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brain and exists
The brain therefore exists in neutral buoyancy, which allows the brain to maintain its density without being impaired by its own weight, which would cut off blood supply and kill neurons in the lower sections without CSF.
Materialism is a realist philosophy of science, which holds that the world is material ; that all phenomena in the universe consist of " matter in motion ," wherein all things are interdependent and interconnected and develop according to natural law ; that the world exists outside us and independently of our perception of it ; that thought is a reflection of the material world in the brain, and that the world is in principle knowable.
For example, there have been a number of epidemiological studies of looking for a relationship between cell phone use and brain cancer development, which have been largely inconclusive, save to demonstrate that the effect, if it exists, cannot be a large one.
In humans, the production of myelin begins in the fourteenth week of fetal development, although little myelin exists in the brain at the time of birth.
Dualism holds that the mind exists independently of the brain ; materialism holds that mental phenomena are identical to neuronal phenomena ; and idealism holds that only mental phenomena exist.
Some parapsychologists have attempted to establish by scientific experiment whether a soul separate from the brain, as more commonly defined in religion rather than as a synonym of psyche or mind, exists.
If consciousness exists apart from the body, which includes the brain, one is attached not only to the material world, but to a non-temporal ( spiritual ) world as well.
Considerable controversy exists over the effects of ECT on brain tissue, although a number of mental health associations — including the American Psychiatric Association — have concluded that there is no evidence that ECT causes structural brain damage.
A response is that since the brain presumably perceives time through information processing of external stimuli, not by extrasensory perception, and obeys the laws of causality, it is hard to see how the flow of time, whether it exists or not, could make any subjective difference: all conscious beings are built to perceive time as a chain of events, whether or not it occurs as such.
He concludes, " This ' degenerate and unlovely age ', as one historian calls it, exists in the mind of Karl Rove, the reputed brain of George W. Bush, as the seminal age of inspiration for the politics and governance of America today.
In his earlier book Consciousness Explained, Dennett argued that, without denying that human consciousness exists, we can understand it as coming about from the coordinated activity of many components in the brain that are themselves unconscious.
When a meme exists in a brain it has the form of a neuronal network that allows the meme to function within semantic memory.
This learning machinery exists only during a specific critical period of childhood and is then disassembled for thrift, freeing resources in an energy-hungry brain.
For example, he propagates the incorrect Galenic notion that a rete mirabile (" miraculous network ") of blood vessels exists at the base of the human brain when it is in fact only present in ungulates.
The rudiments of a biological basis for the mind's eye is found in the deeper portions of the brain below the neocortex, or where the center of perception exists.
The prognosis may differ between concussed adults and children ; little research has been done on concussion in the pediatric population, but concern exists that severe concussions could interfere with brain development in children.
Incredulity about the possibility of a mechanistic explanation of thought drove René Descartes, and most of humankind along with him, to dualism: the belief that the mind exists independently of the brain.
Dyscalculia does not necessarily imply higher mathematical reasoning difficulties as well as difficulties with arithmetic operations ; in fact, evidence exists ( especially from brain damaged patients ) that arithmetic ( e. g. calculation and number fact memory ) and mathematical ( abstract reasoning with numbers ) abilities can be dissociated.
In his search for his real identity, he discovers that he has extra bodies that are activated when he dies ( so that, in a sense, he cannot be killed ), that a galactic society of humans exists outside the Solar system, a large interstellar empire wishes to conquer both the Earth and Venus ( inhabited by masters of non-Aristotelian logic ), and he has extra brain matter that, when properly trained, can allow him to move matter with his mind.
The presence of the Babinski sign can identify disease of the spinal cord and brain in adults, and also exists as a primitive reflex in infants.
According to the brain power estimates used by Kurzweil ( and Moravec ), this computer should be capable of supporting a simulation of a bee brain, but despite some interest no such simulation exists.

