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Page "Left-wing politics" ¶ 6
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Those and who
Those who had slickers donned them.
Those who stayed had to pass tests.
Those who actually get there find that it isn't spooky at all but as brilliant as a tile in sunlight.
Those who are sexually liberated can become creatively alive and free, their instincts put at the service of the imagination.
Those who are sexual deviants are naturally drawn to join the beatniks.
Those who would suppress dangerous thoughts, credit ideas with high potency.
Those who are insecure fear to be candid in self-examination.
Those who wanted to close the theaters, for example, pointed to Plato's Republic and those who wished to keep them open called on the Plato of the Ion to testify in their behalf.
Those who do have occasion to deal with the invasions in a more general way, like T.W. Shore and Arthur Wade-Evans, are on the side of a gradual and often peaceful Germanic penetration into Britain.
Those who walk on it may encounter at any turn ministers of grace or damnation.
Those who have quality will outgrow `` the experience ; ;
Those who refused to believe that He was the eternal Son of God were termed Arianists.
Those who saw his finished Pieta would take the place of the biblical witnesses.
Those who had driven hundreds of miles for the burial would not go home, for she might die any time ; ;
Those who have never traveled the width and length of this land cannot conceive, on the basis of textbook description alone, the overwhelming space and variety of this country held together under one government.
Those children who can chin themselves should be told to do one chin-up each time they pass under it.
Those who are too weak, should climb on the chair and, starting at the top of the chin, let themselves slowly down.
Those persons who were lucky enough to see and hear the performance of his work at the Brest-Silevniov Festival in August, 1916, will certainly welcome his return to public notice ; ;
Those who responded with an arm-elevation in the naive state did not change their reaction when told that there were some normal people who did not react in this fashion.
Those modern scholars who urge that we must keep in mind the fundamental continuity of Aegean development from earliest times -- granted occasional irruptions of peoples and ideas from outside -- are correct ; ;
Those who feared `` emotionalism '' at the Trial showed less understanding than Dr. Servatius of the route by which man achieves the distance necessary for fairness toward enemies.
Those who, because of population mobility and the reputed desire of employers to train their own employees, would limit vocational education to general rather than specific skills ought to bear in mind the importance of motivation in any kind of school experience.
Those who lived in that desolation of rocky deformity took on some of the moraine's stony character.

Those and opposed
Those members of the outgoing Executive who opposed the change comprised a quorum.
Those who opposed the amendment in North America became known as the " Unamended fellowship " and allowed the teaching that God either could not or would not raise those who had no covenant relationship with him.
Those who held that the reasons for separation from the Suffolk Street Fellowship remained, opposed the re-union and formed the Old Paths Fellowship.
Those who were opposed to Louis ' policies further undermined royal authority by distributing pamphlets ( often reporting false or exaggerated information ) that criticized the government and its officials, stirring up public opinion against the monarchy.
Those who opposed Microsoft's position countered that the browser was still a distinct and separate product which did not need to be tied to the operating system, since a separate version of Internet Explorer was available for Mac OS.
Those princes opposed to the Staufen dynasty also decided, on the initiative of Richard of England, to elect instead a member of the House of Welf.
Those in favor of cultural synthesis desired a balance between change and continuity as opposed to the assimilationists who only wanted change.
Those who opposed this resolution argued that its presence would cause the other, more rational resolutions to lose support.
Those cardinals who had opposed Benedict X's election met at Siena in December 1058, and elected Hildebrand's candidate as Pope, who then took the name Nicholas II ( 1059 – 61 ).
Those specialists maintain that the zither is distinguished by strings spread across all or most of its soundboard, or the top surface of its sound chest, also called soundbox or resonator, as opposed to the lyre, whose strings emanate from a more or less common point off the soundboard, such as a tailpiece.
Those who differ with that opinion counter by calling the lute, violin, guitar, banjo, and other such instruments " independent fingerboard lyres ," as opposed to simply " fingerboard lyres " such as the Welsh crwth, which have both fingerboards and frameworks above their resonators.
Those opposed to Stone's public appearances tore down posters announcing her engagements and burned cayenne pepper or threw finely ground pepper around the lecture hall to try to drive out listeners.
Those opposed to Ahtisaari's settlement proposal, which involved an internationally monitored independence for Kosovo, sought to discredit him.
Those who opposed the Imperial cult, including Oomoto and Soka Gakkai, were persecuted.
Those opposed to adversarial politics believe that politicians should state what they actually think rather than following the ' party line '.
Those opposed to animal testing object that pure research may have little or no practical purpose, but researchers argue that it may produce unforeseen benefits, rendering the distinction between pure and applied research — research that has a specific practical aim — unclear.
Those opposed to the legalizing of any particular behaviour, action, substance or item will claim that legalization will bring benefits to individuals at the expense of the common good.
Those who favour purity of rite are opposed to the devotion, while those who are in favour of the devotion cite it as a point of commonality with their Latin Catholic brethren.
Those politically opposed to military action against Iraq generally agreed that the dossier was unremarkable, with Menzies Campbell observing in the House of Commons that:
for response, Those opposed, say no.
Those in favor of adopting the resolution that was just read, say aye ... Those opposed, say no.
" Those in favor of adopting the resolution, say aye ... Those opposed, say no.

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