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speech and .
His movements and speech are precise, clear and quick.
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, a preacher and a college and university president in four Southern states, published the earliest of these backwoods sketches and in the character Ransy Sniffle, in the accounts of sharp horse-trading and eye-gouging physical combat, and in the shockingly unliterary speech of his characters, he set an example followed by many after him.
Despite his defense of himself in the final paper of the Englishman and in his speech before the House, their efforts were successful.
Such speech differences made him acutely aware of the richness and expressivness of language.
The orator of this period, in order to earn a reputation, had to pay close attention to the formal composition of his speech, judging how it would appear in print as well as the effect it would have on the audience that heard it.
The younger men, Vere, and Pembroke, who was also Edward's cousin and whose Lusignan blood gave him the swarthy complexion that caused Edward of Carnarvon's irreverent friend, Piers Gaveston, to nickname him `` Joseph the Jew '', were relatively new to the game of diplomacy, but Pontissara had been on missions to Rome before, and Hotham, a man of great learning, `` jocund in speech, agreeable to meet, of honest religion, and pleasing in the eyes of all '', and an archbishop to boot, was as reliable and experienced as Othon himself.
To the newspapers he talked about his unquiet life, about his wish to be a newspaperman once more, about the prevalence of American slang in British speech, about the loquacity of the English and the impossibility of finding quiet in a railway carriage, about his plans to wander for two years `` unless stopped and made to write another book ''.
Mr. Eisenhower's New York speech does not encourage respect for that or for his elder statesmanship.
As was to be expected Kennedy's latest speech was greeted with enthusiasm by revenge-seeking circles in Bonn, where officials of the West German government praised it ''.
`` A better position for negotiations is the real point of this speech.
In Kennedy's speech are cross currents, sensible ones and senseless ones, reflecting the great struggle of opinions between the President's advisers and the political and economic forces behind them.
It seems that Khrushchev himself took a very special pride in having made a world-shaking contribution to Marxist doctrine with his Draft Program ( a large part of his twelve-hour speech at the recent Congress was, in fact, very largely a rehash of that interminable document ).
No doubt, there was still a lot in the Draft Program -- and in Khrushchev's speech -- which left many points obscure.
His speech faltered.
He saw himself before them delivering the speech.
Ejaculated the surprised woman, looking at Alex for an explanation but he, parting from her without ceremony, only offered a few words about the doctor's provincial American speech and a state of nerves brought on by the demands of his work.
The senior policy officer may be moved to think hard about a problem by any of an infinite variety of stimuli: an idea in his own head, the suggestions of a colleague, a question from the Secretary or the President, a proposal by another department, a communication from a foreign government or an American ambassador abroad, the filing of an item for the agenda of the United Nations or of any other of dozens of international bodies, a news item read at the breakfast table, a question to the President or the Secretary at a news conference, a speech by a Senator or Congressman, an article in a periodical, a resolution from a national organization, a request for assistance from some private American interests abroad, et cetera, ad infinitum.
It is said that the eccentric Timothy Dexter, who was one of the first share-holders, stood on the table and made a speech worthy of the occasion.
The `` Essex Journal '' says that he `` delivered an oration on the bridge, which for elegance of style, propriety of speech or force of argument, was truly Ciceronian ''.
`` Senator '', said an interviewer, `` your constituents can't understand from your speech last night just how you stand on the question ''.
Tone languages use for linguistic contrasts speech parameters which also function heavily in nonlinguistic use.
The conduct in question was a speech.
'' For present purposes it may be assumed that this charge so narrowly limited speech as to violate the federal Constitution.
The causes of retardation and maladjustment may be found in physical factors, such as defective speech or hearing, impaired vision, faulty motor coordination, a frail constitution, chronic disease, malnutrition, and glandular malfunctioning.
In the remainder of his speech Davis spoke of his admiration for Brown and warned those who took part in the meeting that they `` are liable to the charge that they are supporting traitors and upholding men whom the laws have condemned ''.

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