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. and org
* Bekker's Prussian Academy of Sciences edition of the complete works of Aristotle at Archive. org: volume 1, volume 2, volume 3, volume 4, volume 5
* http :// www. fallacyfiles. org / afthecon. html
* IUCN Hyaenidae Specialist Group Aardwolf pages on hyaenidae. org
* www. cartage. org. lb
http :// www. globalwitness. org / media_library_detail. php / 93 / en / a_crude_awakening
http :// www. hrw. org / reports / 2004 / angola0104 /
http :// hrw. org / reports / 2005 / angola0305 /
And, www. invasive. org notes 838 invasive plant species in the Asterales, all members of the Asteraceae.
* http :// en. wikipedia. org / wiki / Evolutionary_history_of_plants Background information on this field
* http :// www. mobot. org / mobot / research / apweb / has detailed maps of locations of each family in the Asterales, and botanical and biochemical information relating to the evolution and relationships of the families in the order
* Nobelprize. org
* Agnosticism-from ReligiousTolerance. org
* For a utilitarian analysis of religion, see The ( F ) Utility of Religion: Who Needs God ( s )?– A Prospective Bible for Non-Believers at http :// bradmusil. kramernet. org

. and French
I worked for my Uncle ( an Uncle by marriage so you will not think this has a mild undercurrent of incest ) who ran one of those antique shops in New Orleans' Vieux Carre, the old French Quarter.
I heard subsequently that my Uncle and Aunt had dinner in a nearby restaurant in the French Quarter after which he went home to get into his costume to keep the date.
On a military mission for his native Virginia the youthful George Washington touched off the French and Indian War, then guarded his colony's frontier as head of its militia.
The Irish accent is, as one would expect, combined with slight inflections from the French.
French Egalitarianism had had only nominal influence in this country before the days of Popularism.
The riotous onrush of industrialism after the War for Southern Independence and the general secular drift to the Religion of Humanity, however, prepared the way for a reception of the French Revolution's socialistic offspring of one sort of another.
However, it is important to trace the philosophy of the French Revolution to its sources to understand the common democratic origin of individualism and socialism and the influence of the latter on the former.
Yet, after Rousseau had given the social contract a new twist with his notion of the General Will, the same philosophy, it may be said, became the idea source of the French Revolution also.
In secret he also acted as a member of the prisoners' Central Committee, which plotted sabotage, planned a few escapes, and maintained a hidden control over the wretched French slave-laborers.
While convalescing in his Virginia home he wrote a book recording his prison experiences and escape, entitled: They Shall Not Have Me Published originally in ( Helion's ) English by Dutton & Co. of New York, in 1943, the book was received by the press as a work of astonishing literary power and one of the most realistic accounts of World War 2, from the French side.
These new pictures focussed on the familiar and commonplace objects that he had heard the men in his prison camp talking about as the things they missed most, hence associated with the sense of lost freedom: the cafe at the corner, the newspaper kiosk, the girls in doorways and windows along the street, the golden-crusted French bread they lacked, the cigarettes denied them.
Socialist leaders in Milwaukee recognized her worth, not only because of her dedication but because of her fluency in German, French, and Luxemburg.
Trevelyan accepts Italian nationalism with little analysis, he is unduly critical of papal and French policy, and he is more than generous in assessing British policy.
There was only one hitch: the small town of Kehl, on the other side of the Rhine, was still under French jurisdiction.
Alarmed by this display of weapons, I looked toward the bridge and there saw, stretched across the near side, a cordon of policemen, their bicycles forming a roadblock before which stood several French officers in uniform and a small waspish man in a brown derby.
`` Listen please '', I called to the students in French.
The waspish man stopped me three paces from the bicycle barricade, and asked me in French if I had papers to leave France.
`` Ah, then please tell me where the frontier is because this gentleman here '' -- I indicated the French occupation officer -- `` informs me that Germany is just on the other side of him ''.
The Interior man looked uneasily at his French compatriot.
The reporters were questioning the Interior man and the French officer, both of whom remained noncommittal as to what action, if any, would be taken in my regard.
Sure enough, mail began trickling in, delivered by a talkative, highly amused French postman who informed me there had been quite a debate at the post office as to whether that address would be recognized.
As the field on which my tent was pitched was a favorite natural playground for the kids of the neighborhood, I had made many friends among them, taking part in their after-school games and trying desperately to translate Grimm's Fairy Tales into an understandable French as we gathered around the fire in front of the tent.
He dabbled in verse, could get along well among most of the European languages, and was fluent in French and German.
Greek phone service is worse than French, so that it was to be some little time before contact of any sort was established.
The great spectacle was a source of rancor, and Son et Lumiere, which the French were trying to promote with the Athenians, was the reason.

