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Page "Winsor Harmon" ¶ 1
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asked and what
He remembered Clayton's mocking smile in the saloon when he had asked him what he would do if they brought their cattle to water.
When I asked him what, if anything, I could do about it, he surprised me by referring me to the director of the hall.
Was I sure, he asked, that I knew what I was applying for??
I asked Wisman what would happen if he broke out the go codes and tried to start transmitting one.
Given a theological lead, I asked what he thinks about those who find a religious significance to his plays.
Miriam had not yet goaded him into mentioning her directly, but one can feel the generalized anger in Wright's remarks to reporters when he was asked, one morning on arrival in Chicago, what he thought of the city as a whole.
I asked one day what he was doing.
He asked Quiney to find out whether the money had been paid and, if not, to send to the lodging of Sir Edward and entreat him to pay what he owed.
There had been something sinister about him that warned me against him, -- I had never felt that way about any other boy, -- but when he uttered his name on the telephone I had forgotten this and I was glad to do what he asked of me.
Now the basic question to be asked in this situation is what motivates the manipulators, that is, what are their values??
Harold indicated the photograph on the wall and asked what church the stone sculpture was in.
Waited for more ships, more lobster-backed infantry, and asked what was to be done with a war of rebellion??
We cannot test public opinion until the President and the leaders of the country have gone to the public to explain what is required and have asked them for support for the necessary action.
I sought out the gardener and asked him what he did to produce such beauties in that weather.
If anyone asked us, after we made the remark that the suffering was a bad thing, whether we should think it relevant to what we said to learn that the incident had never occurred and no pain had been suffered at all, we should say that it made all the difference in the world, that what we were asserting to be bad was precisely the suffering we thought had occurred back there, that if this had not occurred, there was nothing left to be bad, and that our assertion was in that case mistaken.
When we repeat the remark that such suffering was a bad thing, the feeling with which we made it last week may be at or near the vanishing point, but if we were asked whether we meant to say what we did before, we should certainly answer Yes.
If we were asked why we thought so, we should say that these things involve great evil and are wrong, and that to take delight in what is evil or wrong is plainly unfitting.
To begin the interview, he asked if Thayer, with more time to think it over, could add to what he had said the other day about Johnston.
His spine crawled with a foreboding premonition as he asked one of his fellow tenants what had happened.
-- The Anne Arundel county school superintendent has asked that the Board of Education return to the practice of recording its proceedings mechanically so that there will be no more question about who said what.
He asked intimate questions and got frank answers from the members of what he calls the candidates' `` in-groups ''.
The high casualty figures of the Union alarmed the North ; Grant had lost a third of his army, and Lincoln asked what Grant's plans were, to which the general replied, " I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.
When asked because of what, Hayakawa is said to have replied: " Words.

asked and I
I asked Rawlins.
`` Why '', he went on, `` when Rob asked me if he could make his dive on this trip, I didn't think twice about it.
I have just asked these questions in the Pentagon, in the White House, in offices of key scientists across the country and aboard the submarines that prowl for months underwater, with neat rows of green launch tubes which contain Polaris missiles and which are affectionately known as `` Sherwood Forest ''.
I asked the same questions inside the launch-control rooms of an Atlas missile base in Wyoming, where officers who wear sidearms are manning the `` commit buttons '' that could start a war -- accidentally or by design -- and in the command centers where other pistol-packing men could give orders to push such buttons.
I asked.
How, I asked, could chaos be admitted to chaos??
I asked about the battle between life and death in his plays.
At a party an English intellectual -- so-called -- asked me why I write always about distress.
I was having lunch not long ago ( apologies to N. V. Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle Ages, one in American history, and one in the Far East ), and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed, majestic instancy '' ( Francis Thompson's words for the Hound Of Heaven's Pursuit ) by judicial fiat.
Just as I was about to enlarge upon my discovery of the underside of the leaf of love, memory, displeased at being asked to yield its unsavory secrets, dashed ahead of me, calling back over its shoulder: `` Skip it.
The waspish man stopped me three paces from the bicycle barricade, and asked me in French if I had papers to leave France.
I asked him.
I asked.
One of the girl students, sitting by while I ate the thick soup, asked me if I had a sleeping bag.
I asked him.
Once or twice my father asked me if I wasn't overdoing a bit in my churchgoing.

asked and was
The husband points the steps out with his flashlight: `` Its white stare filling her pale eyes To the blind brim with appetite, Bleaching her hands that grazed my thighs And sent us from the table in surprise To let the dishes soak all night, '' ( Mary Jane asked herself if Meredith was blushing at this line, or was it the fire??
She confessed she was unhappy, he asked was it her husband??
His gun was half drawn when he asked the question, but the weapon never left its holster.
Seven years later he was asked to become director of the Pittsburgh Symphony.
He was then asked for a solution of the difficulty, and began to talk trenchant sense, though private anguish showed through in the vehemence of his manner.
Hearst's luck was even poorer when he had a chat with Franklin K. Lane, a prominent California journalist and reform politician, whom he asked for his support.
This was not before the House but before the Judiciary Committee, where he asked for action on one of his pet bills, that calling for an investigation of the coal-railroad monopoly.
Upon intelligence that the formidable agitator was to favor them with his presence, the benighted inhabitants of Pawtuxet, alas, gave their allegiance to Massachusetts and asked that colony to expel the newcomers.
It reminded me of my other professor, Edward Kennard Rand, of whom I had been so fond when I was at Harvard, the great mediaevalist and classical scholar who had asked me to call him `` Ken '', saying, `` Age counts for nothing among those who have learned to know life sub specie aeternitatis ''.
Of Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe the philosopher Whitehead said the Earth's first visitors to Mars should be persons likely to make a good impression, and when he was asked, `` Whom would you send ''??
He telephoned L. M. Birkhead and asked him and his wife to come to Europe as his guests, but Birkhead declined on the grounds that one of them must be in the United States when Elmer Gantry was published.
Lewis looked at him and began to cry, and then, saying that he was going to make a promise, he asked Blackman to call the porter and to tell him to take out all the liquor that he did not want.
It was the oldest and toughest question young lovers have ever asked: How can you be sure??
Mr. Dwyer said that although it was obvious that Mr. Rayburn was not well he stopped, gave the youngster his autograph, asked where he was from and expressed the hope that he would enjoy his visit to Congress.
The promoter who wanted to sign him up for the circus asked him how he was able to do it.

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