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Page "Rule of Saint Benedict" ¶ 73
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if and have
You'd have starved to death if you'd missed both places ''.
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
Their product had been endorsed by Good Housekeeping, the A.M.A., and the Veterinary Journal, among other repositories of higher wisdom, and before much longer if you didn't have a cake of their soap in the john, even your best friends would think you didn't bathe.
`` They wouldn't have sold me in the first place if there'd been food enough to go around ''.
And he would have enjoyed it just as much if he had been a Nazi.
Had Dandy been older or wiser, instinct might have warned him that he would be well advised to flee from the Lalauries' tender care if he valued his life.
and if a poll had been taken immediately following the dispatch of troops to Little Rock I believe the majority would have been for the Old South.
They believe that if the South had been let alone it would have produced a civilization superior to that of modern America.
And if I have gone into so much detail about so small a work, that is because it is also so typical a work, representing the germinal form of a conflict which remains essential in Mann's writing: the crude sketch of Piepsam contains, in its critical, destructive and self-destructive tendencies, much that is enlarged and illuminated in the figures of, for instance, Naphta and Leverkuhn.
All such imitations of negative quality have given rise to a compensatory response in the form of a heroic and highly individualistic humanism: if man can neither know nor love reality as it is, he can at least invent an artistic `` reality '' which is its own world and which can speak to man of purely personal and subjective qualities capable of being known and worthy of being loved.
One way to determine whether we have so dangerous a technology would be to check the strength of our society's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before.
We have proved so able to solve technological problems that to contend we cannot realize a universal goal in the immediate future is to be extremely shortsighted, if nothing else.
Also, I am convinced that if my company were a sole proprietorship instead of a partnership, I would have been even abler to solve long-range problems for myself and my fellow-employees.
Incest is still a durable theme, but if it wants to get written about it will have to find ways to surprise the emotions, and there is no better way to do this than that of concealment and symbolic representation.
They have indicated the direction but they have not been explicit enough, I believe, in pointing out Faulkner's independence, his questioning if not indeed challenging the Southern tradition.
I do not suppose you ever heard of F. Scott Fitzgerald, living or dead, and moreover I do not suppose that, even if you had, his legend would have seemed to you to warrant more than a cluck of disapproval.
Hanoverian agents assisted in promoting circulation, said to have reached 40,000, and if one may judge by the reaction of Swift and other government writers, the work must have had considerable impact.
When he remembered that he might have not signed the check, Mercer made out another for the same amount, instructing the bank to destroy the other -- especially if he had happened to have absent-mindedly signed both of them.
May I say that you have just demonstrated the truth of an old proverb -- the younger Pliny's, if memory serves me -- which, translated freely from the archaic Latin, says, ' The more haste, the less peed ' ''.
I still have the dress, and I hope to give it to the Smithsonian Institution as a memento, or, as I more fondly hope, to present it to a museum containing articles showing the daily lives of the Presidents -- if I can get it organized.
William Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks, it seems to me, have a penetrating insight into the way in which this control is effected: `` For if we say poetry is to talk of beauty and love ( and yet not aim at exciting erotic emotion or even an emotion of Platonic esteem ) and if it is to talk of anger and murder ( and yet not aim at arousing anger and indignation ) -- then it may be that the poetic way of dealing with these emotions will not be any kind of intensification, compounding, or magnification, or any direct assault upon the affections at all.

if and been
Greg climbed into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before.
But it also made him conspicuous to the enemy, if it was the enemy, and he hadn't been spotted already.
Greg slammed his throttle to the fire wall and rammed up the RPM, and the engine responded as if it had been waiting.
but if it had been, it had been smothered until now by fear ): you could tell it by the way she watched the older, bigger boys, like Jack.
They look as if they had been sculptured with an unsharpened chisel.
It really looked as if a change of the sort predicted by Booker T. Washington had been going on.
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.
The Indians who came aboard ship to collect the mail also interested her greatly, even if she was suitably shocked, according to the customs of the society in which she had been reared, to find them `` naked, except a piece of cotton cloth wrapped around their middle ''.
In any event, the critical productivity of that time is abundant proof that if he was taking laudanum, it was never in command of him to the extent that it had been during his vagrant years.
As a proud man, his prestige would suffer if he let Pike dictate to him through the governor's office, but to lower his prices would be tantamount to an admission that they had been too high in the first place.
My father would have done it if it hadn't been for my mother, who had a fear of being in debt to anyone -- even Alfred Alpert.
It was Plummer, in fact, who coined the much quoted remark: `` Mr. Green indeed writes as if he had been present at the landing of the Saxons and had watched every step of their subsequent progress ''.
He asked Quiney to find out whether the money had been paid and, if not, to send to the lodging of Sir Edward and entreat him to pay what he owed.
Earl agreed, and Lewis said that it would have been very different if his wife had been with him.

