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Page "Diophantus" ¶ 2
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concluded and certain
Testing on certain animals like cats have concluded that they do not possess any faculty which allow their minds to grasp an insight into cause and effect.
" He concluded that " one cannot deny the bearer of these concepts a certain substantiality ".
Everett did not draw the conclusion that it was the lack of numbers in their language that prevented them from grasping mathematics, but instead concluded that the Pirahã had a cultural ideology that made them extremely reluctant to adopt new cultural traits, and that this cultural ideology was also the reason that certain linguistic features that were otherwise believed to be universal did not exist in their language.
More than a year after the raid, the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions concluded that while certain offences had been committed, including criminal damage and assault with a weapon, there was insufficient evidence to charge any person with a specific offence.
In spite of his regard for the Koran, he concluded, " To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab.
Pacini concluded from the decrease of radioactivity underwater that a certain part of the ionization must be due to sources other than the radioactivity of the Earth.
This work concluded that certain notational styles contained two distinct signs for any single note and that this difference must be related to rhythm rather than pitch.
" Admitting " a certain reservation, even disappointment ," Anthony Boucher nevertheless concluded that Heinlein was " simply creating an agreeably entertaining light novel, and in that task he succeeds admirably.
It concluded that Norse invaders settled sporadically throughout the British Isles with a particular concentration in certain areas, such as Orkney and Shetland.
" He described the game as having an " extremely high " random factor and concluded his review stating " I'm fairly certain there's a damned good game in this box somewhere, it's just not the one described in the rulebook.
The author of the only dedicated biography of Basil I in English has concluded that it is impossible to be certain what the ethnic origins of the emperor were, though Basil was definitely reliant on the support of Armenians in prominent positions within the Byzantine Empire.
" In 1944, two clinicians who evaluated the expectorant action of Paregoric concluded: " The survival of paregoric through the centuries, and particularly through recent critical decades is probably due to keen clinical observation and stubborn adherence to the clinical deduction that paregoric is useful in certain types of cough.
No more sites were developed for the next two decades until a second ' pilot ' study in 2006 by the Highways Agency ( HA ) concluded that ramp metering provides a net benefit under certain conditions-generally more congested junctions.
Because of the posting volume, repetitiveness and minimal responsiveness to follow-up posts, most observers concluded that it was the output of a program, or " bot ", which scanned for any new appearances of the keywords " Turkey " or " Armenia " in certain newsgroups and replied with saved pages of political text.
The accompanying editorial concluded, " We cannot afford to dispense with any treatment that works, even if we are not certain how it does.
Berle concluded that limited branch banking with deposit insurance would preserve small banks certain to fail in an economic downturn, as they had consistently in the past.
Justice Powell, writing for himself save Part I and V-C joined by Justice Blackmun, Justice Brennan, Justice Marshall, and Justice White, and Part III-A joined only by Justice White, concluded that while the school had a compelling interest in a diverse student body and therefore could consider race as a " plus " factor in its admissions program ( Part IV-D ), it could not ex ante set aside seats specifically for a certain race, resulting in the automatic exclusion of others based only on race ( Part IV-B ).
Justices Brennan, White, Marshall and Blackmun concluded in one plurality opinion that race could be used as a factor when it was for the purpose of remedying substantial chronic underrepresentation of certain minorities in the medical profession.
The chief's report concluded the plan was sound from an engineering aspect, but certain economic and environmental concerns needed to be resolved before the design of a project could be initiated.
On 23 January 1668, the United Provinces and England concluded an alliance, whose declared aim was to bring about the Spanish relinquishment of certain territories and to persuade France to limit its claims.
From certain indications in the latter and the evidence of some odd leaves discovered by David Laing, it has been concluded that there was an earlier Edinburgh edition, which has been ascribed to Thomas Davidson, printer, and dated c. 1540.
The study also concluded that although women with changing partners are strongly advised to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, " a certain period of sperm exposure within a stable relation, when pregnancy is aimed for, is associated with protection against pre-eclampsia ".
" Goodling improperly subjected candidates for certain career positions to the same politically based evaluation she used on candidates for political positions ," the report concluded.
Although proving the presence of fenestrations in certain regions involving the pia mater, the group concluded that they could not determine the significance behind these fenestrations.

concluded and equation
Because the speed of EM waves predicted by the wave equation coincided with the measured speed of light, Maxwell concluded that light itself is an EM wave.
He concluded that the entire physical universe could be made subject to the Schrödinger equation ( the universal wave function ).
It can be concluded the Schrödinger equation is true for any ( non-relativistic ) situation.
Maxwell concluded, using Newton's equation for the speed of sound ( Lines of Force, Part III, equation ( 132 )), that “ light consists of transverse undulations in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena .”

