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Page "Ivory-billed Woodpecker" ¶ 14
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When and bird
When a man distinguished himself by deeds of valour, or any form of meritorious conduct, he was often decorated by a chief by being presented with the feathers of this bird.
When European explorers discovered what are today known as penguins in the Southern Hemisphere, they noticed their similar appearance to the Great Auk and named them after this bird, although they are not related.
When the bird returned, it used the shamir to break the glass, whereupon the men scared the bird, causing it to drop the worm, which the men could then bring to Solomon.
When he died, they opened his skull and found the insect had grown to the size of a bird.
When the sacrificial animal was a bird, however, the ritual was quite different.
When a bird lands on this it gets stuck to the branch and is then easy to catch by hand.
When his brother Anthus was killed by their father's horses, Zeus and Apollo pitied Schoeneus and transformed him into a bird.
The child was raised with care, and when he grew to adulthood he married Tonga-rau-tāwhiri When she was pregnant, she had a craving to eat the flesh of a tui bird, and asked Wahieroa to catch one.
When Sharon first meets Lauren in the episodes " For The Birds " she is afraid that Lauren should not have a exotic bird that belongs in its natural habitat.
When drawing this figure spread out on a plane, the figure on this carving shows more of a resemblance as a bird deity with maize iconography, not Kinich Ahau.
When not toiling for the witch-woman, she is kept in the form of a multicoloured bird chained by a silver thread to a Gypsy wagon.
When swimming in this style the name Snakebird is apparent, since only the colored neck appears above water the bird looks like a snake ready to strike.
When a large egg, such as that of an ostrich or bustard, is located, the bird walks up to it with a large pebble held in its bill and tosses the pebble by swinging the neck down over the egg.
When an imprint must be bred from, the breeder lets the male bird copulate with his head while he is wearing a special hat with pockets on to catch the male bird's semen.
When forming this bird base, make sure to crease the triangle at the center corner through all layers.
When it churrs the bird lies or crouches along a bough or rail, but it will sing from a post, and occasionally perch across a branch.
When the bird lands, the long tail is elevated and is carefully carried clear of the ground.
When circling overhead, the white underwing of the bird becomes conspicuous.
When targeting non-nesting birds, they often fly towards the waterbird repeatedly, forcing to dive again and again, until the bird is exhausted and is more easily caught.
When the end of a twig holds a supply of berries that only one bird at a time can reach, members of a flock may line up along the twig and pass berries beak to beak down the line so that each bird gets a chance to eat.
When the bird is feeding among other jays or resting, the crest is flattened to the head.
When the adult bird leaves the nest it usually takes care to cover the eggs with weeds.

When and is
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
When they express themselves it is incandescent hatred that shines forth, the rage of repudiation, the ecstasy of negation.
When I try to work out my reasons for feeling that this passage is of critical significance, I come up with the following ideas, which I shall express very briefly here and revert to in a later essay.
When the proprietor dies, the establishment should become a corporation until it is either acquired by another proprietor or the government decides to drop it.
When the reactionary response is thus bolstered by an intellectual defense, the characteristics of that defense are explicable only in terms of the basic attitudes of unanalyzed reaction.
When I take over Taliesin, the first thing I'll do is fire you ''.
When someone in the audience rose and asked how does it feel to be a celebrity, Carl said, `` A celebrity is a fellow who eats celery with celerity ''.
When decision makers act within this frame they determine whether a claim put forward in the name of religion is to be accepted by the larger community as appropriate to religion.
When we consider the disorganized state of the world community, and the legacy of predispositions adversely directed against all who are identified as Jews, it is obvious that the struggle for the minds and muscles of men needs to be prosecuted with increasing vigor and skill.
When we turn to Aristotle's ideas on the moral measure of literature, it is at once apparent that he is at times equally concerned about the influence of the art.
When their faith in civil liberties is tested against strong pressures of social expediency in specific issues, e.g., suppression of `` dangerous ideas '', many waver and give in.
There is, of course, nothing new about dystopias, for they belong to a literary tradition which, including also the closely related satiric utopias, stretches from at least as far back as the eighteenth century and Swift's Gulliver's Travels to the twentieth century and Zamiatin's We, Capek's War With The Newts, Huxley's Brave New World, E. M. Forster's `` The Machine Stops '', C. S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength, and Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, and which in science fiction is represented before the present deluge as early as Wells's trilogy, The Time Machine, `` A Story Of The Days To Come '', and When The Sleeper Wakes, and as recently as Jack Williamson's `` With Folded Hands '' ( 1947 ), the classic story of men replaced by their own robots.
When I first came across Samuel Johnson's pronouncement, `` the remedy for the ills of life is palliative rather than radical '', it seemed to me to sum up the profoundest of political and social truths.
When all else fails, it is argued that open sessions slow down governmental operations.
When a person has thoughtlessly or deliberately caused us pain or hardship it is not always easy to say, `` Just forget it ''.
When a person meets God's requirements for the experience of forgiveness he is forgiven.
When I hold my son he stiffens his whole body in my arms until he is as straight and stiff as a board.
When different colors are used, she is just as likely to color trees purple, hair green, etc..
When we become firm enough to stand for those ideals which we know to be right, when we become hard enough to refuse to aid nations which do not permit self-determination, when we become strong enough to resist any more drifts towards socialism in our own Nation, when we recognize that our enemy is Communism not war, and when we realize that concessions to Communists do not insure peace or freedom, then, and only then will we no longer be `` soft ''.
When one powerful nation strives to emulate the success of another, it is only natural.
When a man is laid to rest, he is entitled to stay put.
When I talked to Ching about it, he said, Everyone can learn, if he is not a Reactionary or lazy.

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