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Some Related Sentences

Calling and himself
Calling himself the " bread of life ", Jesus stated that He was provided to feed God's people.
Calling himself a ' unionist ', Kinnock was one of six south Wales Labour MPs to campaign against devolution on centralist, essentially British-nationalist grounds.
Calling himself Thelonios, he used the illuminated art skills of the other monks to create a circuit to repair his TARDIS.
Calling himself the First Emperor (, Shǐ Huángdì ) after China's unification, Qín Shǐ Huáng is a pivotal figure in Chinese history, ushering nearly two millennia of imperial rule.
Calling himself the guardian of Catholicism, Joseph II struck vigorously at papal power.
Calling himself Piri Wiri Tua ( the campaigner ), he called the four seats in Parliament reserved for Māori the koata ( quarters ) of his body.
Calling himself “ an old professor of Babbittry ,” Mencken declared the novel a stunning work of realism.
Calling himself the Scarlet Centurion he manipulates the Avengers from this timeline — the original team — into apprehending all heroes and villains after their defeat of the Space Phantom.
Calling himself, founder, Neuharth has served as chairman of the Freedom Forum since 1991.
Calling himself Madman, Sterns hatches a plot to kill the Hulk, giving him a poison injection that rapidly deteriorates his physical state.
Calling himself the " Old Walrus ", Hunt was tall, close to, bald, and had a drooping handlebar moustache.
Calling himself Speedball, Baldwin becomes a crime-fighter in his hometown of Springdale, Connecticut.
* Willie Mays appeared in three episodes as himself: " Play Ball " and " My Son the Catcher " ( both 1964 ) and " Calling Willie Mays " ( 1966 ).
Calling himself " the Chimera " and gathering a militia around him, he was one of the first villains G. I.
Calling himself a follower of Christian Socialism, his most popular platform among conservatives was to rid hotels of barmaids " hired for their physical attributes rather than their prowess in drawing ale ".
Calling himself " the biggest terrorist in Zimbabwe " he was identified by numerous witnesses as participation in beatings and torture, and his medical clinic labelled a " torture chamber " by Amnesty International in 2000.
Calling himself ' Count Roehenstart ' ( Rohan + Stuart ), he was educated by his father's family in Germany, became an officer in the Russian army, and a general in the Austrian service.
Calling himself now Captain Williams, now Lord Gerard or Lord Newport or Lord Cornwallis, he travelled from one part of Europe to another.
Calling himself the " Father of Combat TV " he gained national fame hosting the television talk show Hot Seat, which began in 1983 as a local show produced for KDOC, a UHF TV station in Anaheim, Orange County, California.
Calling himself " The Fox ", he engaged in such activities as plugging smokestacks and entering the offices of corporate executives to dump sewage on their desks.
Calling himself Ordeith ( wormwood in the Old Tongue ), he changed strategies from force to manipulation: convincing Lord Captain Commander Pedron Niall of the Whitecloaks, as well as Elaida do ' Avriny a ' Roihan, to oppose Rand.
Calling himself Parallax, Jordan had gone insane, and was now trying to remake the universe, undoing the events which had caused his breakdown and his own murderous actions following it.
Calling himself the Composite Superman, Meach left the message in both heroes ' bases to meet him on a mountain and told the heroes that if he was not allowed to join their team, he would expose their secret identities, which he learned via telepathy.
Calling himself the Plant Master, Woodrue uses his advanced botanical knowledge to control plant growth in an attempt to take over the world.

Calling and makes
Calling Holly a fool " for busting up the swellest guy in the circus ," Angel makes a pass at Brad and they become an item.
Calling out for the staff, Sheckly makes his way back to the Operations room and meets up with Bengston and Malloy, only to discover that they have no recollection of the empty plane or Sheckly's investigation.
To state the third and final part of the theorem, there is a natural Hilbert space over G consisting of square-integrable functions, L < sup > 2 </ sup >( G ); this makes sense because Haar measure exists on G. Calling this Hilbert space H, the group G has a unitary representation ρ on H by acting on the left, via
( Calling would be giving the big blind infinite pot odds, and this decision makes less money in the long run than raising.
Calling himself Dyno-Mite Dan, Harris D. Ledbetter makes an online purchase of what he believes are TNT and Dan The Dyna-Mite's rings, and joins five other heroes in Seven Soldiers # 0.
" In response, Senator Mikulski said, " Calling 1992 the Year of the Woman makes it sound like the Year of the Caribou or the Year of the Asparagus.

