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Ernst and Louis
Surveys of these developments were published by Ernst Schröder, Louis Couturat, and Clarence Irving Lewis.
While there, Sullivan studied composition with Julius Rietz, counterpoint with Moritz Hauptmann and Ernst Richter and the piano with Louis Plaidy and Ignaz Moscheles.
The German Emperor Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse, Duke Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and Duke Ernst August of Brunswick were Edward's nephews ; Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain, Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden, Crown Princess Marie of Romania, Crown Princess Sophia of Greece, Empress Alexandra of Russia, Grand Duchess Alexandra of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and Duchess Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen were his nieces ; Haakon VII of Norway was both his nephew by marriage and his son-in-law ; George I of Greece and Frederick VIII of Denmark were his brothers-in-law ; Albert I of Belgium, Charles I and Manuel II of Portugal, and Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria were his second cousins.
Primitive camping is available at Camp Louis Ernst in Dupont.
She was an inspiration for many artists including Éluard, Louis Aragon, Max Ernst and André Breton.
Members: Louis Bonnet, Ernst Montoban, Jerry Jean Louis, Jean Pierre Barthol, Gary Servius, Claudine Janvier, Philippe André Jacques, Bazelais François, Fritz Péan, Roosevelt Goguette, Abel Moise, Vital Tholerme, Bellefleur Jean, Romane Joseph, Jean Elie Pierre-Louis, Rivière Dantès, Tony Désir, André Joseph
Ernst Louis Etienne Laspeyres, 1834 1913 ”.
Louis Ernest of Brunswick-Lüneburg was selected as Ernst Johann von Biron's successor on 27 June 1741 with the support of his cousin Maria Theresa of Austria, but whilst in St Petersburg to get this title ratified, Elizabeth of Russia carried out a coup on 6 December 1741 and he lost the title.
At the double Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October, Napoleon smashed a Prussian army led by Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen and Ernst von Rüchel at Jena, while his Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davout routed Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick's main army at Auerstedt.
Of a totally different orientation < nowiki > the " Old Formalist School " of Richard Dedekind | Dedekind, Georg Cantor | Cantor, Giuseppe Peano | Peano, Ernst Zermelo | Zermelo, and Louis Couturat | Couturat, etc .< nowiki ></ nowiki > was the Pre-Intuitionist School, mainly led by Poincaré, Borel and Lebesgue.
He translated around 50 short stories, including the works of Molière, Kay Boyle, Maxim Gorky, Sinclair Lewis, Ernst Toller, William Shakespeare, E. M. Delafield, William Saroyan, E. V. Lucas, Moshe Smilansky, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bret Harte, John Galsworthy, Aleksandr Kuprin, Anton Chekhov, Franz Kafka, Ilya Ehrenburg, Guy de Maupassant, Valery Bryusov, Anatole France, Leonid Andreyev, Henrik Ibsen, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Murray Gilchrist, Frances Bellerby, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Leonard Strong, Jack London, Peter Egge, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, Thomas Wolfe and James Hanley.
Basic's list of authors includes Christopher Andrew, Anthony Appiah, Isaac Asimov, Robert Axelrod, Susan R. Barry, Daniel Bell, John Bradshaw, Allan Brandt, Richard Brookhiser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William F. Buckley, Stephen Carter, Iris Chang, George Chauncey, Stephanie Coontz, Dinesh D ’ Souza, Devra Davis, Richard Dawkins, Hernando de Soto, Jared Diamond, Michael Eric Dyson, Thomas B. Edsall, Richard Evans, Graham Farmelo, Niall Ferguson, Richard Feynman, Richard Florida, Robin Lane Fox, Sigmund Freud, Howard Gardner, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Clifford Geertz, George Gilder, Barry Glassner, Robert Harms, Judith L. Herman, Christopher Hitchens, Douglas Hofstadter, Samuel P. Huntington, Jacqueline Jones, June Jordan, Leszek Kołakowski, Lawrence Krauss, Irving Kristol, George Lakoff, Edward Larson, Christopher Lasch, Mary Lefkowitz, Lawrence Lessig, Claude Levi-Strauss, Bernard Lewis, Robert Jay Lifton, Jeff Madrick, Nelson Mandela, Benoit Mandelbrot, Ernst Mayr, Walter A. McDougall, John McWhorter, Dana Milbank, Alice Miller, Walter Mosley, Charles Murray, Richard John Neuhaus, Donald Norman, Robert Nozick, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., James T. Patterson, Orlando Patterson, Jean Piaget, Steven Pinker, Karl Popper, Samantha Power, Diane Ravitch, Eugene Rogan, Juliet Schor, Brent Scowcroft, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Lee Smolin, Timothy Snyder, Thomas Sowell, Ian Stewart, Cass Sunstein, Beverly Daniel Tatum, Lester Thurow, Sherry Turkle, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Michael Walzer, Elizabeth Warren, George Weigel, Steven Weinberg, Cornel West, Frank Wilczek, A. N.
" Now that I am calmer I see the absolute impossibility of going on leading a life which was killing her and driving me nearly mad ," Ernst wrote to his elder sister Victoria, Princess Louis of Battenberg.
" Victoria, Princess Louis of Battenberg, later wrote that she was less surprised by the divorce than Ernst was.
Furthermore poet Ernst Schulze, botanist Heinrich Wendland, surgeon Louis Stromeyer, geologist Otto Volger, fisheries expert Walther Herwig, the Imperial German ambassador to China and Japan Alfons Mumm von Schwarzenstein and Wolfgang Kapp.
* Louis and Ernst Heinrici, German builders of hot air engines

