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Some Related Sentences

. and D
And ( D ) all action of a physical kind pertinent to the mission is relegated to the line of men on the lower rank.
( D ) honesty in government.
Meaningful policies include: ( A ) kinds of cars the state should own, ( B ) when cars should be traded, ( C ) the need and assignment of vehicles, ( D ) use of cars in lieu of mileage allowances, ( E ) employees taking cars home, and ( F ) need for liability insurance on state automobiles.
For the year 2000 this means servicing ( A ) the protection requirements of a watershed producing at least 200 million acre-feet of water each year, ( B ) recreation and wildlife resources used each year by 635 million visitors, ( C ) a timber resource supporting an annual cut of 21 billion board feet, and ( D ) 60 million acres of rangelands.
For United States expenditures under subsections ( A ), ( B ), ( D ), ( E ), ( F ), ( H ) through ( R ) of Section 104 of the Act or under any of such subsections, the rupee equivalent of $200 million.
pattern D for lid fits over top diameter of Aj.
score other side of D and one side of disk E and join as before.
Companies of all types have made great advances in production capabilities and efficiencies -- in modern equipment and new processes, enlarged R & D facilities, faster new product development.
Many companies have systems, particularly in R & D, which work more or less well, depending upon size and actual belief in the policy on the part of administration, as will be abundantly apparent in subsequent quotations.
We have set up a central R & D department, as well as engineering-management departments -- about 80 people working on problems related to those of our plants.
the doors of the D train slid shut, and as I dropped into a seat and, exhaling, looked up across the aisle, the whole aviary in my head burst into song.
( D ) Since the shape of the drop conforms to the force field, it does not appreciably affect the distribution of forces in the fluid.
By Theorem 10, D is a diagonalizable operator which we shall call the diagonalizable part of T.
Then there is a diagonalizable operator D on V and a nilpotent operator N in V such that ( A ) Af, ( b ) Af.
The diagonalizable operator D and the nilpotent operator N are uniquely determined by ( A ) and ( B ) and each of them is a polynomial in T.
We have just observed that we can write Af where D is diagonalizable and N is nilpotent, and where D and N not only commute but are polynomials in T.
hence they commute with D and with N.
Since D and D' are both diagonalizable and they commute, they are simultaneously diagonalizable, and Af is diagonalizable.
Then every linear operator T in V can be written as the sum of a diagonalizable operator D and a nilpotent operator N which commute.
These operators D and N are unique and each is a polynomial in T.
If D denotes the differentiation operator and P is the polynomial Af then V is the null space of the operator p (, ), because Af simply says Af.

. and P
Add holes in top, forming `` S '' for salt and `` P '' for pepper.
If Af is the change per unit volume in Gibbs function caused by the shear field at constant P and T, and **yr is the density of the fluid, then the total potential energy of the system above the reference height is Af.
Since Af and P divides Af for Af, we have Af.
It is clear that each vector in the range of Af is in Af for if **ya is in the range of Af, then Af and so Af because Af is divisible by the minimal polynomial P.
Thus Af is divisible by the minimal polynomial P of T, i.e., Af divides Af.
In the primary decomposition theorem, it is not necessary that the vector space V be finite dimensional, nor is it necessary for parts ( A ) and ( B ) that P be the minimal polynomial for T.
If T is a linear operator on an arbitrary vector space and if there is a monic polynomial P such that Af, then parts ( A ) and ( B ) of Theorem 12 are valid for T with the proof which we gave.
Ten students act as managers for a high-school football team, and of these managers a proportion P are licensed drivers.
The word `` binomial '' means `` of two names '' or `` of two terms '', and both usages apply in our work: the first to the names of the two outcomes of a binomial trial, and the second to the terms P and Af that represent the probabilities of `` success '' and `` failure ''.
The constancy of P and the independence are the conditions most likely to give trouble in practice.
Obviously, very slight changes in P do not change the probabilities much, and a slight lack of independence may not make an appreciable difference.
We shall find a formula for the probability of exactly X successes for given values of P and N.
Therefore each binomial trial can be thought of as producing a value of a random variable associated with that trial and taking the values 0 and 1, with probabilities Q and P respectively.
On C, from the point P at Af to the point Q at Af, we construct the chord, and upon the chord as a side erect a square in such a way that as S approaches zero the square is inside C.
As S increases we consider the two free corner points of the square, Af and Af, adjacent to P and Q respectively.
We again consider a fixed point P at Af and a variable point Q at Af on C.
We erect a square with PQ as a side and with free corners Af and Af adjacent to P and Q respectively.
Now with P fixed at Af, Af-values occur when the corner Af crosses C, and are among the values of S such that Af.
Moreover, if Af and Af are two planes intersecting in a line l, tangent to Q at a point P, the two free intersections of the image curves Af and Af must coincide at P', the image of P, and at this point Af and Af must have a common tangent l'.
To do this we must first show that every line which meets **zg in a point P meets its image at P.
But if this is the case, then an arbitrary pencil of lines having a point, P, of **zg as vertex is transformed into a ruled surface of order Af having Af generators concurrent at P.

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