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Page "Natural logarithm" ¶ 21
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While and no
While no larger than Dutch Springs, this mining supply town had the appearance of being far busier and more prosperous.
While it is easy enough to ridicule Hawkins' pronouncement in Pleas Of The Crown from a metaphysical point of view, the concept of the `` oneness '' of a married couple may reflect an abiding belief that the communion between husband and wife is such that their actions are not always to be regarded by the criminal law as if there were no marriage.
While there are now allegations of the withholding of `` favorable evidence developed at the hearing '' and a denial of a `` full and fair hearing '', no such claim was made by petitioner at any stage of the administrative process.
While there should be no general age limit or restriction to one sex, there will be particular projects requiring special maturity and some open only to men or to women.
While the phonemes can be very easily stated, no one is likely to be satisfied with the statement until phonemic occurrences can be related in some way to morphemic units, i.e. until the morphophonemics is worked out, or at least far enough that it seems reasonable to expect success.
While costs on this order are sometimes separately charged for in residential and commercial rates, in the form of a mere `` service charge '', they are more frequently wholly or partly covered by a minimum charge which entitles the consumer to a very small amount of gas or electricity with no further payment.
While the `` empirical psychoanalytic '' label which Fromm claims sheds no light on the validity of his underlying philosophy, it does increase the marketability of his product.
While he talked you wouldn't trade being a West Tennessee farmer for being anything else in the whole damned world, no matter if it hadn't, in six weeks, rained enough to wet a rat's ass.
While there is no generally accepted formal definition of " algorithm ," an informal definition could be " a set of rules that precisely defines a sequence of operations.
While the other main characters believe there is no rational explanation for the outbreak of plague, Paneloux believes there is.
While Renaissance artists sought nature to find their style, the Mannerists looked first for a style and found a manner. In Mannerist paintings, compositions can have no focal point, space can be ambiguous, figures can be characterized by an athletic bending and twisting with distortions, exaggerations, an elastic elongation of the limbs, bizarre posturing on one hand, graceful posturing on the other hand, and a rendering of the heads as uniformly small and oval.
While they have a total of of shoreline, measured along the outer edge of the reef, there are no ports or harbors, only offshore anchorage.
While it would be rash to assert positively that no existing gems were the work of Gnostics, there is no valid reason for attributing any or all of them to such an origin.
While the emperor's palace no longer exists, the church built by Charlemagne is still the main attraction of the city.
* Egg roll – While native Chinese spring rolls have a thin crispy skin with mushrooms, bamboo, and other vegetables inside, the Westernized version ( specifically the version found in such American Northeast metro areas as Boston and New York ) uses a thick, fried skin stuffed with cabbage and usually bits of meat or seafood ( such as pork or shrimp ), but no egg.
While Anne gave no reason for leaving Thorp Green, it is thought she wanted to leave on becoming aware of the relationship between her brother and Mrs Robinson.
While there is no scientific evidence for the cryptid's existence, there have been over 300 reported sightings.
While the K6 FPU had looked anemic compared to the Intel P6 FPU, with Athlon this was no longer the case.
While there is no reason to believe the Arian claim, it can be surmised that he was close enough to 30 years old in 328 for them to contemplate raising such an accusation.
While these rules do generate some pairs of amicable numbers, many other pairs are known, so these rules are by no means comprehensive.
While of the other the tribes who had come to Italy along with the Boii, the Senones, Lingones and Cenomani are also attested in Gaul at the time of the Roman conquest, there is no such clear evidence for the Boii in Gaul.
While a board may have several committees, two -- the compensation committee and audit committee -- are critical and must be made up of at least three independent directors and no inside directors.
While proven useful in the past, barbiturates are no longer commonly used in psychiatry ; thus the option of either benzodiazepines or ECT.
While special relativity constrains objects in the universe from moving faster with respect to one another than the speed of light, there is no such constraint in general relativity.

While and simple
While many tokens point forward, the main achievements stand as a culmination of the simple patterns of the Dark ages.
While the goals are sweeping, the conspiratorial machinery is generally simple: a single, evil organization implements a plan to infiltrate and subvert existing institutions.
While the idea of shared electron pairs provides an effective qualitative picture of covalent bonding, quantum mechanics is needed to understand the nature of these bonds and predict the structures and properties of simple molecules.
While this certificate has limited portability – to other corporations, for example – it is the most simple to develop.
While Rabbi Kaplan defines Judaism as a civilization, there are many who would not agree, citing millennia of religious tradition and observance as more than simple civilization.
While such omissions are inappropriate for managing large projects, they are a common and reasonable occurrence in many very small or simple projects.
While propositional logic deals with simple declarative propositions, first-order logic additionally covers predicates and quantification.
While this may not be desired behavior, it keeps this example simple
While the description of strong and weak interactions within the Standard Model is based on gauge symmetries governed by the simple symmetry groups SU ( 3 ) and SU ( 2 ) which allow only discrete charges, the remaining component, the weak hypercharge interaction is described by an abelian symmetry U ( 1 ) which in principle allows for arbitrary charge assignments.
While popular usage translates it as ' Keep it simple, stupid ', Johnson translated it as ' Keep it simple stupid ', and this reading is still used by many authors.
While these results originally seemed too simple or too technical to warrant independent interest, they have turned out to be central to the theories in which they occur.
While Drexler, Merkle and others have created designs of simple parts, no comprehensive design effort for anything approaching the complexity of a Model T Ford has been attempted.
While they focused primarily on more traditional mission architectures, Zubrin began to collaborate with colleague David Baker on an extremely simple, stripped-down and robust strategy.
While simple processors execute instructions one after the other, superscalar processors are capable of executing several instructions at once.
While this may at first seem a simple task, he then goes on to lead us through the problems with each of the possible definitions of the word " game ".
While this simple method worked well in a small community of Christians unified by persecution, as the congregation grew in size, the acclamation of a new bishop was fraught with division, and rival claimants and a certain class hostility between patrician and plebeian candidates unsettled some episcopal elections.
While puns are often simple wordplay for comedic or rhetorical effect, a double entendre alludes to a second meaning which is not contained within the statement or phrase itself, often one which purposefully disguises the second meaning.
While historically thought of as simple, leathery structures composed of skin, research has since shown that the wing membranes of pterosaurs were actually highly complex and dynamic structures suited to an active style of flight.
While it is simple to recognize a political medium in an official newspaper, magazine, TV channel that directly declares to belong to a group, deep concerns might regard submission of communications to political interests and impartiality of media that do not declare their party alliances.
While this is extremely easy to implement on sufficiently simple theories, there are many situations where other methods of quantization yield more efficient procedures for computing quantum amplitudes.
While simple forms of role-playing exist in traditional children's games of make believe, role-playing games add a level of sophistication and persistence to this basic idea with additions such as game facilitators and rules of interaction.
While simple images can be produced rapidly, more realistic and complicated higher-resolution images can now be produced in more reasonable amounts of time.
While most shoes have historically been worn by humans, there are simple shoes that are designed to be worn by other domesticated animals, such as dogs and horses.

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