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Alfred and analysed
The metaphor James uses has been analysed by Alfred Jeanroy, who sees similarities in the Roman de Fauvel.

Alfred and military
Alfred was a learned and merciful man who encouraged education and improved his kingdom's legal system and military structure.
The disposition of Essex, held by West Saxon kings since the days of Egbert, is unclear from the treaty, though, given Alfred ’ s political and military superiority, it would have been surprising if he had conceded any disputed territory to his new godson.
In truth the power which Alfred wielded over the English peoples at this time seemed to stem largely from the military might of the West Saxons, Alfred ’ s political connections from having the ruler of Mercia as his son-in-law, and Alfred ’ s keen administrative talents.
With these lessons in mind, Alfred capitalised on the relatively peaceful years immediately following his victory at Ethandrun by focusing on an ambitious restructuring of his kingdom's military defences.
Over the last two decades of his reign, Alfred undertook a radical reorganisation of the military institutions of his kingdom, strengthened the West Saxon economy through a policy of monetary reform and urban planning and strove to win divine favour by resurrecting the literary glories of earlier generations of Anglo-Saxons.
Where Alfred revealed his genius was in designing the field force and burhs to be parts of a coherent military system.
In Alfred Duggan's Conscience of the King, a historical novel about Cerdic, founder of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, Ambrosius Aurelianus is a Romano-British general who rose independently to military power, forming alliances with various British kings and setting out to drive the invading Saxons from Britain.
German military history had previously been influenced by Carl von Clausewitz, Alfred von Schlieffen and von Moltke the Elder, who were proponents of maneuver, mass, and envelopment.
Alfred strongly believed in the superiority of breech-loaders, on account of improved accuracy and speed, but this view did not win general acceptance among military officers, who remained loyal to tried-and-true muzzle-loaded bronze cannon.
It originally was known as " LRN " for Loomis Radio Navigation, after Alfred Lee Loomis, who invented the longer range system and played a crucial role in military research and development during World War II, but later was renamed to the abbreviation for the more descriptive term.
* 1859 – Alfred Dreyfus, French military officer ( d. 1935 )
* 1897 – Alfred Wintle, Russian-English military officer and author ( d. 1966 )
* October 9 – Alfred Dreyfus, French military officer ( d. 1935 )
* March 22 – Alfred Dyke Acland, British military officer ( b. 1858 )
* August 19 – Alfred Dyke Acland, British military officer ( d. 1937 )
* July 12 – Alfred Dreyfus, French military officer ( b. 1859 )
By now, Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz, the influential military commander in Bohemia, was determined to see the young Archduke soon put onto the throne.
Laurent-Perrier's advertisements in late 1890 boasted their Champagne was the favourite of King Leopold II of Belgium, George I of Greece, Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Margaret Cambridge, Marchioness of Cambridge, and John Lambton, 3rd Earl of Durham, among other nobles, knights, and military officers.
Julian Steward ( who, as a student of Alfred Kroeber and Robert Lowie, and as a professor at Columbia University, was situated firmly in the Boasian lineage ) suggested that the first claim " may have been a loophole to exclude Germany from the advocated tolerance ," but that it revealed the fundamental flaw in moral relativism: " Either we tolerate everything, and keep hands off, or we fight intolerance and conquest — political and economic as well as military — in all their forms.
Count Alfred, military attaché to the Sylvanian Embassy in Paris, is ordered back to Sylvania to report to Queen Louise for a reprimand following a string of scandals, including an affair with the ambassador's wife.
Word of the military court's framing of Alfred Dreyfus and of an attendant cover-up began to spread, chiefly owing to J ' accuse, a vehement open letter published in a Paris newspaper in January 1898 by the notable writer Émile Zola.
Joining a fourteen man cabinet, he was a prestige figure ; the government hoped to play on the respect he had with the Allies, especially the head of the British military mission, General Alfred Knox.

Alfred and system
-- Alfred Hayes, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, said Tuesday `` there is no present need for far-reaching reforms '' which would basically alter the international financial system.
Van Vogt was always interested in the idea of all-encompassing systems of knowledge ( akin to modern meta-systems ) -- the characters in his very first story used a system called ' Nexialism ' to analyze the alien's behaviour, and he became interested in the General Semantics of Alfred Korzybski.
Alfred ’ s actions also suggest a finely honed system of scouts and messengers.
Wessex's history of failures preceding his success in 878 emphasised to Alfred that the traditional system of battle he had inherited played to the Danes ' advantage.
The use of the word borough probably derives from the burghal system of Alfred the Great.
Alfred set up a system of defensive strong points ( Burhs ); in order to maintain these settlements, he granted them a degree of autonomy.
* 1838 – Alfred Vail demonstrates a telegraph system using dots and dashes ( this is the forerunner of Morse code ).
In contrast, requiring only a single small incision, the " Bonati system " ( invented by Dr. Alfred Bonati ), uses a single 5-function control, so that a saline solution and the vacuum pump operate together when the laser cutter is activated.
* In the mid 19 < sup > th </ sup > century, Alfred B. Taylor concluded that " Our octonary 8 radix is, therefore, beyond all comparison the " best possible one " for an arithmetical system.
Léon Walras first formalized the idea of a one-period economic equilibrium of the general economic system, but it was French economist Antoine Augustin Cournot and English political economist Alfred Marshall who developed tractable models to analyze an economic system.
During his reign Alfred issued a new law code, gathered scholars to his court and was able to devote funds in building ships, organising an army and establishing a system of burhs.
Over the following years Alfred carried out a dramatic reorganisation of the government and defences of Wessex, building warships, organising the army into two shifts which served alternately and establishing a system of fortified burhs across the kingdom.
The Saxon street plan laid out by Alfred the Great is still evident today: a cross shaped street system which conformed to the standard town planning system of the day – overlaying the pre-existing Roman street plan ( incorporating the ecclesiastical quarter in the south-east ; the judicial quarter in the south-west ; the tradesmen in the north-east ).
" It was argued by Alfred Neitsch that this undermined the Crown's legitimacy as a check and balance in the governmental system.
Another man named Alfred Dale Edwards was adopted into the Kalkie speaking clan Yongkonu ( Thyeebalang Roth 1910, Archibald Meston 1892 ) and was given the moiety name Bunda which was part of the four class matrilineal ( female descent ) moiety system used by the Kabi people whose territory spread from the Caboolture river in the south to the Kolan river in the north.
pSOS ( Portable Software On Silicon ) is a real time operating system ( RTOS ), created in about 1982 by Alfred Chao, and developed / marketed for the first part of its life by his company Software Components Group ( SCG ).
KIng Alfred School can rightly claim to be the first fully comprehensive school in the UK system.
He also appears in a handful of cartoons with Elmer Fudd, most notably in a series of cartoons underwritten by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation extolling the American economic system.
As usual in the Bond novels, a number of Fleming's friends or associates had their names used in the novel ; the Masterton sisters having their names taken from Sir John Masterman, an MI5 agent and Oxford academic who ran the double cross system during World War II ; Alfred Whiting, the golf professional at Royal St George's Golf Club, Sandwich, becoming Alfred Blacking ; whilst the Royal St George's Golf Club itself became the Royal St Mark's, for the game between Bond and Goldfinger.

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