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Page "Ray Bradbury" ¶ 27
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was and where
The Gap looming before him -- the place where had confronted Jack English on that day so many years ago -- was his exit from all that had meaning to him.
There was only one place where Jake Carwood's description had gone badly awry: the peace and quiet.
There was only one place where the mountain might receive her -- that unnamed, unnameable pool harbored in its secret bosom.
Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding.
He wondered where the superstition had originated that it was bad luck for a crew chief to watch his plane take off on a combat mission.
Over the rapidly-diminishing outline of a jump seat piled high with luggage Herry's black brushcut was just discernible, near, or enviably near that spot where -- hidden -- more delicately-textured, most beautifully tinted hair must still be streaming back in cool, oh cool wind sweetly perfumed with sagebrush and yucca flowers and engine fumes.
How lightly her `` eventshah-leh '' passed into the crannies where I was storing dialect material for some vaguely dreamed opus, and how the word would echo.
It was a disturbingly familiar face, too, but I couldn't remember where we had met.
The keys were still in it, and I was miles away before I remembered that my clothes and purse and everything were still in the little cabana where I'd changed ''.
She was sitting on the edge of the bed again, back in the same position where the snake had found her.
She softly let herself into the bed, and took her regular side, away from the door, where she slept better because Keith was between her and the invader.
That was where he met Penny.
Now, the next morning, they were anchored at The Elbow and the boat was riding directly over the underwater ledge where the green water turned to deepest blue and the cliff dropped straight down 600 fathoms, with the weighted line beside it ; ;
And so when Miss Langford came to teach at the one-room Chestnut school, where Jack was a pupil in the eighth grade, the Woman of Jack's mind assumed the teacher's face and figure.
Once ( this was on the third day of school ) she kneeled down to pick up some books where they'd dropped on the floor and Jack looked up her dress -- at the bare expanse of incredibly white leg.
Jack walked off alone out the road in the searing midday sun, past Robert Allen's three-room, tarpapered house, toward the field where the other boys were playing ball, thinking of what he would do in order to make Miss Langford have him stay in after school -- because this was the day he had decided when he thought he saw the look in her eyes.
In his native Cologne, where his mother taught him to play the piano, he was able to read notes before he learned the alphabet.
Yet when, at war's end, the ex-Tory made the first move to resume correspondence, Jay wrote him from Paris, where he was negotiating the peace settlement:
it was mud in wet weather and dust, ankle-deep, in dry, and could be crossed only at the corner where there were stepping stones.
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.
They, perhaps, gave the pitch of their position in the preface where it was said that Eisenhower requested that the Commission be administered by the American Assembly of Columbia University, because it was non-partisan.
After a year in a studio on Sheridan Square, having married an American girl who was a native of Virginia, Helion moved to a village in the Blue Ridge mountains, where he produced some of the most imposing of his abstract canvases.
She was exposing herself to temptation which it is best to avoid where it can consistently be done.
It was symbolized ( at least for those of us who recognized ourselves in the image ) by that self-consuming, elegiac candle of Edna St. Vincent Millay's, that candle which from the quatrain where she ensconced it became a beacon to us, but which in point of fact would have had to be as tall as a funeral taper to last even the evening, let alone the night.

was and met
Glowering looks met them in the bar, but there was no attempt to halt them.
I was aware that when our eyes met we both quickly averted them.
When our eyes met the air was filled with an unuttered message of `` Me, too ''.
No wonder Wright was enchanted -- no two better suited people ever met.
Mrs. Sandburg received a Phi Beta Kappa key from the University of Chicago and she was busy writing and teaching when she met Sandburg.
A year ago, when I met with you, the nation was emerging from an economic downturn, even though the signs of resurgent prosperity were not then sufficiently convincing to the doubtful.
On January 24 Paul Bang-Jensen, accompanied by Adolf Berle, was met by Dragoslav Protitch and Colonel Frank Begley, former Police Chief of Farmington, Conn., and now head of U.N. special police.
On one visit he stopped at the office of the American, where he was known surreptitiously as `` the Great White Chief '', and for the first time met his managing editor, fat Moses Koenigsberg.
As I got off the trolley at Kehl bridge the next morning, I was met by what looked like 5,000 students, some of whom were carrying sticks apparently for the coming `` battle '' with the police.
This of course was not true of the educated and sophisticated people we met, who loved their pets, but kindness is not a basic human instinct.
I never met John Dewey, whose style was a sort of verbal fog and who had written asking me to go to Mexico with him when he was investigating the cause of Trotsky ; ;
It was faced immediately with a showdown on the schools, an issue which was met squarely in conjunction with the governor with a decision not to risk abandoning public education.
But the internationalists have taken over the governing body of the bar, and when the lads met in St. Louis, it was not to grumble about the humidity but to vote unanimously that the United Nations was scarcely less than wonderful, despite an imperfection here and there.
Brittany, that stone-gray mystery through which he traveled for thirty days, sleeping in the barns of farmers or alongside roads, had worked some subtle change in him, he knew, and it was in Brittany that he had met Pierre.
But when this proposal was made to his Deacon Board, he met unanimous opposition.
Her voice was ripe and full and her teeth flashed again in Sicilian brilliance before the warm curved lips met and her mouth settled in repose.
He also met Count Rumford ( born Benjamin Thompson in Woburn, Mass. ) who was then serving the Elector of Bavaria, and the physicist Ritter ; ;
The earlier New Haven development was public housing, so it easily leaped over the problems met in a private venture.
Fran and he had met about two years after she had arrived in Manhattan from Nebraska, or was it Wyoming??
It was during her `` writing '' period that she and Herb met and decided that they were in love.

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