Ernst and Étienne
His ideas have attracted the attention of numerous philosophers and political theorists, including Walter Benjamin, Leo Strauss, Jacques Derrida, Étienne Balibar, Hannah Arendt, Giorgio Agamben, Antonio Negri, Gianfranco Miglio, Paolo Virno, Slavoj Žižek, Alain Badiou, Jacob Taubes, Gillian Rose, Chantal Mouffe, Eric Voegelin, Reinhart Koselleck, Álvaro d ' Ors, Ernst Jünger, Alain de Benoist, and Paul Gottfried.

Ernst and November
Barth traces the first documented use to a centrist political meeting in the Munich Löwenbräu-Keller on November 2, 1918, in which Ernst Müller-Meiningen, a member of the Progressive coalition in the Reichstag, used the term to exhort his listeners to keep fighting:
In November 1938, Goebbels got the chance to take decisive action against the Jews for which he had been waiting when a Jewish youth, Herschel Grynszpan, shot a German diplomat in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, in revenge for the deportation of his family to Poland and the persecution of German Jews generally.
However, the similarity of Brahms's music to that of late Beethoven had first been noted as early as November 1853, in a letter from Albert Dietrich to Ernst Naumann.
* 15 November 1956 Ernst Lemmer ( CDU ) succeeds Balke as Minister of Posts and Communications.
Their first son, Gerd, died within a week of birth, 9 September 1916 ; their second, Ernst, was born on 16 November 1918, and was to remain close to his father for the rest of his life, up to and including a shared exile in London together.
It was reported on 23 November 2001, that a further £ 3. 5 billion may be needed to keep the national railway network running, a sum disputed by Ernst & Young, the administrators.
* November 3 Sir Ernst Hans Josef Gombrich, OM, CBE, Austrian-born art historian ( b. 1909 )
* November 29 Ernst von Mansfeld, German soldier ( b. c. 1580 )
* November 10 Ernst Otto Fischer, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate ( d. 2007 )
* The assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by a German-born Polish Jew triggers the Kristallnacht ( The Night of Broken Glass ) held between the 9 to 10 November 1938 and carried out by the Hitler Youth, the Gestapo and the SS during which the Jewish population living in Nazi Germany and Austria were attacked 91 Jews were murdered and 25, 000 to 30, 000 were arrested and placed in concentration camps.
* November 17 Ernst Udet, German World War I fighter ace and Nazi Luftwaffe official ( b. 1896 )
* November 10 John Ernst Worrell Keely demonstrates his " induction resonance motion motor " — a perpetual motion machine.
* November 13 Konrad Ernst Ackermann, German actor ( b. 1712 )
* November 24 Ernst Ludwig I, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen ( b. 1672 )
* November 20 Daniel Ernst Jablonski, German theologian ( d. 1741 )
Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber ( 18 or 19 November 17864 / 5 June 1826 ) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, guitarist and critic, one of the first significant composers of the Romantic school.
In November 1938, after the murder of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan ( a Polish Jew ), the SA were used for " demonstrations " against the act.
Ernst Julius Günther Röhm ( November 28, 1887 July 2, 1934 ) was a German officer in the Bavarian Army and later an early Nazi leader.
Thus, the overreaction to Hershel Grynszpan's attempt against the diplomat Ernst vom Rath came into being and led to the November pogrom. The background of the pogrom was signified by a sharp cleavage of interests between the different agencies of party and state.
Ernst vom Rath died of his wounds on 9 November.
Grynszpan's assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath on November 7, 1938 in Paris ( in revenge for the expulsion of his family ), provided the Nazis with a convenient pretext for the Kristallnacht, the antisemitic pogrom of November 9 10, 1938.
Despite the best attentions of French and German doctors, including Adolf Hitler's personal physician Karl Brandt, Ernst vom Rath died on 9 November.
On November 7, 1938, a young Polish Jew named Herschel Grynszpan attacked and shot German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in the Nazi-German embassy in Paris.
This is probably a reference to German patent No. 384071 " Rollfilmkamera " granted to Ernst Leitz, Optische Werke in Wetzlar, on 3 November 1923.

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