brain and form
Because of his brain injury and the extreme damage suffered to his sight, the patient had to train himself for a new line of work, that of a portfolio-maker, an occupation requiring a great deal of precision in the making of measurements and a fairly well-developed sense of form and contour.
The brain signals the bone to grow instead of scar tissue to form, and nodules and other growth can interfere with prosthetics and sometimes require further operations.
Nervous system of a generic bilaterian animal, in the form of a nerve cord with segmental enlargements, and a " brain " at the front
The fundamental bilateral body form is a tube with a hollow gut cavity running from the mouth to the anus, and a nerve cord with an enlargement ( a ganglion ) for each body segment, with an especially large ganglion at the front, called the brain.
In its earliest form, the brain appears as three swellings at the front end of the neural tube ; these swellings eventually become the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain ( the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon, respectively ).
This form of plague occurs when bacteria cross the blood brain barrier, leading to infectious meningitis.
The defective protein can be transmitted by contaminated harvested human brain products, Immunoglobulins ( IVIG ), corneal grafts, dural grafts or electrode implants ( acquired or iatrogenic form: iCJD ); it can be inherited ( hereditary or familial form: fCJD ); or it may appear for the first time in the patient ( sporadic form: sCJD ).
The band, who all wore white shirts with a big, black S painted on the front, pulled black ties from around the backs of their necks to form a dollar sign, then started playing a new song titled " Pull My Strings ", a barbed, satirical attack on the ethics of the mainstream music industry, which contained the lyrics, " Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough, for you to make me a star ?".
This loss of ability to form new memories indicates that the head injury affected the medial temporal lobe of the brain resulting in the inability for Leonard to form declarative memory.
* Tuberous Sclerosis ( TSC ) is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs.
Studies show that though many people participate in gambling as a form of recreation or even as a means to gain an income, gambling, like any behavior which involves variation in brain chemistry, can become a psychologically addictive and harmful behavior in some people.
There he repeated in a different form all that he had already said, for all the world as if he had a gramophone fixed in his brain ... When I took leave, he subjected me to an interminable handshake, meanwhile fixing his cold blue eyes on mine, and repeating almost word for word what he said to me on arrival ... I felt I should never be able to establish any human contact with this man " In early June 1940, when Mussolini informed Hitler that he at long last would enter the war on 10 June 1940, Hitler was most dismissive, in private calling Mussolini a cowardly opportunist who broke the terms of the Pact of Steel in September 1939 when the going looked rough, and was only entering the war in June 1940 after it was clear that France was beaten and it appeared that Britain would soon make peace.
N < sup > 7 </ sup > and O < sup > 6 </ sup > of guanine and the N < sup > 3 </ sup > and N < sup > 7 </ sup > of adenine are most susceptible to attack ; while N < sup > 7 </ sup >- guanine adducts, which form the bulk of DNA adducts, appear to be non-mutagenic, alkylation at O < sup > 6 </ sup > of guanine is harmful because excision repair of O < sup > 6 </ sup >- adduct of guanine may be poor in some tissues such as the brain.
Neurons expressing certain types of neurotransmitters sometimes form distinct systems, where activation of the system affects large volumes of the brain, called volume transmission.
Gould died on May 20, 2002, from a metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung, a form of cancer which had spread to his brain.
Rather a word is only a " signifier ," i. e. the representation of something, and it must be combined in the brain with the " signified ," or the thing itself, in order to form a meaning-imbued " sign.
( In addition, one form of the disorder involves a part of the brain called the brainstem.
The first major form relates to an abnormality of the brain called an Arnold-Chiari malformation.
The word tachyon has become widely recognized to such an extent that it can impart a science-fictional connotation even if the subject in question has no particular relation to superluminal travel ( a form of technobabble, akin to positronic brain ).
" Thinning the blood helps to ensure that small particles do not form and travel to the brain.
) However, Zippy is distinctive not so much for his skull shape, or for any identifiable form of brain damage, but for his enthusiasm for philosophical non sequiturs (" All life is a blur of Republicans and meat!
The brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract begin to form.

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