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Some Related Sentences

For and some
For a brief period each year, the rays of the sun are warm enough to melt some of the snows piled a mile deep at the base of the headwalls, and then the pinnacles glisten in the daytime at high noon, and billions of gallons of water begin their slow seepage under the glaciers and across the rockstrewn hanging valleys on their long, meandering journey to the sea -- running east past the sky-carving massifs of Gurla Mandhata and Kemchenjunga, then turning south and curling down through the jungles of Assam, past the Khasi Hills, and into Bengal, past Sirinjani and Madaripur, until the hard water of the melting snows mingles with the soft drainage of fields and at length fans out to meld with the teeming salt depths of the Bay of Bengal.
For Mr. Taylor's Images And Reflections she made some diaphanous tents that alternately hide and reveal the performer, and a girl's cape lined with grass.
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.
For some time, despondency in some Northern quarters had been displayed in two ways -- an eagerness for peace and a dissatisfaction with Lincoln.
For some happy reason Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian have always stuck in my mind.
For some reason, none of them were impressed with the territorial capital.
For example, he captured some persons from York County, who with teams were taking to Philadelphia the furniture of a man who had just been released from prison through the efforts of his wife, and who apparently was helpless to prevent the theft of his household goods.
For here if anywhere in contemporary literature is a major effort to counterbalance Existentialism and restore some of its former lustre to the tarnished image of the species Man, or, as Malraux himself puts it, `` to make men conscious of the grandeur they ignore in themselves ''.
For some time the Communists honored the distinction between the Soviet zone of Germany and the Soviet sector of Berlin by promulgating separately the laws for the two areas.
For instance, so-called `` conservative '' organizations, some of them secret, are sprouting in the garden of joining where `` liberal '' organizations once took root.
For some compulsive reason which would have fascinated Dr. Freud, Communists of all shapes and sizes almost invariably impute to others the very motives which they harbor themselves.
For added comfort some of the Italian designed sandals have foam padded cushioning.
For a moment she thought of answering with the truth but she knew there were men who shied away from virginity, who demanded some degree of education in body as well as mind.
For readjustment to the U.S., volunteers should be given some separation allowance at the end of their overseas service, based on the length of time served.
For some time this writer has been suggesting a Junior Judging Class for Intermediates over 16 and under 20 years of age who are ineligible to compete in the Junior Class.
For some unusual photographic subjects, if your vacation takes you nearby, try these events: the 600-mile auto race in Charlotte, N.C.,, on May 27 ; ;
For some significant new items see the pictures.
For those who plan to travel to Europe by one route and return by another some agencies offer a service whereby you can pick up a car in one city on arrival and leave it in another city, or even another country, when you are ready to return home.
For vector spaces over non-algebraically closed fields, we still need to find some substitute for characteristic values and vectors.
For some forms of philosophy, this very division between the empirical and the rational becomes a sign of the metaphysical superiority of the latter.
For some substances, auxiliary properties such as the melting point are given.
For some retired persons, part-time farming is a good way to supplement retirement income.
For some white-collar workers it is a welcome change from the regular job, and a physical conditioner.
For larger plantings, you'll need some kind of power for plowing, harrowing, disking, and cultivating.

For and reason
For this reason, too, their language is more forthright and earthy.
For this reason, he appears as an independent and self-reliant figure, whose rugged individualism need not be pressed into the mold of a 9 to 5 routine.
For this reason, then, poetry tends to weaken the power of control, the reason, because it tempts one to indulge his passions, and even the best of men, he maintains, may be corrupted by this subtle influence.
For this reason, he would banish indecent pictures and speeches from the stage ; ;
For this reason, then I want to describe, first, two examples of the puritanical attacks: Stephen Gosson's The School Of Abuse, 1579, and his later Playes Confuted, published in 1582.
For that reason any democratic reform and effort to bring genuine representative government to the Dominican Republic will need the greatest sympathy and help.
For this reason, the more uncertain skywave service was denominated `` secondary '' in our rules, as compared to the steadier, more reliable groundwave `` primary service '', and, for both skywave service and skywave interference, signal strength is expressed in terms of percentage of time a particular signal-intensity level is exceeded -- 50 percent of the time for skywave service, 10 percent of the time for skywave interference.
For the near term, however, it must be realized that the industrial and commercial market is somewhat more sensitive to general business conditions than is the military market, and for this reason I would expect that any gain in 1961 may be somewhat smaller than those of recent years ; ;
For this reason, U.S. Camera has prepared this special U.S.A. vacation feature.
For no particular reason, other than that the writer felt it might -- just might -- encourage both mates to be in attendance.
For the reason just suggested, I shall assume the use of the first subtype of fully distributed cost apportionment in the following simplified example.
For the same reason, the output fiber plate is planoconcave, its exposed flat side permitting contact photography if a permanent record is desired.
For that reason, he informed her, the Lord made the sky blue.
For fifty-five years he had lived, progressing towards a no-goal, eating, working, breathing without plan, without reason.
For this reason, he says, the density of the universe always remains the same even though the galaxies are zooming away in all directions.
For some reason, this ellipsis in the conversation spread until it swallowed up every other topic.
For this reason, the two gods withdrew their pursuit, and had her wed Peleus.
For this reason tadpoles can have horny ridges instead of teeth, whisker-like skin extensions or fins.
For this reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing two, three, or more means.
For this reason the examples given below are grouped by voltage level.
For many years, the Swedish Academy interpreted " ideal " as " idealistic " () and used it as a reason not to give the prize to important but less Romantic authors, such as Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy.

0.080 seconds.