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Page "League of the Three Emperors" ¶ 2
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According and coalition
According to historian Christopher Moore, coalition governments in Canada became much less possible in 1919 when the leaders of parties were no longer chosen by elected MPs, but instead began to be chosen by party members.
According to Moore, as long as that kind of leadership selection process remains in place, and concentrates power in the hands of the leader, as opposed to backbenchers, then coalition governments will be very difficult to form.
According to an Associated Press report, " a coalition of women's groups ," operating under the name " ERA Summit ," planned " to ask Congress to nullify 1982 deadline for ratification.
According to some historians, starting with the Somme, Britain began to gain influence in the coalition.
According to Sidney Tarrow, four elements are necessary to maintain a coalition:
According to various accounts-including the US ambassador to the UN-the Taliban used women and children from their own population as human shields against coalition forces in 2006, and 2007, and when the British attacked during August 2008.
Under international law, according to Protocol 1 Additions to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, Gurkhas serving as regular uniformed soldiers are not mercenaries, According to Cabinet Office official histories ( Official History of the Falkland Islands, Sir Lawrence Freedman ), Sir John Nott, as Secretary of State for Defence, expressed the British Government's concern that the Gurkhas could not be sent with the task force to recapture the Falkland Islands because it might upset the non-aligned members of the fragile coalition of support that the British had built in the United Nations.
According to gayaameen from the Darraji tribe of samarra, a few hours prior to the first bombing that occurred, ICDC troops ( Iraqi Civil Defence Corps ) accompanied by coalition troops, temporarily relieved the gayaameen of their duty.
According to the FD, Balkenende made an " expensive miscalculation " and the coalition was not able to cope with " accumulation of governmental screw ups, ego maniacal told-you-so attitude and political profiteering ".
According to Lubbers the prospective third Balkenende cabinet should be based on the coalition agreement of 2003 and the more recent Easter Accord.
According to an Iraqi prisoner of war and former mid-level intelligence officer, the population in southern Iraq considered the coalition radio broadcasts more truthful than state-owned media.
According to the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, the Front describes itself as " an international coalition fighting injustice ".
According to their website, " Founded in 1987 by an interfaith coalition of laity and clergy, the Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies offers a variety of educational programs that highlight the distinctiveness of the Jewish and Christian traditions and confront the dangerous misunderstandings that have evolved in our two communities.
According to the report, there will also be similar attacks against coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
According to The Description of the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China (《 中華人民共和國國徽圖案說明 》): These elements together were designed to symbolise the revolutionary struggles of the Chinese people since the May Fourth Movement, and the coalition of the proletariat which succeeded in founding the People's Republic of China.
According to Chinese legend, the Miao who descended from the Jiuli tribe led by Chiyou ( Chinese: 蚩尤 pinyin: Chīyóu ) were defeated at the Battle of Zhuolu ( Chinese: 涿鹿 pinyin: Zhuōlù, a defunct prefecture on the border of present provinces of Hebei and Liaoning ) by the military coalition of Huang Di ( Chinese: 黃帝 pinyin: Huángdì ) and Yan Di, leaders of the Huaxia ( Chinese: 華夏 pinyin: Huáxià ) tribe as the two tribes struggled for supremacy of the Yellow River valley.
According to the modern historians, the numbers are clearly inflated ; the Punic army may not have been significantly larger than that of the Greek coalition.
According to Altikriti, MAB ‘ spoke to Stop the War and we said to them, we will join you ; however we will not become part of your coalition, we will be a separate and independent entity but we will work together with you on a national basis as part of the anti-war movement ’.
According to Matloff, “… the Second World War represented a fundamental shift in the international balance of power, for which a coalition strategy fashioned for victory provided no real or grand solutions ” ( 702 ).
According to Iraqi sources, fighters from the Islamic Army battled al-Qaeda gunmen around Samarra at least twice in October and November 2007, a possible indication that the cease-fire brokered earlier this year had collapsed ( however, coalition officials later issued a statement claiming that Iraqi Policemen and coalition troops, not Islamic Army fighters, had carried out the latter operation ).
According to Miroslav Kalousek, his negotiation with Jiří Paroubek was a part of a plan how to destroy the government coalition of ČSSD and ODS which seemed to be the most probable scenario.
According to a poll in February 2007, 67 % of Italian Catholics backed the draft bill proposed by the Prodi coalition, and 80 % of Italians said they supported the law.
According to the Pew Research Center study, Conservative Democrats are 15 % of registered voters in the U. S., voted for Kerry over Bush by a 65 %- 14 % margin in 2004, and were identified in past Pew Research Center studies as New Dealers rather than Conservative Democrats, making this group of voters the ideological heirs to FDR's New Deal coalition and the " Vital Center " ideology of the 1950s.

According and radical
According to James Kirchner there is a spectrum of Gaia hypotheses, ranging from the undeniable to radical.
