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Page "Ambrosian Rite" ¶ 16
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Even and if
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
Even if men eventually find themselves able to look through walls and around corners, one may question whether this will help them to live better lives.
Even if the self portrait we distribute for popular consumption were accurate it would be dangerous to present it as a picture of the ideal society.
Even apart from the fact that now at the age of 31 my personal life is being totally disrupted for the second time for no very compelling reason -- I cannot help looking around at the black leather jacket brigades standing idly on the street corners and in the taverns of every American city and asking myself if our society has gone mad.
Even if the electric power fails after an attack, any time that the heater has been used will make the shelter that much more comfortable.
Even if we were not bound by Nugent, petitioner here would not be entitled to the report.
Even if all these operations could be performed instantaneously, the ICBM still has a time of flight to the target of about 30 minutes.
Even if this is some day possible, there remains the 30-minute time of flight of a missile to its overseas target.
Even if you live above that line, the FHA will back you, for they have decided that the inclusion of air conditioning in all new homes is a good thing and should be encouraged.
Even if gymnastics are not the ultimate goal, the good tumbler will be a better dancer, a better athlete, and a human being with a greater margin of safety in any activity.
Even if we strip their respective claims to the barest minimum, the `` odds '' still favor them both, for the trend in effect is always more likely to continue than to reverse.
Even if we marshal substantial agreement behind mandatory public education, we likely cannot expect that all the states will enact the legislation.
Even if there are no livestock, the farmer cannot leave the farm for long periods, particularly during the growing season.
Even if it did not, how would this little world of gentle people cope with its new reality of grenades and submachine guns??
Even then, if she took one step forward he could catch her.
Even if he is gifted with the merest mustard grain of imagination, something must seep in.
Even if he angry, Tim wouldn't hurt a woman.
Even the two-year-old feels miffed if the family has a prayer-time without her.
Even if the atom were big enough to hold a football field, this nucleus is still only about the size of a pinhead.
Even if that's all the promise he ever gave or ever will give, the giving of it once was enough and you believed it then and you will always believe it, even when it is finally the only thing in the world you have left to believe, and the whole world is telling you that one was a lie.
Even if we do, you'll be out of here in a week, probably ''.
Even if they ever did say anything about people like Lucille Warren, I know they wouldn't have dreamed of saying it in front of me.
Even if not yet ratified, the Articles provided domestic and international legitimacy for the Continental Congress to direct the American Revolutionary War, conduct diplomacy with Europe and deal with territorial issues and Indian relations.
Even so, half of a given amount of astatine will vaporize in an hour if put on a clean glass surface at room temperature.
Even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a comparable digital signal, the difference can be overshadowed by the noise in the signal.

Even and rather
Even with all possible precaution, homecomings are usually rather cruel and sad, and only the perpetually ebullient and the continually optimistic are made happy by them.
Furthermore, Wesley did not teach a salvation by perfection, but rather says that, " Even perfect holiness is acceptable to God only through Jesus Christ.
Even the symbols of Bosnian statehood ( flag, coat of arms ) have been chosen by the Highest Representative rather than by the Bosnian people.
Even adding a second execution unit ( see below ) does not improve performance much ; rather than one pathway being hung up, now two pathways are hung up and the number of unused transistors is increased.
Even the People's Bank of China has been accorded great latitude due to the difficulty of problems it faces, though in the People's Republic of China the official role of the bank remains that of a national bank rather than a central bank, underlined by the official refusal to " unpeg " the yuan or to revalue it " under pressure ".
and Odd or Even require no materials and are played using hand gestures, although with the former it is possible for a player to win or lose through skill rather than luck.
Even though life appears to be rather sparse in the deep ocean basins, energy and chemical effects in these deep basins could have far-reaching implications.
Even in their original context of medieval venery, the terms were of the nature of kennings, intended as a mark of erudition of the gentlemen able to use them correctly rather than for practical communication.
Even though the revolutionaries were often defeated, most European states had become constitutional ( rather than absolute ) monarchies by 1871, and Germany and Italy had developed into nation states.
Even a vacuum can suffer a sort of breakdown, but in this case the breakdown or vacuum arc involves charges ejected from the surface of metal electrodes rather than produced by the vacuum itself.
Even so, few users consciously heed these prescriptive recommendations on CMC, but rather adapt their styles based on what they encounter online.
Even his friend Antoine-Jacques Roustan felt impelled to write a polite rebuttal of the chapter on Civil Religion in the Social Contract, which implied that the concept of a Christian Republic was paradoxical since Christianity taught submission rather than participation in public affairs.
Even if they are not visible when the puffer is not inflated, all puffers have pointed spines, so a hungry predator may suddenly find itself facing an unpalatable, pointy ball rather than a slow, tasty fish.
Even today, many British police forces are referred to officially by the term " Constabulary " rather than " Police ".
Even in a legal context, where one would expect to find verifiable references to Robert, he is primarily a symbol, a generalised outlaw-figure rather than an individual.
Even then, Roosevelt's New Deal focused predominantly on a program of providing work and stimulating the economy through public spending on projects, rather than on cash payment.
Even though Breton by 1946 responded rather negatively to the subject of music with his essay Silence is Golden, later Surrealists, such as Paul Garon, have been interested in — and found parallels to — Surrealism in the improvisation of jazz and the blues.
Even in the second act when Pozzo has inexplicably gone blind, and needs to be led by Lucky rather than driving him as he had done before, Lucky remains faithful and has not tried to run away ; they are clearly bound together by more than a piece of rope in the same way that Didi and Gogo are " ied to Godot ".
Even later passage work is dramatic and recitative-like, rather than merely virtuosic.
Even the fact that certain politicians might “ provide their face " to the actual decisions of their inferiors might not mitigate this effect, but rather strong parliamentary rights of control and influence in legislative procedures ( as they do exist in the example of Germany ).
Even so, this does not get rid of the probabilities, because we can't do anything without using classical descriptions, but it assigns the probabilities to the classical approximation, rather than to the quantum reality.
( e. g., Even if the goalie had moved left, rather than right, could he have intercepted a ball that was traveling at such a speed?
Even with these small fairies, however, their small size may be magically assumed rather than constant.
Even without any zoning restrictions, a landfill, for example, would likely gravitate to cheaper land rather than being placed in a residential area.
Even in their own time, with limited translations of their dense theoretical texts, combined with their very successful self-mythologisation, the term " situationist " was often used to refer to any rebel or outsider, rather than to a body of surrealist-inspired Marxist critical theory.

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