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reason and why
Lucretius has remarked: `` The reason why all Mortals are so gripped by fear is that they see all sorts of things happening in the earth and sky with no discernable cause, and these they attribute to the will of God ''.
One girl describes her past, her succession of broken marriages, the abortions she has had and finally confesses that she loves sex and sees no reason why she must justify her passion.
In any case, she told Thompson that she saw no reason why he might not see Katie again, `` now that this frank explanation has been made & no one can misunderstand ''.
The position of the new camp was admirably selected and well fortified, its easily defensible nature being one good reason why Howe did not attack it.
Because of these involvements in the matter at stake, Boniface lacked the impartiality that is supposed to be an essential qualification for the position of arbiter, and in retrospect that would seem to be sufficient reason why the English embassies to the Curia proved so fruitless.
Conceived as an organ of economic cooperation, there is no reason why O.E.C.D. cannot evolve into a broader instrument of union if its members so desire.
He explained his errand, but without bothering much to make it plausible, for he felt something well up in him which was the reason why he had fled the army.
We found in Gonzales v. United States, supra, that this was the controlling reason why copies of the recommendation should be furnished a registrant.
If you are unable to sign the request, because of illness or other good cause, another person who stands in close personal or business relationship to you may sign the request on your behalf, stating the reason why you are unable to sign.
That we had the wit and wisdom to adopt Mr. Lowell's concept and make it the base for our processes of selection is one reason why our selections have been, it may be said truly, pretty uniformly good.
Really there is no reason why this fine exercise should not find its way into your leg program at all times, for the following suggestions show why it is so effective: 1.
Although I suggested that you hold the bar at the back of the neck there's no reason why you shouldn't make some experiments with the bar held in front of the neck.
And then again perhaps the reason why he couldn't find time to do any of the things he had planned to do after retirement: reading, roaming, gardening, lying on his back and watching the clouds go by, was because he didn't want to do them.
If of the founders of glottochronology Swadesh has escaped our steady plodding, and Lees has repudiated his own share in the founding, that is no reason why we should swerve.
There is no apparent reason why we should feel bound by Swadesh's rules and procedure since his predilections and aims have grown so vast.
The reason for this bears explaining for those who may wonder why State spends so much of its diplomatic energy on Congress when the Russians are so available.
She couldn't see any reason why Maude would attempt to frighten her.
Hayes said that if a way can be found to deal effectively with short-term capital movements between nations, `` there is no reason, in my judgment why the international financial system cannot work satisfactorily for at least the foreseeable future ''.
And that's another reason why it is imperative for us these days to conquer our fears, to develop the poise that promotes peace.
Now there is no reason in the world why a matchmaker in Ireland should happen also to be a talented soft-shoe dancer and gifted improviser of movements of the limbs, torso and neck, except that these talents add immensely to the enjoyment of the play.
There is no reason why most theatergoers should not have a pretty good time at `` Donnybrook '', unless they are permanently in the mood of Enright when he sings about how easily he could hate the lovable Irish.
All the more reason why there should have been no place for the frills ; ;
`` And do you think there is a reason why I should accept your word ''??
I'd had patients who'd refused surgery before, of course, but never one who didn't show, in one way or another, the reason why.

reason and Commodore
The reason these first two cars are used is their historical significance: the Commodore and the Falcon are two of the most popular passenger-cars in the Australian car-market.
Thorneycroft pointed out that the first five tests had all been failures and this was the reason for the US's concerns, but Air Commodore Arthur Vere Harvey quickly pointed out that the Polaris had suffered 13 failures in its development, and that was what was being offered as a potential alternative.
Commodore Stocker tries to contact the Romulans and explain his reason for trespassing in the Neutral Zone, but they ignore him.

reason and decided
We discussed the candle and decided the hypothetical other bum would have left it burning to light his way to the window and because he'd have no reason to blow it out.
This might have been the reason why Almagro did not immediately confront Pizarro for Cuzco, and promptly decided to embark on his new quest for the discovery of the riches of Chile.
Brickett Wood coven members liked the Sabbat celebrations so much, they decided that there was no reason to keep them confined to the closest full moon meeting, and made them festivities in their own right.
It was harshly panned by both contemporary and later literary critics, with even kinder critics regarding the work as " a long-winded sob story " which many have found to be " simply unreadable ," and this negative response has been speculated to be the reason Salinger decided to quit publishing.
However, when hypnotized, reason is replaced by the hypnotist's suggestions to make up decisions or beliefs, and the subject will be very uneasy in later days if he / she does not do things as decided or his / her belief is contradicted.
An angry Prachanda and his party quit the government, majorly citing this reason and decided to operate as the main opposition to the government headed by CPN UML and its co-partner Nepali Congress afterwards.
Obstacles such as underwater trenches or large rocks tended to stop the tanks in their tracks and it was decided for this reason that they should be landed at high tide so that any tanks so mired could be retrieved again at low tide.
In the Latin-Rite ( i. e. Western ) Catholic Church, the sacrament is to be conferred at about the age of discretion ( generally taken to be about 7 ), unless the Episcopal Conference has decided on a different age, or there is danger of death or, in the judgement of the minister, a grave reason suggests otherwise ( canon 891 of the Code of Canon Law ).
" It was for this reason that the creators of Star Trek decided to create a backstory for the Maquis in several episodes of Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation, and they named them after the French guerrilla fighters of the Second World War.
The constitution's acceptance, and the possible long-term consequences it may have had, is arguably the reason for which the powers of Austria-Hungary, Russia and Prussia then decided to partition the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; thus putting an end to over 300 years of Polish parliamentary continuity.
This mission is considered the main reason the United States decided to designate Thailand as a Major non-NATO ally in 2003.
Prince, aware that Abbott was the primary reason New Girl was in trouble, decided to ignore him, and he and his producing partner Robert Griffith flew to New York to hear the score.
Henry III was devoted to the veneration of Edward the Confessor, and for this reason decided to name his firstborn son after the saint.
Darius never showed up for the battle, because there was no reason for him to suppose that Alexander intended to conquer the whole of Asia, and Darius may well have supposed that the satraps of the ‘ lower ’ satrapies could deal with the crisis, so he instead decided to remain at home in Persepolis and let his satraps handle it.
Though Louis performed his role beyond all expectations, and did his best to defend the interests of his subjects, this was exactly the reason why Napoleon decided that the Netherlands could no longer be denied the blessings of being reunited with his Empire, though over the objections of Louis.
It was not until later that Chaplin decided the reason the Tramp was penniless was that he had just arrived on a boat from Europe, and used this notion as the basis for the first half.
Later archaeologist Neil Faulkner believed that part of the reason why Childe decided to take his own life was that his " political illusions had been shattered " after he had begun to lose faith in the direction being taken by the world's foremost socialist state, the Soviet Union.
This might be the reason that the government has decided to use ' net worth ' to measure size of companies.
Because his lawyers didn't submit the statement of reason for appeal, Tokyo High Court decided not to grant them leave to appeal on March 27, 2006.
This reason is that when the characters for the show were originally written by Cherie's uncle, he decided to name a character after his niece ( Cherie ).
Then, for some unknown reason, they decided to spend several years together as an actual married couple.
For whatever reason, Doc Buyers let his short sightedness get the best of him and at the last minute got cold feet and decided against it.
Towards the end of Monomachos ' reign, Psellos found himself under political pressure for some reason and finally decided to leave the court, entering the Olympus monastery in Bithynia in 1054.
After seeing the success of the Champagne region, Raventós decided to create the dry sparkling wine that has become the reason for the region's continued success.

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