According to Cooper there was " Early Cubism ", ( from 1906 to 1908 ) when the movement was initially developed in the studios of Picasso and Braque ; the second phase being called " High Cubism ", ( from 1909 to 1914 ) during which time Juan Gris emerged as an important exponent ; and finally Cooper referred to " Late Cubism " ( from 1914 to 1921 ) as the last phase of Cubism as a radical avant-garde movement.
According to historian Juan Cole it was under Sunni rule that Twelver Shiaism became established in Bahrain, as Shia Bahrainis gradually moved away from the radical, egalitarian Ismaili Qarmatian sect to the more quietist Twelver or Imami branch, a process which the Sunni rulers encouraged.
According to journalist Manuel Abramowicz, of the Resistances network, the ultras of the radical right have always had as its aim to " infiltrate the state mechanisms ," including the army in the 1970s and the 1980s, through Westland New Post and the Front de la Jeunesse.
According to The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought, the Right has gone through five distinct historical stages: ( i ) the reactionary right, which sought a return to aristocracy and established religion ; ( ii ) the moderate right, who sought limited government and distrusted intellectuals ; ( iii ) the radical right, who favored a romantic and aggressive nationalism ; ( iv ) the extreme right, who proposed anti-immigration policies and implicit racism ; and ( v ) the neo-liberal right, who sought to combine a belief in a market economy and economic deregulation with the traditional Right-wing beliefs in patriotism, élitism, and law and order.
According to Sir Patrick Neill QC, the vice-chancellor, Macmillan ' would talk late into the night with eager groups of students who were often startled by the radical views he put forward, well into his last decade.
According to Buchanan and others, the Bush Doctrine was a radical departure from former United States foreign policies, and a continuation of the radical ideological roots of neoconservatism.
According to Han Suyin in Mortal Flower, Chen " opposed the opinions expressed Mao's analysis, denied that a radical land policy and the vigorous organization of the rural areas under the Communist party was necessary, and refused the publication of the essay in the central executive organs of publicity.
According to David Rosand in 1997, " The situation has been thrown into new critical confusion by Alessandro Ballarin's radical revision of the corpus ... exhibition catalogue, 1993, increasing it ... as well as Mauro Lucco .. book, 1996.
According to Davis, the Ranters were a myth created by conservatives in order to endorse traditional values by comparison with an unimaginably radical other.
According to the coinage of radical based on ‘ root ’, the etymonic 采 portion would be the radical, colored in red in the picture to the above right, though in dictionaries the character is actually classified under the left-hand element 扌.
According to a Cultural Revolution attack on him by the radical group within the finance system, he reported the peasants as saying: " In the days of Chiang Kai-shek we had rice to eat.
According to a 2008 New York Times profile of Al Arabiya director Abdul Rahman Al Rashed, the channel works " to cure Arab television of its penchant for radical politics and violence ," with Al Jazeera as its main target.
According to British historian Gerald Brenan, " Spain needed radical reforms and he could only govern by the permission of the two most reactionary forces in the country — the Army and the Church.
According to Adnan A. Musallam this can be traced to one of the founders of radical Islamism, Sayyid Qutb, who used the label to attack secular rulers such as Nasser, seen as creating " idols " based on un-Islamic Western and Marxist ideologies.
Max Weber, considered to be one of the founders of the modern study of sociology, described the mystagogue as part magician, part prophet ; and as one who dispersed " magical actions that contain the boons of salvation " According to Roy Wallis, " The primary criterion that Weber had in mind in distinguishing the prophet from the mystagogue was that the latter offers a largely magical means of salvation rather than proclaiming a radical religious ethic or an example to be followed.
According to the MEF itself, " U. S. interests in the Middle East include fighting radical Islam ; working for Palestinian acceptance of Israel ; robustly asserting U. S. interests vis-à-vis Saudi Arabia ; and developing strategies to deal with Iraq and contain Iran ".
According to the American magazine Time, Rakovsky also played a hand in motivating Stalin's decision to marginalize Comintern leader Zinoviev, by complaining that the latter's foreign policy was needlessly radical.
According to David Bordwell, " As a youth he belonged to the Social Liberal party, a conservative group radical only in their opposition to military expenditures ...' Even when I was with Ekstrabladet ,' Dreyer recalled, ' I was conservative ... I don't believe in revolutions.
According to the Detroit Post, an extant newspaper, and publisher of an autobiography of Chandler, " Mr. Chandler, was from his boyhood, was radical in his opposition to human bondage, and for a time hoped that the Whig Party of the North could be used to effectually resist the conspiracy of the slave power against the territories.
According to the same researchers, in the mid 2nd century Jewish leaders introduced a radical method of circumcision, the periah, that left the glans totally uncovered, making it almost impossible to restore the foreskin.
According to Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan's nuclear safety program and nuclear security program is the strongest program in the world and there is no such capability in any other country for radical elements to steal or possess nuclear weapons.

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