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Page "Nap Lajoie" ¶ 26
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Some Related Sentences

We and don't
We don't want Barton's Night Riders loose again ''.
We don't know this guy ''.
We don't think she can make her child defective, emotionally disturbed or autistic.
We don't need this type of protection any more.
We out here don't see enough of the conference to know he is being abused.
We don't 'low nigras to walk on the same sidewalk with white men where I come from.
We found that three men -- two carpenters and a helper -- can put up wall panels or trusses more economically than four men -- because four men don't make two teams ; ;
`` We won't live long enough if I wait for you, besides which you don't need to worry -- there'll be plenty more ''.
Another woman, addressing Christmas cards, said to her husband: `` We sent them one last year but they didn't send us one, so they probably won't send us one this year because they'll think we won't send them one because they didn't last year, don't you think, or shall we ''??
`` We don't ''.
`` We sure don't ''.
We don't none of us want no trouble.
`` We don't want to know whether he's dead, yet.
We don't know his original name, but it seems that he was absorbed by the more powerful Apollo, who stood by the " Mistress of the animals ", becoming her brother.
" You don't think she would have remembered this from the first time ", ' We should consult Absolem " and " your majesty ".
We don't want to take the world by storm.
Said Edward Leech of Scripps, " We don't think it is good editing or sound citizenship to picture the Senate as an assemblage of freaks and crooks ... boobs and undesirables.
Why, man, that's the same kind of music we've been playin ' since 1928 !... We didn't call it rock and roll back when we introduced it as our style back in 1928, and we don't call it rock and roll the way we play it now.
We don't know where we are, the water is green, no white.
Said Edward Leech of Scripps, " We don't think it is good editing or sound citizenship to picture the Senate as an assemblage of freaks and crooks ... boobs and undesirables.
Burton has said of his relationship with Elfman: " We don't even have to talk about the music.
We don't even have to intellectualize – which is good for both of us, we're both similar that way.
When I go to church, I am met by no upturned nose and scornful lip to tell me, ' We don't allow niggers in here!
We don't give a damn about these empty terminologies and we despise those who are terrorized by these words.
We keep imprisoned in this yearning when we don't see reality as it is, namely imperfect and ever-changing ;

We and have
`` We know Penny spent some -- and Carmer must have dropped a few dollars getting that load on ''.
`` We have now a national character to establish '', Washington wrote in 1783.
We have ample light when the sun sets ; ;
We have staved off a war and, since our behavior has involved all these elements, we can only keep adding to our ritual without daring to abandon any part of it, since we have not the slightest notion which parts are effective.
We are forced, in our behavior towards others, to adopt empirically successful patterns in toto because we have such a minimal understanding of their essential elements.
We showed them to each other and said `` Would you have guessed ''??
A Yale historian, writing a few years ago in The Yale Review, said: `` We in New England have long since segregated our children ''.
We hear equally fervent concern over the belief that we have not enough generalists who can see the over-all picture and combine our national skills and knowledge for useful purposes.
We have proved so able to solve technological problems that to contend we cannot realize a universal goal in the immediate future is to be extremely shortsighted, if nothing else.
We must believe we have the ability to affect our own destinies: otherwise why try anything??
We have recourse to the scientifically-trained specialist in the laboratory.
We must not forget, to be sure, that free discussion and debate have produced beneficial results.
We have so completely entered the child's fantasy that his illness and his death are the plausible and the necessary conclusion.
We experience a vague uneasiness about events, a suspicion that our political and economic institutions, like the genie in the bottle, have escaped confinement and that we have lost the power to recall them.
We feel uncomfortable at being bossed by a corporation or a union or a television set, but until we have some knowledge about these phenomena and what they are doing to us, we can hardly learn to control them.
`` We have nothing to hide under a bushel.
We already have the only one of its kind ''.
We may also recognize cases in which the poets have influenced the philosophers and even indirectly the scientists.
We must, therefore, have a look at the new archaeological material and re-examine the literary and place-name evidence which bears upon the problem.
`` We have just returned from Roswell, N.M., where we were defeated, 34 to 9 '', the young man noted.
`` We have a tremendous amount of talent -- but we lack cohesion ''.
We in East Greenwich have the example of two neighboring communities, one currently utilizing double sessions in their schools, and the other facing this prospect next year.
We have far less to fear in the migrant family than we have in the migrant developer under these conditions.

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