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Page "Geography of Namibia" ¶ 0
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Detailed and map
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File: Bassas da India atoll map-fr. png | Detailed map.
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Detailed and based
Detailed variations between different Hebrew texts in use still clearly existed though, as witnessed by differences between the present-day Masoretic text and versions mentioned in the Gemara, and often even Halachic midrashim based on spelling versions which do not exist in the current Masoretic text.
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Detailed, photo-like view of Earth is based largely on observations from MODIS.
Detailed information about Braille comes primarily from the Deep Space 1 probe, which passed within 26 km of the asteroid on July 29, 1999, and from extensive ground based observations done in conjunction with the mission.
Detailed material flow field during friction stir welding can also be calculated from theoretical considerations based on fundamental scientific principles.
Detailed research by Boellstorff demonstrated that the two glacial tills and one ash bed stratigraphic model, on which the Yarmouthian, Kansan, Nebraskan, and Aftonian glacial-interglacial nomenclature was based, was completely wrong.
Detailed research by various geomorphologists and Quaternary geologists demonstrated that the two glacial tills and one ash bed stratigraphic model, on which the Yarmouthian, Kansan, Nebraskan, and Aftonian glacial-interglacial nomenclature was based, was completely wrong.
Detailed demographic data on the Northern Aché population ( based on extensive interviews with survivors ) shows that 38 % of the population died from contact related respiratory disease during this time period.
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Detailed and on
Detailed information on record lengths of the giants is given in the section that follows.
Detailed analysis shows that the complexity class is unchanged by allowing error as high as 1 / 2 − n < sup >− c </ sup > on the one hand, or requiring error as small as 2 < sup >− n < sup > c </ sup ></ sup > on the other hand, where c is any positive constant, and n is the length of input.
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The Nutrition Source, a website maintained by the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, summarizes the current evidence on the impact of dietary fat: " Detailed research — much of it done at Harvard — shows that the total amount of fat in the diet isn't really linked with weight or disease.
* Detailed information on Ansiklopedika. org
* Detailed information on Ansiklopedika. org
Detailed information on the nutrients provided by a large range of foodstuffs is available in the USDA National Nutrient Database.
Detailed Report on an Archaeological Tour with the Buner Field Force, Lahore, Punjab Government Press.
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* Detailed information on Ansiklopedika. org
* Detailed information on Ansiklopedika. org
Detailed arrangements are made for the number of Psalms, etc., to be recited in winter and summer, on Sundays, weekdays, Holy Days, and at other times.
* Detailed information about Suleiman the Magnificent on Ansiklopedika. org
Detailed information on database laws in each state can be found at the National Conference of State Legislatures website.
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