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Page "Quotations from Chairman Mao" ¶ 1
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Some Related Sentences

全世界无产者 and
zh: 全世界无产者 联合起来

and !)
" ( 万岁不离口 语录不离手 !) which became a cliché of dogmatism or formalist irony.
" ( 馬超阻戎負勇 以覆其族 惜哉 ! 能因窮致泰 不猶愈乎 !) – Chen Shou
" ( 这一切是多么的美好 我无悔我最初的选择 !)

and red
Smoked Sausages from Harbin In Northeast China, a popular regional specialty is smoked savory hóng cháng ( 红肠 red sausage ) similar to Polish sausages.

and written
" ( 受命於天 既壽永昌 ) were written by Prime Minister Li Si, and carved onto the seal by Sun Shou.
* One of the earliest books about standard Klotski was written by the Chinese professor Jiāng Cháng Yīng of Northwestern Polytechnical University on 1949 in his book 科学消遣.
This commemorative Ji was written in prose, with extensive usage of phrases in four, and culminates in the oft-quoted " 先天下之憂而憂 後天下之樂而樂 " ( translated as " Feel concern for others under heaven before others, and rejoice after others under heaven have rejoiced " or " Be the first to feel concern about the country and the last to enjoy oneself " or " Bear the hardship and bitterness before others, enjoy comfort and happiness after others ")
" ( 受命於天 既壽永昌 ) were written by Li Si ( who was Prime Minister, Chief Councillor, State Chancellor and Premier of the Empire of Qin ), and carved onto the seal by a man named Sun Shou.

and by
Milne House is represented by the colour yellow and its animal mascot is a unicorn.
Her grave is marked by a tall white stone inscribed with her school name, not the name by which she was famously known, which reads: " Tomb of Late Mother, Lǐ Yúnhè, 1914 – 1991 " ( 先母李云鹤之墓 一九一四年至一九九一年 ).
** Romance of the Three Kingdoms ( 三國演義 三国演义 ), by Luo Guanzhong ( 羅貫中 罗贯中 )
** Journey to the West ( 西遊記 西游记 Monkey King and Monkey ), by Wu Cheng ' en ( 吳承恩 吴承恩 ).
** Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio ( 聊齋誌異 聊斋志异 ), by Pu Songling ( 蒲松齡 蒲松龄 )
** Jin Ping Mei ( 金瓶梅, 蘭陵笑笑生 兰陵笑笑生 or The Plum in the Golden Vase ), by Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng ( 兰陵笑笑生 )
** The Story of the Western Wing ( 西廂記 西厢记 Xīxiāngjì ), by Wang Shifu ( 王实甫 )
** The Injustice to Dou E ( 竇娥冤 窦娥冤 Dou E Yuan ), by Guan Hanqing ( 關漢卿 关汉卿 )
** The Jade Hairpin ( Yuzanji 玉簪記 玉簪记 ), by Gao Lian ( 高濂 )
** Hui Lan Ji ( 灰闌記 灰兰记 ), by Li Xingdao ( 李行道 ) became the basis for The Caucasian Chalk Circle
** The Peony Pavilion ( Mudan Ting 牡丹亭 ), by Tang Xianzu ( 湯顯祖 汤显祖 )
" (“ 廣東地方不好 我也不愿回去了 我衹愿跟唐老爺到湖南讀書 想進秀才 。”) This apparently innocent, pointless and irrelevant comment was considered by some as a desperate and futile attempt to avoid his untimely death by fooling the executioner into confusing his identity.

and Lin
The initiative group members are Wang Youcai, Lin Hui, Chen Shuqing, Chen Zhiwei Gao Yeju, Lv Gengsong, Xu Guang, Shan Chenfeng, and many other members.

and Mao
The Two Whatevers () refers to the statement that " We will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairman Mao made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Mao gave " ( 凡是毛主席作出的决策 我们都坚决维护 ; 凡是毛主席的指示 我们都始终不渝地遵循 ).

*" A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Lo-Yang " by Yang Xuanzhi ( 杨衒之 ), translated by Yi-t ung Wang ( 王伊同 Princeton University Press Princeton New Jersey 1983
In 1997, Yutong Bus became the first domestic bus enterprise listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange with its stock code 600066 becoming a long-established blue-chip potential stock in China s A stock market.

and three
Then you type the first component, which is also ' Y ' for the 点 stroke, then a ' G ' for the 横 stroke and since you now already have three strokes, you type the last stroke, which also happens to be a 捺, arriving at the keycode ' YYGY ' for the complete character.
"( 蒼天已死 黃天當立 。 歲在甲子 天下大吉 。) Since all the three brothers were healers, they spread it easily by telling their patients to spread it amongst the peasants.
Subaru is the biggest hotel in Totsukawa . There are three hot spring facilities at Subaru and a footbath is one of them.

