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Page "belles_lettres" ¶ 390
from Brown Corpus
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is and like
The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal's entire body.
And all the time, she had the heat of hatred in her, like charcoal that is burning on its under side, but not visibly.
`` I'd like to know just which it is that those guys don't understand, the liquor or automobiles ''.
The long-settled areas of states like Virginia and South Carolina developed the ante-bellum culture to its richest flowering, and there the memory is more precious, and the consciousness of loss the greater.
Down through the axis of the bridge there is a long diminishing vista like a visual echo of piers and arches, while the vaults fronting upstream and down frame the sunset and sunrise, the mountains and river pools.
Yet within this limitation there is an astonishing variety: design as intricate as that in the carpet or miniature, with the melodic line like the painted or woven line often flowing into an arabesque.
For the beatnik, like the hipster, is in opposition to a society that is based on the repression of the sex instinct.
It is therefore not surprising that they resist the lure of marriage and the trap of domesticity, for like cats they are determined not to tame their sexual energy.
Jazz, like sex, is a mystique.
Hieronymus, like Piepsam, makes his protest quite in vain, and his rejection, though not fatal, is ridiculous and humiliating ; ;
He is, like Phillip Marlowe, too alienated to be reliable.
A point like p gets information directly from n, but all information beyond n is indirectly relayed through n.
Furthermore, the network in Figure 3 is only the basic net through which other networks pertaining to logistics and the like are interlaced.
The making of distinctions, like the perception of the great distinctions made, is an inordinately difficult business.
Bertha Szold was more like Meg, the eldest March girl, who `` learned that a woman's happiest kingdom is home, her highest honor the art of ruling it, not as a queen, but a wise wife and mother ''.
But I insist upon believing that even when it is lost, it may, like paradise, be regained.
`` What I'd like you to comment on is the criticism leveled at your Committee ''.
I would like to straighten out a misconception about the dress Mrs. Coolidge is wearing in this painting.
Now an abiding difficulty of paragraphs like the foregoing is that they appear to preach ; ;
Thus Burns's `` My love is like a red, red rose '' and Hopkins' `` The thunder-purple sea-beach, plumed purple of Thunder '' although clearly intelligible in content, hardly present ideas of the sort with which we are here concerned.
Again, Henley's attitude of defiance which colors his ideal of self-mastery is far from characteristic of a Stoic thinker like Marcus Aurelius, whose gentle acquiescence is almost Christian, comparable to the patience expressed in Milton's sonnet on his own blindness.
In his letter mentioning Shakespeare on January 24, 1597/8, Sturley asked Quiney especially that `` theare might ( be ) bi Sir Ed. Grev. some meanes made to the Knightes of the Parliament for an ease and discharge of such taxes and subsedies wherewith our towne is like to be charged, and I assure u I am in great feare and doubte bi no meanes hable to paie.

is and going
My God, how long is he going to wait, I thought.
`` That tub is going to explode all at once ''.
Such a response, of course, misses the point that in crisis order is going out of existence.
In spite of the armistice negotiated by Amadee two years earlier, the war between Bishop Guillaume of Lausanne and Louis of Savoy was still going on, and although little is known about it, that little proves that it was yet another phase of the struggle against French expansion and was closely interwoven with the larger conflict.
The country about Cambridge is flat and not particularly spectacular in its scenery, though it offers easy going to the foot traveler.
The principle is commendable but we suspect that in the practice somebody is going to get gulled.
And there must be many Soviet citizens who know what is going on and who realize that before they can hope to enjoy the full life promised for 1980 they and their children must first survive.
He was delighted to learn that the Post Office Department is now going to expand this service to deliver mail from Representatives in Congress to their constituents without the use of stamps, names, addresses or even zone numbers.
`` Is it so the cannery is going to close ''??
She has studied and observed and she is convinced that her young man is going to be endlessly enchanting.
Obviously, if this club is going to move from second to first in the American League, it will have to show improvement someplace.
This is going to be a language lesson, and you can master it in a few minutes.
After the Griffin-Byrd political troup has completed the circuit in November in the name of a Pre-Legislative Forum, this is going to be the most politically oriented Legislature in history.
Every legislator from Brasstown Bald to Folkston is going to have his every vote subjected to the closest scrutiny as a test of his political allegiances, not his convictions.
Secondly, the VA physician knows that when the patient leaves the hospital, he is no longer going to have a chance to visit his patient.
The responsibility is still going to be there whether they pay for a VA hospital or the tax dollar is spent for the state hospital.
If we make it established custom that whenever butchery on the highways grows excessive, say beyond 25,000 per annum, then somebody is going to hang, it follows that the more eminent the victim, the more impressive the lesson.
`` The President says '', the translator came in, `` that the reason he asked you where you were going is because he hoped you would be visiting other areas in Southeast Asia, and that everywhere you went, you would seek the answer to your question.
and, though he repeated, over and over again, the spectacular figures of industrial and agricultural production in 1980, the `` ordinary '' people in Russia are still a little uncertain as to how `` communism '' is really going to work in practice, especially in respect of food.
but if he is up against China's crusading spirit in world affairs, he is going to be faced with the most agonizing choice in his life.

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