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Page "Orbit" ¶ 114
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Some Related Sentences

When and all
When Johnson ejaculated `` Howsabout my buying us all a nice cold Co-cola, Ma'am ''??
When you pass a church on an Irish bus, all the hands flurry in the sign of the cross.
When words can be used in a more fresh and primitive way so that they strike with the force of sights and sounds, when tones of sound and colors of paint and the carven shape all strike the sensibilities with an undeniable force of data in and of themselves, compelling the observer into an attitude of attention, all this imitates the way experience itself in its deepest character strikes upon the door of consciousness and clamors for entrance.
When we consider the disorganized state of the world community, and the legacy of predispositions adversely directed against all who are identified as Jews, it is obvious that the struggle for the minds and muscles of men needs to be prosecuted with increasing vigor and skill.
When Dr. Adenauer was approached by a world citizen delegation to find out his disposition of my case, he gave them his personal approval of my entry, saying that all men advocating peace should be welcomed into Germany.
When their levies came shambling into camp, they were all elbows, hair, and beard.
When it was over, eight of his company were still alive and all eight were wounded.
When all else fails, it is argued that open sessions slow down governmental operations.
When she returned to life in the big house she felt shriveled of all emotion save dedication to duty.
When they first married he had been working in the fields all day, and she would get in the car and drive to wherever he was working, to take him a fresh hot meal.
When the roof blocks are all in place, the final rows of wall blocks are mortared into position.
When air travel was in its infancy, the sky was considered big enough and high enough for all.
When solving an equation that involves division as well as other steps, do all the division steps first to reduce those parts of the equation to their numerical value.
When drilling all the way through a workpiece, always place a piece of scrap wood underneath.
A verse familiar to all grammarians is the quatrain: `` I saw a man once beat his wife When on a drunken spree.
) When the complete file has been read, the grammatical descriptions for all text forms found in the dictionary have been stored in the W-region ; ;
When the Yalta Conference opened, the American policy of postponing all discussion of Russia's western boundaries until the peace conference had broken down.
When the patient was not allowed to move his body in any way at all, the following striking results occurred.
When all has been said, however, the big branch store remains a major break with history in the development of American retailing.
When Costaggini had used up all the sketches thirty-six feet of empty frieze were left over.
When it was all arranged to fit, and not to interrupt the lengthwise flow of movement in the frieze, the cartoons were tried in place.
When the temperature reached 32-degrees-F all protozoan activity ceased ; ;
When all of the rinse water has passed from the reservoir to the tubs the main drains are lowered to permit complete draining of the tubs.
When she reached port, she was found to have on board only eight men, all near starvation.

When and densities
When an element has allotropes with different densities, one representative allotrope is typically selected in summary presentations, while densities for each allotrope can be stated where more detail is provided.
When all densities are multiplied by 4, orbits are the same ; gravitational forces are multiplied by 16 and accelerations by 4, velocities are doubled and orbital periods are halved.
When these densities are divided, references to the spring constant, gravity and cross-sectional area simply cancel, leaving
When this condition is expressed in terms of probability densities, the result is called the Chapman – Kolmogorov equation.
When reporting air-borne rather than water-borne densities, a slightly different convention is used since air is approximately 1000 times less dense than water.
When the reconstructed pyroclastic flow ( stream of mostly hot ash with varying densities ) hit the water two things happened.
* When the starfish are at high densities they may move day and night competing for living coral.
When high densities of Acanthaster which were causing heavy mortality of coral were first seen about Green Island, off Cairns, in 1960-65 there was considerable alarm.
When the iron core of a super massive star becomes heavier than electron degeneracy pressure can support, the core of the star collapses, and the iron core is compressed by gravity until nuclear densities are reached when a strong rebound sends a shock wave throughout the rest of the star and tears it apart in a large supernova explosion.
When in average or low population densities, males establish conventional territories and do not travel much.
When CDs were first introduced they had considerably higher densities ( and overall capacity ) than then-current hard drives, however hard drives have improved much more quickly than optical media, and by the time the latest blue-laser systems become widely available in 2007, the average hard drive will store somewhere between 500 and 750 GB with densities between 150 and 250 Gbit / in².

When and are
When I show up he will know you are a good wife to have told him about it ''.
When the Know-nothings get control, it will read, All men are created equal except Negroes and foreigners and Catholics.
When the reactionary response is thus bolstered by an intellectual defense, the characteristics of that defense are explicable only in terms of the basic attitudes of unanalyzed reaction.
When combined with the metaphysical notion that pure forms of this universe are best appreciated when least embodied in a material substratum, it becomes clear that while earth will be dross on a scale of material-formal ratios, celestial bodies will be of a subtle, quickened, ethereal existence, in whose embodiment pure form will be the dominant component and matter will be absent or remain subsidiary.
She used to tell me, `` When I stand there and look at the flag blowing this way and that way, I have the wonderful, safe feeling that Americans are protected no matter which way the wind blows ''.
When these fields are surveyed together, important patterns of relationship emerge indicating a vast community of reciprocal influence, a continuity of thought and expression including many traditions, primarily literary, religious, and philosophical, but frequently including contact with the fine arts and even, to some extent, with science.
When different colors are used, she is just as likely to color trees purple, hair green, etc..
When finally the two bedraggled men reach their friend's home, Voltaire's fears are once again aroused.
`` When are you to leave ''??
When the aid operations are reorganized the Peace Corps should remain a semi-autonomous, functional unit.
When the budget goes to trustees for approval it is the president's budget, to which his faith and credit are committed ; ;
When they have 4 to 6 leaves and are thrifty little plants, it's time to set them out where they are to remain.
When aircraft are no longer helpless on airfields, they are no longer vulnerable to Aj.
When more than two figures are separated by subtraction symbols the subtraction must be carried out from the left to right if the result is to be correct.
When they're on, the top edges are planed even with the sheer batten.
When painting, Mason's physical eyes are half-closed, while his mind's eye is wide open, and this circumstance accounts in part for the impression he wishes to convey.
When improvements are recommended in working conditions -- such as lighting, rest rooms, eating facilities, air-conditioning -- do you try to set a measure of their effectiveness on productivity??
When sufficiently accurate and complete measurements are available, it will be possible to set limits on the thermal and electrical characteristics of the surface and subsurface materials of the moon.
When some thirteen records of newly and recently born individuals are collated, little or no correlation between length and distribution can be detected.
When three dice are tossed repeatedly, what is the probability that the number of aces is 0 ( or 1, or 2, or 3 )??

0.287 seconds.