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Page "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" ¶ 7
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When and they
When they were closer and he saw that one was a woman, he was more puzzled than ever.
When they were finally satisfied, Jones said, `` I think he's going to give us work ''.
When they turned in the saddle they could see the men behind them, strung out on the prairie in a flat black line.
When they learn you're in the hills though, they'll rally, don't worry about that ''.
When they reached their neighbor's house, Pamela said a few polite words to Grace and kissed Melissa lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these days -- that they might never see one another again.
When they were ready to leave, Benson and Ramey walked back around the rear of the trailer.
When they got to Shillong, in Assam, he was happy.
When he sank on his knees, they had allowed him to char without administering the stroke of mercy.
When they reached the school, a gang of boys and girls were already there playing `` crack the whip '' in front of the schoolhouse.
When they had licked the last of the wieners' taste from their fingers, they settled back, and Cappy offered Ernie a cigarette.
When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they fall into two categories: the simpler ones who have simply accepted the shibboleths of their faith without analysis ; ;
When, in 1832, the South Carolina nullifiers adopted the principle of state interposition which Madison had advanced in his old Virginia Resolve, they elicited no encouragement from that senior statesman.
When it comes to this, I shall prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, without the base alloy of hypocrisy '' ( His emphasis )
When the Southern States exercised their `` right to secede '', they formed what they officially styled `` The Confederate States of America ''.
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
When they express themselves it is incandescent hatred that shines forth, the rage of repudiation, the ecstasy of negation.
When these had been pocketed, we could still spend a morning cracking open other pebbles for our delight in seeing how much prettier they were inside than their dull exteriors indicated.
When words can be used in a more fresh and primitive way so that they strike with the force of sights and sounds, when tones of sound and colors of paint and the carven shape all strike the sensibilities with an undeniable force of data in and of themselves, compelling the observer into an attitude of attention, all this imitates the way experience itself in its deepest character strikes upon the door of consciousness and clamors for entrance.
When he discovered they had received from the Company's Court of Directors no permission to live in India, coupled with the fact that they were Americans who had been sent to Asia to convert `` the heathen '', he became more belligerent than ever.

When and give
When my Uncle offered me a part-time job which would take care of my normal expenses and give me time to paint I accepted.
When their faith in civil liberties is tested against strong pressures of social expediency in specific issues, e.g., suppression of `` dangerous ideas '', many waver and give in.
When we give the necessities of life to the poor, we restore to them what is already theirs.
When the snobbery that alienates Pip from Joe finally gives way before the deeper and stronger force of love, the reunion is marked by an embarrassed handshake at which Pip exclaims: `` No, don't wipe it off -- for God's sake, give me your blackened hand ''!!
When you see them again give them my love -- not best respects now, but love by God ''.
When Saint Anthony felt that the day of his departure had approached, he commanded his disciples to give his staff to Saint Macarius, and to give one sheepskin cloak to Saint Athanasius and the other sheepskin cloak to Saint Serapion, his disciple.
When asked by reporters at the end of a televised press conference to list one of Nixon's policy ideas he had adopted, Eisenhower joked, " If you give me a week, I might think of one.
When thesame picture ” is taken in two different format sizes from the same distance at the same f-number with lenses that give the same angle of view, and the final images ( e. g., in prints, or on a projection screen or electronic display ) are the same size,
When ratified, this was to give Scotland its first Parliament for nearly 300 years.
When the newspapers reported that the government had not allowed the showing of The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons, the people were outraged, and the royals were forced to give in.
When she arrives, she is unable to give Lee much information as she has been unable to escape Han's strict observation.
When he returned to Washington to give his report, Secretary of State Dean Acheson gave Capra his commendation for " virtually single-handedly forestalling a possible Communist take-over of Indian films.
When the table is full the code length increases to give space for more strings, up to a maximum code 4095
When Trajan, predecessor to Hadrian, consulted Apollodorus about an architectural problem, Hadrian interrupted to give advice, to which Apollodorus replied, " Go away and draw your pumpkins.
When he asked whether she knew anything about his horses, she answered, that they were in her own possession, but that she would not give them up, unless he would consent to stay with her for a time.
When there are two choirs of strings at the same length, it is possible to arrange for them to give different tonal qualities, and thus to increase the variety of sound produced by the instrument.
When they reached Astrakhan, Uzbeg Khan had just given permission for one of his pregnant wives, Princess Bayalun, a daughter of Greek Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos, to return to her home city of Constantinople to give birth.
When the time came for Rebekah to give birth, the firstborn, Esau, came out covered with red hair, as if he were wearing a hairy garment, and his heel was grasped by the hand of Jacob, the secondborn.
The American historian Gerhard Weinberg described the Henderson-Ribbentrop meeting in this way: " When Joachim von Ribbentrop refused to give a copy of the German demands to the British Ambassador at midnight of 30 – 31 August 1939, the two almost came to blows.
When placed over a flame, lithium compounds give off a striking crimson color, but when it burns strongly the flame becomes a brilliant silver.
When the vote was taken, enough of the majority refrained from voting to produce a tie and give Calhoun his longed-for " vengeance.
When his son Richard's first boy Elliot was born, he tried to give him an MG 08 machine gun, which his daughter-in-law refused to accept.
" When his peerage was first announced, he said, " It will give me the opportunity ... to contribute to the national debate on issues like higher education, research, Europe and foreign policy.

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