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Page "Guo Moruo" ¶ 9
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When and fall
When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they fall into two categories: the simpler ones who have simply accepted the shibboleths of their faith without analysis ; ;
When the Half Moon put in at Dartmouth, England, in the fall of 1609, word of Hudson's findings leaked out, and English interest in him revived.
When they fall by the wayside and fail to achieve Christian stature, it is an indictment of the Church.
When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles work themselves out of the foam and fall into the water below.
When the anchor lands on the bottom, it will generally fall over with the arms parallel to the seabed.
When a core electron is removed, leaving a vacancy, an electron from a higher energy level may fall into the vacancy, resulting in a release of energy.
When you drive a car at night through falling rain, the rain drops illuminated by your car's headlights appear to fall from a position in the sky well in front of your car.
When the Japanese army approached Wuhan in the fall of 1938, Chiang's forces abandoned the city without a fight and withdrew farther inland, to Chongqing.
When the bubble " bursts ," the share prices fall dramatically, and many companies go out of business.
When Kashima lets his guard fall, Namazu thrashes about, causing violent earthquakes.
When Baum had been touring New York State in the title role, the actor playing the ghost fell through the floorboards, and the rural audience thought it was part of the show and demanded that the actor repeat the fall, because they thought it was funny.
When he returned to the Netherlands in October 1979, his band had begun to fall apart, and soon his popularity went downhill.
When asked by Constantia ( Emperor Constantine's sister ) for an image of Jesus, Eusebius denied the request, replying that " To depict purely the human form of Christ before its transformation, on the other hand, is to break the commandment of God and to fall into pagan error ".
When blood glucose levels fall below a certain level, the body begins to use stored sugar as an energy source through glycogenolysis, which breaks down the glycogen stored in the liver and muscles into glucose, which can then be utilized as an energy source.
When Medea confronted Jason about the engagement and cited all the help she had given him, he retorted that it was not she that he should thank, but Aphrodite who made Medea fall in love with him.
When one holds an apple in one's hand and then lets go of the apple, the apple will fall due to gravitational force.
I had to console them with feeble excuses such as that His Excellency was not very well, or engaged in an urgent state call to Berlin ... For the rest of the morning he listened to reports from members of the Embassy staff, unless I had to accompany him to the Foreign Office ... When Ribbentrop strutted through the Office corridors like a peacock, his head thrown back, it was a miracle that he did not fall over.
When, during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, the League accused Italian soldiers of targeting Red Cross medical tents, Benito Mussolini responded that " the League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out.
When they have leant upon them, according to their habit, they knock down by their weight the unsupported trees, and fall down themselves along with them.
When León became the first city in Nicaragua to fall to the Sandinistas, he responded with aerial bombardment, famously ordering the air force to " bomb everything that moves until it stops moving.
When there has also been an osteoporotic fracture ( also termed " low trauma-fracture " or " fragility fracture "), defined as one that occurs as a result of a fall from a standing height, the term " severe or established " osteoporosis is used.
When maternal blood Phe levels fall below 2 micromol / dL, anecdotal reports indicate that the mothers may suffer adverse effects, including headaches, nausea, hair loss, and general malaise.
When the Athletics first joined the American League, the two teams played each other in a spring and fall series.
When long term pain is relieved by therapeutic intervention, scores on the neurotic triad and anxiety fall, often to normal levels.
When his enemies do not fall for this ruse, he persuades them to drink with him instead.

When and 1903
When Karađorđe was killed by Miloš Obrenović, a feud between the two houses of Karađorđević and the Obrenović developed which lasted until the Obrenović King Alexander I was killed in 1903 with his family and the Karadjordjević returned to the throne.
When the last shabdrung died in 1903 and a reincarnation had not appeared by 1906, civil administration came under the control of Ugyen Wangchuck.
" When he was asked about his ancestry, he would always reply " Alsace-Lorraine, Germany ," from where his forebears had emigrated to Russia ( and which, at the time of Welk's birth in 1903, had become part of the German Empire ).
When the youngest county of Houston was formed in 1903, Henry became the smallest.
When it became evident that these efforts were coming to naught, Chamberlain, on 24 April 1903, offered Herzl a territory in East Africa.
In 1903, When the bonds were paid off early, they celebrated by having a bond-burning celebration.
When Harper's refused to publish " Christian Science " in 1903, Twain interpreted the rejection as suppression caused by pressure from Christian Science and wrote, " The situation is not barren of humour.
When a townsite was laid out in 1903, the new town was named Tremont at the request of the German colony.
Haller City was a nearby town founded April 24, 1890, by Theodore Haller and his parents Henrietta and Granville O. Haller. When Arlington was incorporated as a city in May 5, 1903, it included Haller City.
When Chamberlain resigned in 1903, Marsh became private secretary to his successor, Alfred Lyttelton.
When opened in 1903, it was considered the most modern automobile manufacturing facility in the world, and its skilled craftsmen practised over eighty trades.
When the magazine blamed the theatrical team of Klaw & Erlanger for Chicago ’ s grisly Iroquois Theater Fire in 1903, a national uproar ensued.
When smelter workers went on strike in Colorado City, Colorado in 1903 it appeared that they might be able to win their demands without a serious fight, since the Cripple Creek miners were striking in sympathy with their demands.
When in March 1920, the Irish Estate Commission reviewed the development since 1903 under these Acts, they estimated that 83 million sterling had been advanced for transferred, whilst a further were pending costing 24 million sterling.
When the revolution came in November 1903, the United States intervened to protect the rebels, who succeeded in taking over the province, declaring it independent as the Republic of Panama.
When the federal Parliament passed the Judiciary Act in 1903, which created the High Court of Australia, Griffith was the natural choice as the first Chief Justice ; the position for which he was indeed appointed.
When in 1903 most of SDF members in Scotland broke away to form the Socialist Labour Party, without contacting their fellow impossibilists in London those impossibilists, chiefly in Battersea branch, decided to break away and form their own organisation, which they did the following year.
In 1903 during a visit to Canada, he said of his mishap in Kicking Horse Pass, " When I regained consciousness, my grave was dug and they were preparing to put me in it.
When Lenin was in London ( 1902 – 1903 ) the newspaper was edited from a small office at 37a Clerkenwell Green, EC1, with Henry Quelch arranging the necessary printworks.
When the post office formed in 1903, it was a part of the Federal Electoral District: Assiniboia, North West Territories, as well as part of the provisional district of Assiniboia West, North West Territories.
When David Brown died in 1903, his sons Percy and Frank took over and began the manufacture of complete gear units, bearings and shafts and worm drive gears.
When Rupert became chairman of the Savoy in 1903, Ada was given a position at the hotel's American Bar, where she eventually became the head bartender and made cocktails for the likes of Mark Twain, the Prince of Wales, Prince Wilhelm of Sweden, and Sir Charles Hawtrey.
When he returned from Europe, in 1903, brought in addition to their training, the passion for football that was at that time a sport of the elite.
When it was announced in 1903, that the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway would be coming through near Hazelton, another flurry of excitement erupted and hundreds of settlers poured into the district, buying whatever land they could get a hold of.

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