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snips , (6 uses)
As well as the heavy adze, broad axe, wooden mallets and wedges, the craftsman had steel tools such as anvils, files, snips, awls, augers, gouges, draw knife, knives, including folding knives, chisels and small 300 mm long bow saws with antler handles.
snips of (4 uses)
Brief snips of actual events were shown: parades, dances, street scenes.
snips and (3 uses)
In addition to the big shears anchored in a hole in his bench he used hand snips and nippers for cutting.
snips for (1 uses)
In " London: A Social History ", Roy Porter describes " Victorian villas in ... Kennington, long debased by use as lodging-houses, were transformed into luxury flats for young professionals or snips for first-time buyers — or were repossessed by the class of family for whom they had first been built ..."; and " Chambers London Gazetteer " observes the " reuniting of formerly subdivided properties " as " decline is being reversed ".
snips . (1 uses)
These are the flat chisel, the most widely known type, which is used to cut bars and rods to reduce surfaces and to cut sheet metal which is too thick or difficult to cut with tin snips.
snips ) (1 uses)
A single-nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP, pronounced snip ; plural snips ) is a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide — A, T, C or G — in the genome ( or other shared sequence ) differs between members of a biological species or paired chromosomes in an individual.
snips lasting (1 uses)
comedy channel, but only in small snips lasting around 5 to 15 minutes.
snips off (1 uses)
" He then ties Elmer's shotgun into a bowtie ( no dialogue is heard from this point onwards until the end ) and snips off Elmer's pants suspender buttons.
snips the (1 uses)
She suggests that he " lay down the law ", and when one of the boys snips the phone cord, Marge assumes that Ned has hung up and that everything is fine.

0.077 seconds.