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argument and would
`` The argument that is cutting most ice is that Hearst is the only candidate who is fighting the trusts fearlessly and who would use all the powers of government to disrupt them if he were elected.
What was missing in the Governor's argument, as in so many similar arguments, was a premise which would enable one to make the ethical leap from what might be militarily desirable to what is right.
Added to the argument was the fact that while she might have tasted the coffee if it had been still hot, she might even have drunk some of it, she wouldn't have taken enough to kill her, for she would have been warned by its taste.
Some examples of reversible error would be erroneously instructing the jury on the law applicable to the case, permitting seriously improper argument by an attorney, admitting or excluding evidence improperly, acting outside the court's jurisdiction, injecting bias into the proceeding or appearing to do so, juror misconduct, etc.
He shows how a satisfying argument for the validity of experience can be based neither on demonstration ( since " it implies no contradiction that the course of nature may change ") nor experience ( since that would be a circular argument ).
C. S. Lewis supported this argument and challenged the evolutionary naturalistic view of morality – that morality evolved and is a human construct – by arguing that without objective moral truths, moral scepticism would set in, leading to moral anarchy.
A counterpoint to this argument would be that neither Samaria nor Syria where these refugees were claimed to have originated from were actually ever part of Assyria, but were colonies inhabited largely by Hebrews, Nabateans and Arameans respectively.
The argument continues that the only justification humanity could give for its continued existence would be the past creation and continued creation of things like a Shakespeare play, a Rembrandt painting or a Bach concerto.
She makes the argument that grouping all people of African descent together regardless of their unique ancestral circumstances would inevitably deny the lingering effects of slavery within the American community of slave descendents, in addition to denying black immigrants recognition of their own unique ancestral backgrounds.
She supported the argument that the death penalty would have deterrent value, as within five years of its abolition the national murder rate had more than doubled.
An argument that the power to issue shares could only be properly exercised to raise new capital was rejected as too narrow, and it was held that it would be a proper exercise of the director's powers to issue shares to a larger company to ensure the financial stability of the company, or as part of an agreement to exploit mineral rights owned by the company.
The Senate quickly met and began debating a change of government, but this eventually devolved into an argument over which of them would be the new princeps.
Aristotle's famous argument was contrary to the atomist's depiction of a non-eternal cosmos which, he argued, would require an efficient first cause, a notion that Aristotle took to demonstrate a critical flaw in their reasoning.
Saint Thomas Aquinas ’ argument from contingency applies even if the universe had no beginning, but it would still have to be sustained in being at any particular moment by God.
That is, while an evaluation of the first function might be represented as, evaluation of the curried function would be represented as, applying each argument in turn to a single-argument function returned by the previous invocation.
While this could be interpreted as a justification for state action to reduce poverty, it was used by classical liberals to justify inaction with the argument that the net benefit to all individuals would be higher.
I am glad that he has been courageous enough and logical enough to admit that his argument, if pushed as far as it must go, if worth anything, would prove that men may have come from the Ourang-Outang.
In striking down these rates as an interference with interstate commerce, Hughes recognized that the logic of his argument would permit federal regulation of any action that affected commerce.
Yet the logic of his argument pointed to the position he would espouse during the constitutional crisis of 1937.
A reviewer concluded that Stickel brought forward every possible argument which would speak for that hypothesis, but he proved the opposite of what he had attempted to do ( Johannes Gildemeister in ZDMG 13, 1859, 289 – 304 ).
According to this argument, made by scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, it would be improbable for life not to exist somewhere other than Earth.
Around 4 July, Poisson declared Galois ' work " incomprehensible ", declaring that " argument is neither sufficiently clear nor sufficiently developed to allow us to judge its rigor "; however, the rejection report ends on an encouraging note: " We would then suggest that the author should publish the whole of his work in order to form a definitive opinion.
The use of tabernacle terminology in Hebrews has been used to date the epistle before the destruction of the temple, the idea being that knowing about the destruction of both Jerusalem and the temple would have influenced the development of the author's overall argument to include such evidence.
Another argument in favor of an early dating is that the author seems unfamiliar with the Eucharist ritual ( had the author been familiar, it would have served as a great example ).

