces, which are produced in three orientations.
Demand for unity by the right, encouraged Manning to promote a new movement, the " United Alternative ", to create a small -" c " conservative alternative to the Liberals.
The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century broke the unity of Western Christendom and led to the formation of numerous new religious sects, which often faced persecution by governmental authorities.
When Archbishop Athenagoras assumed his new position on February 24, 1931, he was faced with the task of bringing unity and harmony to a diocese that was racked with dissension between Royalists and Republicans ( Venizelists ), who had virtually divided the country into separate dioceses.
The opportunity for unity, however, was wasted largely because the new President, Bernardino Rivadavia, pushed a new Constitution even more biased towards Buenos Aires ' agenda than the failed 1819 document.

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