. and language
He speaks your language too, for he is the grandson of a chieftain on Taui who made much magic and was strong and cunning.
It was a difficult and ambiguous kind of negotiation, even though the rancher was said to be expert in his knowledge of the aborigines and their language.
The one of 1861 made clear that in making their government the people were acting through their states, whereas the Preamble of 1787-89 expressed, as clearly as language can, the opposite concept, that they were acting directly as citizens.
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
it is a mystique, and their private language is rich in the multivalent ambiguities of sexual reference so that they dwell in a sexualized universe of discourse.
For this reason, too, their language is more forthright and earthy.
Of the longer pieces of the volume none is so memorable as `` Nameless And Immortal '', which at once took rank among the finest poems ever written in the Swedish language.
The capacity for making the distinctions of which diplomacy is compact, and the facility with language which can render them into validity in the eyes of other men are the leader's means for transforming the moral intuition into moral leadership.
and it is surely clear that the first of these is the result of the way in which the individual's command of language interacts with the other two.
He chose a medieval legend of incest, Gregorius Vom Stein, and freely borrowed and parodied other myths of the West, mixing themes, language, peoples and times in a master myth in which the old forms continually renew themselves, as in his previous treatment of Joseph.
These narratives of coarse action and crude language appeared first in local newspapers, as a rule, and later found their way between book covers, though rarely into the planters' libraries beside the morocco-bound volumes of Horace, Mr. Addison, Mr. Pope, and Sir Walter Scott.
The crew of the Caravan never failed to amaze Ann, who during her stay in Salem must frequently have overheard strong sailorly language.
She wrote in her journal, `` I have not heard the least profane language since I have been on board the vessel.
Alas, to Ann's consternation, his language while thus employed left much to be desired.
Such speech differences made him acutely aware of the richness and expressivness of language.
Mercer's lyrics are characterized by an unerring ear for rhythmic nuances, a puckish sense of humor expressed in language with a colloquial flair.
How literature does this, or for whom, is certainly not clear, but the content, form, and language of the `` message '', as well as the source, would all play differentiated parts in giving and molding a sense of purpose.
But to go from here to the belief that those more sensitive to metaphor and language will also be more sensitive to personal differences is too great an inferential leap.
Living pictures of the early boroughs, country life in Tudor and Stuart times, the impact of the industrial revolution compete with sensitive surveys of language and literature, the common law, parliamentary development.
It should have a dramatic form with pleasing language, and it should portray incidents which so arouse pity and fear that it purges these emotions in the audience.
He spoke no German but he could sing it and the words of the song were the only ones he knew in a foreign language.
After the seventeenth century the audience ceased to be an organic community to which these ideas and their attendant habits of figurative language would be natural or immediately familiar.
Much of his earlier work was conceived in terms of a `` pseudo-anthropological '' myth reference, which is concerned with imaginary places and beings described in grandiloquent and travelogue-like language.
Then off to a remote place in an underdeveloped country where the diet, culture, language and living conditions will be different.
This, in more diplomatic language, is what Adlai Stevenson told the newspaper men of Latin America yesterday on behalf of the United States Government.

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