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Page "History of Sweden (1611–1648)" ¶ 3
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now and when
The slight flutter that had disturbed the motion of her heart when she entered the forest was gone now, and even the dim groves of trees through which she occasionally passed did not reawaken her fear.
`` From now on, Sally and me and her folks aim to give you our turn when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit ''.
That night he dreamed a dream violent with passion, in which he and the Woman, now the teacher, did everything except engage in the act ( and this probably only because he had never engaged in the act in reality ), and when he awoke the next morning his heart was afire.
But Jack always derived vicarious sensual thrills from Charles' revelations ( even when he suspected his friend of exaggeration or invention ), so he usually invited them, as he did now.
But now we can keep it out no longer, because we have come into a time when `` it invades our experience at every moment.
Actually, you could wish for some passion, now and then, but when you look around the world and see the little volcanos of current history which partisan social passions have wrought, you are glad that in these pamphlets there is at least some civilized calm.
To return now to the four-element physics, a mixture of muddy, frothy water will, when standing in a jar, separate out with earth at the bottom, water on top, and the air on top of that.
It seems to me now, in a long backward glance, that many of the Hetman's conceits and odd actions -- together with his grim posture when brandishing the hatchet in the name of Mr. Hearst -- were keyed with the tragedy which was to close over him one day.
She had stood at the bottom of the stairs, as usual, when Mrs. Coolidge came down, in the same dress that is now in the Smithsonian, to greet her guests.
I never had the courage to look at them, when my projected volume became hopeless, fearing they were poor, until now when I was obliged to do so.
`` He was not much older than myself, '' writes the narrator, `` when he began to feel the impact of that human mystery which now obsesses me, and which makes me begin, perhaps, to understand him ''.
Her mother, now dead, was my good friend and when she came to tell us about her plans and to show off her ring I had a sobering wish to say something meaningful to her, something her mother would wish said.
After all, when one has asked whatever became of old Joe and Charlie when one has inquired who it was Sue Brown married and where it is they now live when questions are asked and answered about families and children, and old professors when the game and its probable outcome has been exhausted that does it.
They are less vocal now, when it is the West Berliners who are migrating.
That after all his years of effort to become a composer, he should now, now when he was still stoutly replying to the critics of his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, be so close to a success in music and have to reject it.
All these emotions were screwed up to new heights when, after acceptance and the first rehearsals, there ensued such a buzz of excitement among Parisian music lovers that Duclos had to come running to Rousseau to inform him that the news had reached the superintendent of the King's amusements, and that he was now demanding that the work be offered first at the royal summer palace of Fontainebleau.
There were times now, like this, when she lost control of the time count and moved freely back and forth into three generations.
She even spoke differently when she was clean, and she was clean now for his departure and her voice clear and rather sharp.
He looked at her out of himself, she thought, as he did only for an instant at a time, the look which always surprised her even now when his uncombable hair was yellowing a little and his breath came hard through his nicotine-choked lungs, the look of the gaunt youth she had suddenly found herself staring at in the Tate Gallery on a Thursday once.
The Peace Corps can either begin in very low gear, with only preparatory work undertaken between now and when Congress finally appropriates special funds for it -- or it can be launched now and in earnest by executive action, with sufficient funds and made available from existing Mutual Security appropriations to permit a number of substantial projects to start this summer.

now and everything
She stood up, smoothing her hair down, straightening her clothes, feeling a thankfulness for the enveloping darkness outside, and, above everything else, for the absence of the need to answer, to respond, to be aware even of Stowey coming in or going out, and yet, now that she was beginning to cook, she glimpsed a future without him, a future alone like this, and the pain made her head writhe, and in a moment she found it hard to wait for Lucretia to come with her guests.
But now many of these same builders are finding they can cut their costs more by teaming up with a dealer who has volume enough to afford the most efficient specialized equipment to deliver everything just where it is needed -- drywall inside the house, siding along the sides, trusses on the walls, roofing on the roof, etc..
Flatness may now monopolize everything, but it is a flatness become so ambiguous and expanded as to turn into illusion itself -- at least an optical if not, properly speaking, a pictorial illusion.
The thing can be made to look like the cluttered attic of a large and vigorous family -- a motley jumble of discarded objects, some outworn and some that were never useful, some once whole and bright but now chipped and tarnished, some odd pieces whose history no one remembers, here and there a gem, everything fascinating because it suggests some part of the human condition -- the whole adding up to nothing more than a glimpse into the disorderly history of the makers and users.
Substances, in Aristotle, unite what they actually are now with everything they might become.
The Social Democrats had aimed to increase independence of the Finns since the spring of 1917, but now they could not use it for the direct political benefit of their party, and had either to adjust to the right's dominance or try to change everything via a revolution.
And in this way, after fifty years, this ship now has all new boards, masts, and everything.
For us, everything is lost now and the only way left for us is the one which Hitler chose.
While laying the foundation stone of the National Defence Academy ( India ) in 1949, he stated: " We, who for generations had talked about and attempted in everything a peaceful way and practiced non-violence, should now be, in a sense, glorifying our army, navy and air force.
General Lane attempts to force Lois to tell them everything she knows about Superman, who is now a fugitive after he fled a military interrogation.
Cassatt's friend Eliza Haldeman wrote home that artists " are leaving the Academy style and each seeking a new way, consequently just now everything is Chaos ".
The law now broadly distinguishes between real property ( land and anything affixed to it ) and personal property ( everything else, e. g., clothing, furniture, money ).
It anticipates everything that ’ s being done now, and which is thought to be so modern.
It would be impossible for us to play just death metal ; that is our roots, but we are now a mishmash of everything, and not purists to any form of music.
Time Team History of Britain saw Tony and the team document everything they have learned up to now and show a history of Britain.
" In this short, the Blot is now stealing colors from everything in the world, including Minnie Mouse, simply because he's bored with his inky black cloth and plans to become The Phantom Rainbow.
It now resides as a monument and it and everything in it are restored and available for touring.
Before we were enemies and we fought ; now everything is concluded and all can be friends )" ( Corral, 1959 ).
He was now elected a member of the Académie française, and everything seemed to promise a quiet and peaceful old age spent in the bosom of his family and occupied with scientific and literary pursuits, when the king in his difficulties wished for the support of his name, and summoned him back to the ministry in 1787.
In 1991, he declared to his followers: " I have done everything I can bring Jewish messianism | Moshiach, now I am handing over to you mission ; do everything you can to bring Moshiach!
: Almost everything which I have introduced I have displayed with exact proof, in order that those further seeking this knowledge, with its pre-eminent method, might be instructed, and further, in order that the Latin people might not be discovered to be without it, as they have been up to now.
In an opinion segment of New Scientist magazine published in August 2009, reporter Andy Coghlan cited William Rees of the University of British Columbia and epidemiologist Warren Hern of the University of Colorado at Boulder, saying that human beings, despite considering themselves civilized thinkers, are " subconsciously still driven by an impulse for survival, domination and expansion ... an impulse which now finds expression in the idea that inexorable economic growth is the answer to everything, and, given time, will redress all the world's existing inequalities.
O ' Brien said, " everything is wide open with the technology now.

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