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Page "Trent Lott" ¶ 23
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Those and who
Those who had slickers donned them.
Those who stayed had to pass tests.
Those who actually get there find that it isn't spooky at all but as brilliant as a tile in sunlight.
Those who are sexually liberated can become creatively alive and free, their instincts put at the service of the imagination.
Those who are sexual deviants are naturally drawn to join the beatniks.
Those who would suppress dangerous thoughts, credit ideas with high potency.
Those who are insecure fear to be candid in self-examination.
Those who wanted to close the theaters, for example, pointed to Plato's Republic and those who wished to keep them open called on the Plato of the Ion to testify in their behalf.
Those who do have occasion to deal with the invasions in a more general way, like T.W. Shore and Arthur Wade-Evans, are on the side of a gradual and often peaceful Germanic penetration into Britain.
Those who walk on it may encounter at any turn ministers of grace or damnation.
Those who have quality will outgrow `` the experience ; ;
Those who refused to believe that He was the eternal Son of God were termed Arianists.
Those who saw his finished Pieta would take the place of the biblical witnesses.
Those who had driven hundreds of miles for the burial would not go home, for she might die any time ; ;
Those who have never traveled the width and length of this land cannot conceive, on the basis of textbook description alone, the overwhelming space and variety of this country held together under one government.
Those children who can chin themselves should be told to do one chin-up each time they pass under it.
Those who are too weak, should climb on the chair and, starting at the top of the chin, let themselves slowly down.
Those persons who were lucky enough to see and hear the performance of his work at the Brest-Silevniov Festival in August, 1916, will certainly welcome his return to public notice ; ;
Those who responded with an arm-elevation in the naive state did not change their reaction when told that there were some normal people who did not react in this fashion.
Those modern scholars who urge that we must keep in mind the fundamental continuity of Aegean development from earliest times -- granted occasional irruptions of peoples and ideas from outside -- are correct ; ;
Those who feared `` emotionalism '' at the Trial showed less understanding than Dr. Servatius of the route by which man achieves the distance necessary for fairness toward enemies.
Those who, because of population mobility and the reputed desire of employers to train their own employees, would limit vocational education to general rather than specific skills ought to bear in mind the importance of motivation in any kind of school experience.
Those who lived in that desolation of rocky deformity took on some of the moraine's stony character.

Those and leave
Those without identification or dressed in full drag were arrested ; others were allowed to leave.
Those who were not arrested were released from the front door, but they did not leave quickly as usual.
Those open houses sometimes became rowdy: in 1829, President Andrew Jackson had to leave for a hotel when roughly 20, 000 citizens celebrated his inauguration inside the White House.
Those who could prove their loyalty to the Union were permitted to stay in the region, but had to leave their farms and move to communities near military outposts.
Those inhabitants who could not conform to the prince's religion were allowed to leave, an innovative idea in the sixteenth century.
Those who believe that Masaryk was murdered called it the Third Defenestration of Prague, and point to the presence of nail marks on the window sill from which Masaryk fell, as well as smearings of feces and Masaryk's stated intention to leave Prague the next day for London.
Those left in the house were soon confronted by troops requesting that they leave.
Those who have burnt out all desire for continued existence leave the world of desire and live in the world on the level of form alone: they see forms but are not drawn to them.
Those that appear promising, defined by the authors as " programs for which the level of certainty is too low to make firm conclusions, but for which based on the limited evidence there is some reason to expect some successful reduction in crime ," include: proactive drunk driving arrests with breath testing may reduce accident deaths ; Community policing with meetings to set priorities may reduce perceptions of crime ; police showing greater respect to arrested offenders may reduce repeat offending ; polite field interrogations of suspicious persons may reduce street crime ; making arrest warrants to domestic violence suspects who leave the scene before police arrive may reduce domestic violence ; higher number of police officers in cities may reduce crime ; and gang monitoring by community workers and probation and police officers may reduce gang violence.
Those inhabitants who could not conform to the prince's religion were allowed to leave, an innovative idea in the 16th century ; this principle was discussed at length by the various delegates, who finally reached agreement on the specifics of its wording after examining the problem and the proposed solution from every possible angle. Cuius regio, eius religio went against earlier Catholic teaching which held that the kings should faithfully obey the pope.
Those migrating eastward to communist Russia had to choose between permanent communist citizenship, service in the Red Army in its battles against the Wehrmacht, and loss of freedom to subsequently leave Russia or alternatively to become displaced persons known as DPs.
Those opposed to their use prefer restraining children through hand-holding, not making them seem like animals, confinement to strollers, or not permitting children who behave badly or wander away to leave their homes.
Those in charge of his estate thought about how, if at all, to continue the event and, in the end, decided to retire the concept of the " Red Party " and leave it to history.
Those who leave France receive 300 euros and each Roma child is given 100 euros.
Those that recover from their injuries are free to leave at any time.
Those who refuse to comply will be denied entry into Japan and forced to leave.
Those affected by the new laws were almost all the Spaniards of the colony, many of them far advanced in years, who had passed through all the trying period of the conquest, and whom the new laws would leave in abject poverty.
Those who were not meant to lead would leave the circle before it consumed them, and the caste that the consumed candidate belonged to would assume rulership.
Those who did leave were concerned about the severity of the storm, while those who stayed felt their home was safe enough for the hurricane's effects.
Those in concrete houses were given an extra day to leave, and their homes were reduced to rubble.
Those who leave school but do not participate in the NYS can volunteer for a government-administered six-month work program, receiving a training stipend below the minimum wage.
Those who would attempt to leave the Mint on Sunday to gather money from friends or lenders were often called " Sunday gentlemen ", as they would attempt to appear prosperous to hoodwink lenders.
Those who possess mild amounts of refractive error may elect to leave the condition uncorrected, particularly if the patient is asymptomatic.
Those who renounced the Cathar faith were allowed to leave and the castle itself was destroyed.

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