Calling and out
Calling out to her, he walks forward and gets killed by the Saradian agent, who is still after Godzilla's cells.
He displayed arguably virtuoso skills on the hammered and lap dulcimers ( in " Calling out Your Name " and " Creed ") and the Irish tin whistle ( in " Boy Like Me / Man Like You " and " The Color Green ").
Calling out that everyone who wanted the 5, 000 to govern instead of the 400, the hoplites set to work.
Calling Corwin a " moth-eaten Robin Hood ", Dundee reaches into the garbage bag to display some of the purported " wholesale theft of thousands of dollars worth of goods ", but all he manages to pull out are a couple of empty cans and a meowing stray cat, as Corwin interjects, " This bag doesn't know whether to give out gifts or garbage ".
Calling out his real name, the small and lithe Tuan disappears around tight corners, down small alleyways and through a maze of other obstacles, which the burly Cronauer successfully navigates as well.
Calling a false-padiddle ( call pididdle but then seeing it does not, in fact, have anything burned out ) or lying about a padiddle will result in the person losing an article of clothing who called it incorrectly.
Calling Ben Gurion " the world ’ s safest airport ," Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles, has implemented the Israeli review in order to bring state-of-the-art technology and other tactical measures to help secure LAX, considered to be the state ’ s primary terrorist target and singled out by the Al Qaeda network.
: Calling out to the heavens for aid
Charles Herrold of San Jose, California sent out broadcasts as early as April 1909 from his Herrold School electronics institute in downtown San Jose, using the identification San Jose Calling, and then a variety of different call signs as the Department of Commerce began to regulate radio.
Some episodes have even featured the crew performing cons that benefit people they have befriended over the course of the episode rather than having them be the sole benefactors of the con ; examples include them faking a jewel theft from the Tower of London and allowed a member of the cleaning staff to discover it after she showed sympathy for team member Ash Morgan while he was working undercover as an immigrant worker ( Eye of the Beholder ), leaving the money stolen from a highly secure slot machine in a casino to a security guard at the casino who had advised Stacie Monroe during her brief employment ( Big Daddy Calling ), stating that they will ' return ' an apparently stolen painting only after the rights to the security system that protected it had been returned to the wife of the original inventor ( The inventor having committed suicide after he was cheated out of the patent ) ( New Recruits ), and arranging for the niece of a friend to get a modelling contract with an agency that has a rivalry with the company that cheated her out of her money in her original application.
* Calling a number out of turn.
Calling Metroid: Zero Mission stale, GameSpy asserted that players less familiar with Metroid games would get more enjoyment out of it because of its similarities to previous Metroid games.
" Calling family in Tucson, Kelly found out that the report was false and that she was alive and in surgery.
Calling for help, Shannon is rescued by Joseph, who manages to save her bag and get her out of the streets.
Calling out teachers blaming students for failures, he wrote " There is a student problem, but there are also three other factors which are responsible for the present state of mathematical learning, namely, the curricula, the texts, and the teachers.
The Corporation of the Seven Wardens ( French: Société des Sept Gardiens ) is the body that holds the rights and the duty to carry out The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer.
Rooney headed out on a headlining tour dubbed " The Calling the World Tour " in May 2008 in the United States, which was scheduled to run through August.
The Australian position on the use of troops for civil policing is set out by Michael Hood in Calling Out the Troops: Disturbing Trends and Unanswered Questions and, for comparative purposes, see * Keebine-Sibanda, Malebo J.
Calling out " Tasukete!
Calling us ' Christian rock ' tends to be a box that closes some people out and excludes them.
* " Train in Vain " by The Clash, which appears at the end of London Calling, was left out of the vinyl's track listing simply because it was a last-minute addition to the album, when the sleeves were already printed.

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