concluded and considered
At that time, the ENIAC was considered to be the first computer in the modern sense, but in 1973 a U. S. District Court invalidated the ENIAC patent and concluded that the ENIAC inventors had derived the subject matter of the electronic digital computer from Atanasoff ( see Patent dispute ).
However, in 2004, Maher concluded that " Physical treatments, such as acupuncture, backschool, hydrotherapy, lumbar supports, magnets, TENS, traction, ultrasound, Pilates therapy, Feldenkrais therapy, Alexander technique, and craniosacral therapy are either of unknown value or ineffective and so should not be considered " when treating lower back pain with an evidence-based approach.
Recent analyses have concluded that cnidarians, although considered more " primitive " than bilaterians, have a wider range of genes.
Once the toads were established, a 1963 study concluded, as the toad's diet included both harmful and beneficial invertebrates, it was considered " economically neutral ".
While the Scottish Enlightenment is traditionally considered to have concluded toward the end of the 18th century, disproportionately large Scottish contributions to British science and letters continued for another 50 years or more, thanks to such figures as the mathematicians and physicists James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin, and the engineers and inventors James Watt and William Murdoch, whose work was critical to the technological developments of the Industrial Revolution throughout Britain.
Presidents Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy each considered dismissing Hoover as FBI Director, but ultimately concluded that the political cost of doing so would be too great.
Hone and Benton concluded that although more primitive pterosauromorphs are needed to clarify their relationships, pterosaurs are best considered archosaurs, and specifically ornithodirans, given current evidence.
They concluded the ability to assign an individual to a specific population cluster with enough markers considered is perfectly compatible with the fact it may still be possible for two randomly chosen individuals from different populations / clusters to be more similar to each other than to a randomly chosen member of their own cluster whilst still being capable of being traced back to specific regions.
( 2000 ) concluded that the eastern wolf and red wolf should be considered as sister taxa due to a shared common ancestor going back 150, 000-300, 000 years.
However, as he only considered gravitational lensing by single stars, he concluded that the phenomenon would most likely remain unobserved for the foreseeable future.
In response to protests from other senior officers that something was amiss as proven by the loss of the entire supply ship network in early 1941, in the middle of 1941 and again in the middle of 1942, Raeder ordered investigations into the security of German codes, but in both cases, it was concluded that the British were not reading German codes because the Enigma machine was considered to be unbreakable.
Scholars have generally concluded that archaeological, linguistic, and documentary evidence shows the Pequot and their ancestors to have been longer in the Connecticut River Valley ; essentially, they may be considered to have been indigenous for centuries before the arrival of Europeans.
An anonymous work of 1843 was critical of Neville's account of the rebellion, and in 1859 clergyman Frederic Russell, who had unearthed new material in archives for his account of the rebellion, concluded that " though Kett is commonly considered a rebel, yet the cause he advocated is so just, that one cannot but feel he deserved a better name and a better fate ".
Brown had considered updating the reference to advertise Star Wars: The Force Unleashed because Loom was not on the market at the time, but concluded that the game would not be the same if such changes were implemented.
Powell concluded that Kennewick man " is clearly not a Caucasoid unless Ainu and Polynesians are considered Caucasoid.
While the Scottish Enlightenment is considered to have concluded toward the end of the 18th century, disproportionately large Scottish contributions to British science and letters continued for another fifty years or more, thanks to such figures as James Hutton, James Watt, William Murdoch, James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Kelvin and Sir Walter Scott.
A 2009 international consensus statement on TMS that contained this review concluded that based on the number of studies, subjects and patients involved with TMS research, the risk of seizure with rTMS is considered very low.
When the Police have concluded their investigation a decision on whether to charge somebody with a criminal offence will often be made by prosecuting counsel having considered the evidence produced by the Police.
The report, compiled by Frederick L. Coolidge and Daniel L. Segal ( with the assistance of a South Korean psychiatrist considered an expert on Kim Jong-il's behavior ), concluded that the " big six " group of personality disorders shared by dictators Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein ( sadistic, paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, schizoid and schizotypal ) were also shared by Kim Jong-il — coinciding primarily with the profile of Saddam Hussein.
" For works where an author's manuscript survived – a case Greg had not considered – Bowers concluded that the manuscript should generally serve as copy-text.
Their purpose on this site is uncertain however, since at square they have been considered by archaeologists to be too small for dwellings ; as a result, it has been concluded that these structures were probably granaries.
Samuel Joseph May asked Stone to discontinue mentioning women's rights, but Stone considered carefully and concluded that she must leave the Society, saying " I was a woman before I was an abolitionist.
After discussing this proposal the senate concluded that while there was much to be gained from a treaty with the Campani, Rome could not ally with the Campani and still be considered loyal to their existing treaty with the Samnites, and for this reason they had to refuse the proposal.
Other scholars have concluded that early Christians considered abortion a sin at all stages ; though there is disagreement over their thoughts on what type of sin it was and how grave a sin it was held to be, it was seen as at least as grave as sexual immorality.

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