argument and imply
This explanation may imply that IQ tests do not necessarily measure a general intelligence factor, especially not Raven's as often argued, but instead may measure different types of intelligence that are developed by different experiences ( this argument is against the notion of an underlying general intelligence, or g factor ).
This is not to imply a naïve, panglossian idealism, but a logically valid argument from a natural scientist who took a great deal of interest in efficient causal analyses.
But showing how one argument in a complex thesis is fallaciously reasoned does not necessarily invalidate the proof ; the complete proof could still logically imply its conclusion if that conclusion is not dependent on the fallacy:
The first argument people attribute to Mackie, often called the Argument from Queerness, holds that moral claims imply motivation internalism ( the doctrine that " It is necessary and a priori that any agent who judges that one of his available actions is morally obligatory will have some ( defeasible ) motivation to perform that action " ).
The superlative expressions for the term, such as " vigorous handwaving " or " furious handwaving ", are used to imply that the handwaver lacks confidence in the information being conveyed, and cannot actually convey the essence or core of his argument.
The same argument would imply that periods of increased solar radiation contributed to the Medieval Warm Period, when Greenland's icy coastal areas thawed enough to permit farming and colonisation.
It is important to note however that this argument is a misrepresentation in that it uses the Anarchist definition of the state and not that of the Marxists, ascribing to the " workers state ", characteristics which the Marxists do not necessarily imply by the word " state ".
Continuity in each argument does not imply multivariate continuity:
The two arguments imply there is no difference between the exception and the rule, and in fact fallacious slippery slope arguments often use the converse accident to the contrary as the basis for the argument.
Kuhn's argument that scientific revolutions worked by paradigm shifts seemed to imply that truth was not the ultimate criterion for science, and the book was extremely influential outside of academia as well.
Even if they do imply non-Greek originals, these accounts have been doubted, in part with an argument that the literary quality of the Greek of these books indicates that the Greek would be the original.
Therefore, so the argument goes, theories of mind that imply or state explicitly that cognition is rule bound cannot be correct unless some way is found to ' ground ' the regress.
So by this argument, finding multicellular life on Mars ( provided it evolved independently ) would be bad news, since it would imply steps 2 – 6 are easy, and hence only 1, 7, 8 or 9 ( or some unknown step ) could be the big problem.
The last two axioms only imply linearity in the first argument, but the first immediately implies linearity in the second argument then too.
Mal discusses his reasons for his leniency, pointedly quoting some of Inara's words in their earlier argument to imply that she's partly responsible for his " descent into lunacy ".
This does not quite imply that A has the property of Baire, but it comes close: A simple modification of the argument shows that if Γ is an adequate pointclass such that every game in Γ is determined, then every set of reals in Γ has the property of Baire.

argument and at
For it is clear that the total number of ordinary intersections of C and Af must be even ( otherwise, starting in the interior of C, Af could not finally return to the interior ), and the center of rotation at T is the argument of the function, not a value.
The remaining ( incomplete ) components all have an even number of ordinary points at any argument, and are defined only on a proper sub-interval of Aj.
The functions F and B have exactly the same multiplicity at every argument T.
Obviously, a satisfactory answer to the third question is imperative, if the argument is to get under way at all, for if there is any possibility of doubt whether the patient's tactual sensitivity had been impaired by the occipital lesion, any findings whatsoever in regard to the first question become completely ambiguous and fail altogether, of course, as evidence to establish the desired conclusion.
More often, though, he is so accustomed to submitting to authority on the job without argument that he lives by the same rule at home.
You can get into an argument about fallout shelters at the drop of a beer stein in clubs and pubs these nights.
In order to make the implications of our position as clear as possible, we may develop this argument at greater length.
The failure at that time of the Puerto Rican bishops to control the votes of their people added a ring of good sense to Father Weigel's theological argument.
Those arguments are presented in written briefs and sometimes in oral argument to the court at a hearing.
His argument is based on a conceptual switch from the " ensemble " of Brownian particles to the " single " Brownian particle: we can speak of the relative number of particles at a single instant just as well as of the time it takes a Brownian particle to reach a given point.
There is the argument that the Heer ( the German army ) itself was not ready for blitzkrieg at the start of the war.
" Referring to the argument as the "' Kalam ' cosmological argument ", Duncan asserts that it " received its fullest articulation at the hands of Muslim and Jewish exponents of Kalam (" the use of reason by believers to justify the basic metaphysical presuppositions of the faith ).
For example, if function div stands for the division operation x / y, then div with the parameter x fixed at 1 ( i. e., div 1 ) is another function: the same as the function inv that returns the multiplicative inverse of its argument, defined by inv ( y )
An early published notice on him, dating from 1604 and describing his lifestyle three years previously, tells how " after a fortnight's work he will swagger about for a month or two with a sword at his side and a servant following him, from one ball-court to the next, ever ready to engage in a fight or an argument, so that it is most awkward to get along with him.
According to Lactantius, Diocletian and Galerius entered into an argument over imperial policy towards Christians while wintering at Nicomedia in 302.
Thomas Hobbes – a 17th century deist and important influence on subsequent deists – used the cosmological argument for the existence of God at several places in his writings.
A similar argument can be used to show that if we imagine the slit to be divided into four, six, eight parts, etc., minima are obtained at angles θ < sub > n </ sub > given by
This argument has lost much force as recent insight into Greek influence on Judea at the time has come to light.
Although not an IAU standard, the ephemeris time argument T < sub > eph </ sub > has been in use at that institution since the 1960s.
While the standard argument for utilizing a modern text supports distillation of information into a form relevant to modern society, perennialists argue that many of the historical debates and the development of ideas presented by the great books are relevant to any society, at any time, and thus that the suitability of the great books for instructional use is unaffected by their age.
Hume argued that it requires inductive reasoning to arrive at the premises for the principle of inductive reasoning, and therefore the justification for inductive reasoning is a circular argument.
If it can be claimed that it is ethical to limit the internet and other technology to only users who have the means to utilize these software, then there is no argument against the way things are at the moment ; there is no need to complain if all morality is in affect.
Higher-order functions enable partial application or currying, a technique in which a function is applied to its arguments one at a time, with each application returning a new function that accepts the next argument.

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