and lines
The famous opening lines of the novel summarize this view: It is a general truism of this world that anything long divided will surely unite, and anything long united will surely divide ( 話說天下大勢 分久必合 合久必分 ).

and from
The famous Buddhist saying " Form is emptiness, emptiness is form " ( 色即是空 空即是色 ) comes from this sutra.
In1725 the Qing Dynasty government made 250, 000 bronze movable-type characters and printed 64 sets of the encyclopedic Gujin Tushu Jicheng Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from the Earliest to Current Times 《 古今图书集成 》/《 古今圖書集成 》.
( 马相伯 ), from the Confucian Classics (《 尚书大传 • 虞夏传 》): " Itinerant as the twilight, sun glows and moon luminesces " ( 日月光華 旦復旦兮 ).
Derived from this, the Chinese proverb " The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each reveals its divine power " ( 八仙過海 各顯神通 ~, gè xiǎn shén tōng ) indicates the situation that everybody shows off their skills and expertise to achieve a common goal.
Some say that the original proverb should actually be " 狗咬呂洞賓 不識好人心 ," stemming from a story about the friendship between Gou Miao ( 狗咬 ) and Lü Dongbin, who both did for the other great favors, each of which seemed like a disservice initially, signifying the importance of having faith in one's friends.
* Chinese: 又要马儿跑 又要马儿不吃草 ()-To want a horse that both runs fast and consumes no feed ; or 魚與熊掌不可兼得 from Mencius-You cannot have both the fish and the bear's paw ( as a rare delicacy ) at the same time.
Its current editorial mission is the socialist-inspired " promote the policies from the government, spread the knowledge, change the culture, satisfy the life " (「 宣傳政策 傳播知識 移風易俗 豐富生活 」).
Additionally, a contemporary author, Huang Biyun ( 黄碧云, Pinyin: Huáng Bìyún, Cantonese: Wong Bikwan ), writes from the lesbian perspective in her story " She's a Young Woman and So Am I " ( 她是女士 我也是女士 Pinyin: Tā shì nǚshì, wǒ yě shì nǚshì ").
As of October 2010 the theatre was all set to reopen, with the premiere of Mei Lanfang Classics, providing a view of Peking Opera in its heyday. The play includes six classics from the 160 repertoires of Mei Lanfang, including Battle with Invaders, Drunken Princess, Goddess of Luo River, Taking Command of Troops, Sylph Scattering Flowers, Farewell to Princess Yu.
In the 119-year history of Jin Dynasty at least 52 people from this clan were powerful enough to affect the government's decisions.
Indeed the lion was associated by the Han Chinese to earlier venerated creatures of the ancient Chinese, most notably by the monk Huilin ( 琳说 ) who stated that " the mythic suanni ( 狻猊 ) is actually the lion, coming from the Western Regions " ( 狻猊即狮子也 出西域 ).
Under the interaction of these four factors and the influence by the custom from history the differentiation formed between different regions.
The School of International Education is responsible for the enrollment of international students, overseas Chinese or students from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, handling foreign-related formalities, student registration and administration of student status teaching and daily life, etc. Zhengzhou university is the only university who are conducting coaching for USMLE, FMGE, PMDC by Global institute of medical sciences headed by Dr. G. Bhanu Prakash.
* Li Na ( 李娜 ) Class 2005 ,- 2011 French Open winner first player from China and Asia to win a Grand Slam in singles
Philosopher Zhuangzi abstracted and modified this word from an earlier classic of Taoism-Laozi's Tao Te Ching, in which it states :“ 上士闻道 勤而行之 。”, which means taking effort and practicing.
After the fall of Chaoyang ( 朝阳 ) Gate, the defenders ' morale collapsed and imperial general Luo Fengyan ( 罗逢源 ) was able to lead his force to break into the city from Jubao ( 聚宝 ) Gate while imperial general Li Jinzhou ( 李金洲 ) was able to break into the city from ( 通济 ) Gate, linking up with forces led by imperial general Peng Yuju ( 彭毓橘 ).
Taoyuan dialect is profoundly influenced by northern dialect since the commute path of government messengers speaking northern dialect, travelling to Yunnan and Guizhou from Song to Qing dynasty, passes through Taoyuan, and also by dialects in central Jiangxi since substantial residents in Jishui, Zhangshu and Fengcheng of Jiangxi relocated to Taoyuan successively from Ming dynasty to early Qing dynasty.
The school name in Chinese, 立化, is drawn from the school motto 立德立功 化愚化顽.

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