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recent and book
One such is Abraham Meyer, the writer of a recent book, Speaking Of Man.
In a recent book called `` World Peace Through World Law '', two distinguished lawyers, Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn, call for just such an overhaul of the U.N., basing their case on the world-wide fear of a nuclear holocaust.
In his recent book, Hurray For Anything ( 1957 ), one of the most important short poems -- and it is the title poem for one of the long jazz arrangements -- is written for recital with jazz.
`` The sexual relationship does not exist in a vacuum '', declares Dr. Mary Steichen Calderone, medical director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and author of the recent book, Release From Sexual Tensions.
International Master John L. Watson has dubbed the line 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4 the " Nimzo-English ", employing this designation in Chapter 11 of his recent book Mastering the Chess Openings, Volume 3.
Although details remain disputed, the vast majority of recent studies agree with Martin Noth's thesis, published in 1943, that the book of Samuel was composed as part of the Deuteronomistic history, the books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
Notably, the book has not received much attention in the recent modern era, possibly in part because of its foreign inward looking virtues and rejection of the modern emphasis on material productiveness.
However, in recent times, leaders of the church have emphasized that Latter-day Saints should not restrict their study of the standard works to the particular book being currently studied in Sunday School or other religious courses.
In a review of the book, Time Magazine wrote, " General Jackson's opinions need surprise no one who has observed George Washington and Abraham Lincoln zealously following the Communist Party Line in recent years.
The term " ecology " () is of a more recent origin and was first coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in his book Generelle Morphologie der Organismen ( 1866 ).
Other recent releases included a large book of pre-constructed Powers, a set of pre-generated Martial Arts styles, abilities and skills, a large bestiary, a new grimoire for Fantasy Hero and a three-volume set of villains for Champions.
In his most recent book, " The Vanishing Face of Gaia ", he rejects scientific modelling that disagrees with the scientific findings that sea levels are rising faster, and Arctic ice is melting faster, than the models predict and he suggests that we may already be beyond the tipping point of terrestrial climate into a permanently hot state.
Flynn's most recent book The Torchlight List proposes the controversial idea that a person can learn more from reading great works of literature than they can from going to university.
A recent book by Galen Wadzinski ( The Ultimate Maze Book ) offers formalized rules for more recent innovations that involve single-directional pathways, 3-D simulating illustrations, " key " and " ordered stop " mazes in which items must be collected or visited in particular orders to add to the difficulties of routing ( such restrictions on pathway traveling and re-use are important in a printed book in which the limited amount of space on a printed page would otherwise place clear limits on the amount of choices and pathways that can be contained within a single maze ).
His most recent book on globalisation, ' A World Without Walls ', has also been published in Chinese and Turkish.
Singer's most recent book, The Life You Can Save, makes the argument that it is a clear-cut moral imperative for citizens of developed countries to give more to charitable causes that help the poor.
M. Leigh has devoted an extensive chapter about Plautus and Hannibal in his recent book, Comedy and the Rise of Rome.
Justice Breyer, who dissented, wrote in his most recent book that if he could change three of his dissenting opinions ( while on the Supreme Court ) into a majority, this would be one of them.
His disciples form the second generation, with rhetoricians such as Françoise Waquet and Delphine Denis, both of the Sorbonne, or Philippe-Joseph Salazar (: fr: Philippe-Joseph Salazar on the French Wikipedia ), until recently at Derrida's College international de philosophie, laureate of the Harry Oppenheimer prize and whose recent book on Hyperpolitique has attracted the French media's attention on a " re-appropriation of the means of production of persuasion ".
According to History Professor John Boles ' recent book University Builder: Edgar Odell Lovett and the Founding of the Rice Institute, the first president's original vision for the university included hopes for future medical and law schools.
Taking a more positive position, Mettinger argues in his recent book that the category of rise and return to life is significant for the following deities: Ugaritic Baal, Melqart, Adonis, Eshmun, Osiris and Dumuzi.
:" In recent years, the revisionist view that thuggee was a British invention, a means to tighten their hold in the country, has been given credence in India, France and the US, but this well-researched book objectively questions that assertion.

recent and by
In recent weeks, as a result of a sweeping defense policy reappraisal by the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and large new sums allocated -- to meet the accidental-war danger and to reduce it as quickly as possible.
