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. and Frederick
Among them are Frederick J. Hoffman, William Van O'Connor, and Mrs. Olga Vickery.
In archaeology, for example, the contributions of Frederick Haverfield and Reginald Smith to the various volumes of the Victoria County Histories raised the discipline from the status of an antiquarian pastime to that of the most valuable single tool of the early English historian.
But beginning, for all practical purposes, with Frederick Seebohm's English Village Community scholars have had to reckon with a theory involving institutional and agrarian continuity between Roman and Anglo-Saxon times which is completely at odds with the reigning concept of the Anglo-Saxon invasions.
He also ascertained that many officers were indifferent to the problem, including Commanding General Frederick Funston who gave Fosdick the nickname of `` Reverend ''.
Not only is Mr. Frelinghuysen a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, but he is the grandson of the man who was instrumental in opening relations between the United States and Korea, Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State in the administration of Chester A. Arthur.
Next year is the 80th anniversary of the signing of the treaty between Korea and the United States and experts in Seoul are trying to find the correspondence between Frederick Frelinghuysen, who was Secretary of State in 1883 and 1884, and Gen. Lucius Foote, who was the first minister to Korea.
Mongi Slim of Tunisia and Frederick Boland of Ireland were early favorites in the running, but France didn't like the former and the Soviet Union would have none of the latter.
Young Frederick Seward held out his hand.
Frederick Seward said his father was sleeping, and then went through a pantomime at his father's door, to prove the statement.
Reversing it, he smashed the butt down on Frederick Seward's head, over and over again.
The promotion of Robert E. Swift to the position of Assistant Manager of the Interference Control Field Service Department was announced early in December by Frederick S. Scarborough, Manager of Interference Control Field Service.
Colonel Frederick W. Lander, impersonated, will again make his break-neck ride down the steep declivity of Talbott's ( now College ) Hill and thunder across the bridge to join Colonel Benjamin F. Kelley's ( West ) Virginia Infantry, then swarming through the streets in pursuit of the retreating Confederates.
One of the greatest Homerists of our time, Frederick M. Combellack, argues that when it is assumed The Iliad and The Odyssey are oral poems, the postulated single redactor called Homer cannot be either credited with or denied originality in choice of phrasing.
The plan was supported by Frederick P. Fish, counsel for the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce.
Because of the recent death of the bride's father, Frederick B. Hamm, the marriage of Miss Terry Hamm to John Bruce Parichy will be a small one at noon tomorrow in St. Bernadine's church, Forest Park.
Models will be Mrs. Samuel B. D. Baird, Mrs. William H. Meyle, Jr., Mrs. Richard W. Hole, Mrs. William F. Harrity, Mrs. Robert O. Spurdle, Mrs. E. H. Kloman, Mrs. Robert W. Wolcott, Jr., Mrs. Frederick C. Wheeler, Jr., Mrs. William A Boyd, Mrs F. Vernon Putt.
Ellie Mao, soprano, and Frederick Fuller, baritone, presented a program of folksongs entitled `` East Meets West '' in Carnegie Recital Hall last night.
Of special importance were Tennessee and Arkansas, where Lincoln appointed Generals Andrew Johnson and Frederick Steele as military governors, respectively.
While experimenting with the products of radioactive decay, in 1913 radiochemist Frederick Soddy discovered that there appeared to be more than one type of atom at each position on the periodic table.
* 1943 – Frederick Chiluba, Zambian politician, 2nd President of Zambia ( d. 2011 )
* 1789 – In New York City, the United States House of Representatives holds its first quorum and elects Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania as its first House Speaker.
* 1872 – Frederick Maurice, English theologian ( b. 1805 )
* 1872 – William Frederick Horry, English convicted murderer ( b. 1843 )
* 1770 – Frederick William III of Prussia ( d. 1840 )
* Steiner, Frederick.

. and William
The exception was an Iron Mountain settler named William Lewis.
William Lewis made the rounds of all who lived near him again, that August morning after a bullet landed at his feet, and once more he accused and threatened everyone.
A bullet smashed directly into the center of William Lewis' chest.
A good many beef-hungry settlers were accepting the death of William Lewis as proof that the warning notes were not idle threats.
The key man almost certainly would be Col. William W. Wisman, SAC's senior controller.
The music director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, William Steinberg, has molded his group into a prominent musical organization, which is his life.
Such writers as William Faulkner and Robert Penn Warren have led the field of somewhat less important writers in a sort of post-bellum renaissance.
Undoubtedly even the old Southern stalwart Richmond has felt the new wind: William Styron mentions in his latest novel an avenue named for Bankhead McGruder, a Civil War general, now renamed, in typical California fashion, `` Buena Vista Terrace ''.
William Styron, while facing the changing economy with a certain uneasy reluctance, insists he is not to be classified as a Southern writer and yet includes traditional Southern concepts in everything he publishes.
He is too deeply steeped in William Faulkner and Robert Penn Warren.
I saw a piece the other day assailing William Buckley, author of Man And God at Yale and publisher of The National Review, as no conservative at all, but an old liberal.
They give strict interpretation to William James' statement that `` Every idea that enters the mind tends to express itself ''.
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
They have an ancestry extending back, however, at least to 1728, when William Byrd described the Lubberlanders he encountered in the back country of Virginia and North Carolina.
William Gilmore Simms, sturdy realist that he was, pleaded for a natural robustness such as he found in his favorites the great Elizabethans, to vivify the pale writings being produced around him.
Miriam was stopped at the Taliesin gate, and William Weston, now the estate foreman, came out to parley.
she also went to Washington and appealed to Senator George William Norris of Nebraska, the Fighting Liberal, from whose office a sympathetic but cautious harrumphing was heard.
he collaborated on a song with William Hartman Woodin, who was Secretary of the Treasury, 1932-33.
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.
In much the same way, we recognize the importance of Shakespeare's familarity with Plutarch and Montaigne, of Shelley's study of Plato's dialogues, and of Coleridge's enthusiastic plundering of the writings of many philosophers and theologians from Plato to Schelling and William Godwin, through which so many abstract ideas were brought to the attention of English men of letters.
A lone pro-Hearst voice from New York City was that of William Devery, who had been expelled as a Tammany leader but still claimed strong influence in his own district.
Shortly after the `` Vale '' incident, a rift began to develop between William Woodruff and Governor Pope.
On January 28, 1835, Andrew Jackson removed Pope from office and elevated Territorial Secretary William S. Fulton to the position.
William Coddington, who was running the colony, felt constrained to move seven miles south where, with others -- as mentioned above -- he founded Newport.

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