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Page "Help:Interlanguage links/German" ¶ 2
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Some Related Sentences

You and can
You reckon there's two men in this state can shoot like that ''??
`` You can forget about Brenner, too '', Curt said.
`` You might as well wait here while I'm gone, so you can use my shower if you'd like ''.
You can find it in the papers ''.
You can imagine that he got pretty good service.
`` You are looking tired and there you can rest.
You can do anything with these dumb fucks if you know how.
`` Unless the oyabun has been working on it '', he said, then checked himself and added: `` You can tell Kayabashi-san that the back road is in very good condition and will be quite safe for his party to use ''.
You can see it, for example, in the extensive efforts President Kennedy has made to enlist solid bipartisan support for his actions toward both Cuba and Laos ; ;
You can cross an ocean in a fully equipped craft, sail, power, or both, or laze away a fine day in a small dinghy on a local pond.
You may therefore convert the gun into a small-game and plinking arm, although the difference in the point of impact ( Jet vs. rim-fire ) can be somewhat disconcerting.
You can unscrew this tube and replace it with a smoothbore insert for use with
You can have your choice of a seven-shot repeater, the 340TR ( about $40 ) or a single-shot, the 320TR ( $10 less ).
You can take it with you.
You can build this vacation cottage yourself.
You can also see that the greater the proximity of the pool to your main living quarters, the greater the chance for violation of family privacy, annoying noise and the let's-make-your-house-our-club attitude.
You can hope against hope that come spring cleaning, your fair-weather friends will lend a hand at scrubbing and furbishing.
You can install it yourself -- this is a central system that will cool every part of your house.
You can forget about screens, and leave the storm windows up all year around.
You can get year-'round air conditioners in the same variety of styles in which you buy a furnace alone -- high or low boy, horizontal or counterflow.
You can get a hot water system that will also work for cooling your house.
You can get this added heating feature for as little as $200 more than the price of cooling alone.
You can use heat-absorbing glass to stop the sun, double glass and insulated glass to combat condensation.
You can save all that shimming time if you set your windows in one, two, three order -- first the stud on one side, then the window, then the stud on the other side.
You can relive history and follow, in fancy, the Crusaders in their quest for the Holy Grail as they sail out from Brindisi, an ancient town in the heel of Italy's boot.

You and do
You think that Highlands swindled you and I helped 'em do it.
You do that or take you out a permit right now ''.
`` You and I have a little talking to do, Jess.
`` You do the same.
You don't see me stretched out on the deck, do you ''??
`` You do not know me '', she said in good English, `` but my mother was your governess in Philadelphia when you were a child ''.
You may do well to take notice, that besides the title to land between the English and the Indians there, there are twelve of the English that have subscribed their names to horrible and detestable blasphemies, who are rather to be judged as blasphemous than they should delude us by winning time under pretence of arbitration ''.
You certainly can't expect the infield to do any better than it did last year.
`` You do ''??
`` You don't step on the flowers, do you??
One Kohnstamm-positive subject who had both arms rise while being tested in the naive condition described her subjective experience as follows: `` You feel they're going up and you're on a stage and it's not right for them to do so and then you think maybe that's what's supposed to happen ''.
You can do this.
`` You can't do this to us '', Diane screamed.
You will probably want to hire someone to do the plowing, however.
You can keep your machinery investment down by buying good secondhand machinery, by sharing the cost and upkeep of machinery with a neighbor, and by hiring someone with machinery to do certain jobs.
You may have misgivings about certain aspects of our military establishment -- I certainly do -- but you know any comparison of over-all American strength with over-all Soviet strength finds the United States not only superior, but so superior both in present weapons and in the development of new ones that our advantage promises to be a permanent feature of U.S.-Soviet relations for the foreseeable future.
You don't believe that I'm going back to medical school and finish, do you ''??
You do remember.
`` You do that '', Casey said.
You and I do the same thing.
You may do as you please with God now.
You can do likewise though Christ is not bodily present.
`` You do seem to '', said Henrietta, impressed.
You feel where he is and what he sees, and at night you feel when he is asleep or with the other woman, the one that never could love him the way you do, the one who got him because she didn't particularly give a damn whether she got him or didn't.

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