Or the mode of love to this fragment by a recent poet: `` Know ye, fair folk who dwell on earth Or shall hereafter come to birth, That here, with dust upon his eyes, Iraj, the sweet-tongued singer, lies.
Again omitting recent developments, E.T. Leeds' dictum of 1913 has stood unchallenged: `` So far as archaeology is concerned, there is not the least warrant for the second ( shore occupied by ) of these theories ''.
The recent experiments in the new poetry-and-jazz movement seen by some as part of the `` San Francisco Renaissance '' have been as popular as they are notorious.
Mr. Freeman said that in many of the countries he visited on a recent world trade trip people were more awed by America's capacity to produce food surpluses than by our industrial production -- or even by the Soviet's successes in space.
His very honest act called up the recent talk I had with another minister, a modest Methodist, who said: `` I feel so deeply blessed by God when I can give a message of love and comfort to other men, and I would have it no other way: and it is unworthy to think of self.
-- The Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children wishes to commend the recent announcement by the Catholic charities of the archdiocese of Chicago and DePaul University of the establishment of the Institute for Special Education at the university for the training of teachers for physically handicapped and mentally retarded children.
A recent study on radiation exposure by the AEC's division of biology and medicine stated: `` The question of the biological effect of ( radiation ) doses is not considered '' herein.
Four billion dollars of the spending increase is for defense, an expenditure necessitated by the penny-wise policies of the Eisenhhower Administration, quite apart from the recent crises in Berlin and elsewhere.
By making inroads in the name of law enforcement into the protection which Congress has afforded to the marriage relationship, the Court today continues in the path charted by the recent decision in Wyatt v. United States, 362 U.S. 525, where the Court held that, under the circumstances of that case, a wife could be compelled to testify against her husband over her objection.
I would expect that sales at retail in the first half of 1961 might be below 1960 by some 10 - 15% but that second-half levels should show a favorable comparison, with a possibility of quite strong demand late in the year if business conditions recover as some recent forecasts suggest they will.
Of interest is a recent announcement by Du Pont's Polychemicals Dept. of a new methyl methacrylate monomer designated as Monocite H 100, which was developed specifically for production of cast acrylic sheets for the sign and lighting industry.
The most convincing recent measurement of an anaconda was made in eastern Colombia by Roberto Lamon, a petroleum geologist of the Richmond Oil Company, and reported in 1944 by Emmett R. Dunn.
The importance of knowing in what chemical forms the hormone may exist is accentuated by the recent observation that there exists an abnormally long-acting TSH in blood drawn from many thyrotoxic patients ( Adams, 1958 ).
For example, the level of improvement noted in a recent experiment with a short course of immediate treatment for parent-child relationship problems compared favorably with the results reported by typical child guidance clinics where the hours spent in purely diagnostic study may equal or exceed the number of hours devoted to actual treatment interviews in the experimental project.
A further possibility is suggested by the example of the G. I. bills and also by some recent trends in attitudes toward improving college education: that is to provide financial assistance to individuals for vocational training when local facilities are inadequate.
The 2% increase in retail sales in October to a 4-month high is encouraging in this connection as well as the most recent consumer survey by the National Industrial Conference Board, which shows a decided pickup in consumer spending plans.
A recent case in point is Mitchell Canneries v. United States, in which a claim against the Government was transferred first from a corporation to a partnership, whose partners were former stockholders, and then to another corporation formed by the partners.
Resolved that his wrongs and bereavements in Kansas, occasioned by the violence and brutality of those who were intent on the propagation of slavery in that territory, call for a charitable judgment upon his recent efforts in Virginia to undermine the despotism from which he had suffered, and commend his family to the special sympathy and aid of all who pity suffering and reverence justice.
No meteorites have ever been recovered from paleoexplosion craters, and recent craters containing impact glass have all been produced by metallic meteorites with the exception of Aouelloul crater, Adrar, Western Sahara Desert.
`` All too frequently '', points out James O'Gara, managing editor of Commonweal, `` Catholics run roughshod over Protestant sensibilities in this matter, by failure to consider the reasoning behind the Protestant position and, particularly, by their jibes at the fact that Protestant opinion on birth control has changed in recent decades ''.

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