if and found
He found that if he was tired enough at night, he went to sleep simply because he was too exhausted to stay awake.
Now he saw that both the man and woman were moving slowly and irregularly, staggering, as if they found it a struggle to remain on their feet.
If, when this was all over, she found the words to tell him about it, she wondered if he would ever understand.
And listening to such a conversation one morning while taking a cup of chocolate in a cafe, Rousseau found himself bathed in perspiration, trembling lest his authorship become known, and at the same time dreaming of the startling effect he would make if he should proclaim himself suddenly as the composer.
He didn't figure her at all, and if he found out a woman it'd be bad.
`` I'd give anything if I could have found a girl like you ''.
More importantly, several of the more advanced of the less developed countries have found through experience that they must plan their own complex investment programs for at least 5 years forward and tentatively for considerably more than that if they are to be sure that the various interdependent activities involved are all to take place in the proper sequence.
if such person is deceased or is under a legal disability, payment shall be made to his legal representative: Provided, That if the total award is not over $500 and there is no qualified executor or administrator, payment may be made to the person or persons found by the Comptroller General of the United States to be entitled thereto, without the necessity of compliance with the requirements of law with respect to the administration of estates ; ;
Chewing it over with his colleagues and in his own mind, he reaches a tentative identification of the question -- tentative because it may change as he explores it further and because, if no tolerable answer can be found, it may have to be changed into one which can be answered.
Up to date, however, his garden was still more or less of a mess, he hadn't even started his workshop and if there was a meadow pond in the neighborhood he hadn't found it.
If the vertex is at Af, and if the interior of C is on the left as one moves in the direction of increasing t, then every such corner can be found from the curve obtained by rotating C clockwise through 90-degrees about the vertex.
There remains a residue of total costs, or total `` revenue requirements '' which, since it is found to behave as if it were constant over substantial variations in traffic density, is strictly unallocable on a cost-finding basis.
Yet, if the argument is turned awry, there may be found a great deal in Bryan's view, after all.
`` It is a duty '', said Hough, `` not to let pass this opportunity of protesting against the methods of taking and printing testimony in Equity, current in this circuit ( and probably others ), excused if not justified by the rules of the Supreme Court, especially to be found in patent causes, and flagrantly exemplified in this litigation.
he found it, if anything, all too familiar.
Mrs. Meeker had spent a small fortune on a search for him but had made no provision for him in her will if he should be found after her death, and had never mentioned his name to her lawyers.
The navy captain disclosed also that a list of questions found in Miss Gee's purse would, if completed and handed back, have given the Kremlin a complete picture `` of our current anti-submarine effort and would have shown what we are doing in research and development for the future ''.
Hayes said that if a way can be found to deal effectively with short-term capital movements between nations, `` there is no reason, in my judgment why the international financial system cannot work satisfactorily for at least the foreseeable future ''.
Presumably, if the reverse is the case and the good effect is more certain than the evil result that may be forthcoming, not only must the good and the evil be prudentially weighed and found proportionate, but also calculation of the probabilities and of the degree of certainty or uncertainty in the good or evil effect must be taken into account.
Another cue is having the same family name, especially if rare, and this has been found to increase helping behavior.
: Hunters widely sharing the meat has been seen as a costly signal of ability and research has found that good hunters have higher reproductive success and more adulterous relations even if they themselves receive no more of the hunted meat than anyone else.
Research has found that people are most likely to help if they recognize that a person is in need and feel personal responsibility for reducing the person's distress.
The lawyer is an officer of the court and knows that a false swearing by him, if found out, could be grounds for severe penalty up to and including disbarment.

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