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Page "Agwé" ¶ 4
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is and syncretised
The term was historically a catch-all describing the offspring of any such union, but within generations the culture syncretised into what is today a distinct aboriginal group, with formal recognition equal to that of the Inuit and First Nations.
He is syncretised with the Catholic figures of St. Patrick who drove snakes out of Ireland, Christ the Redeemer, Our Lady of Mercy, and, sometimes, with Moses whose staff turned into a serpent.
She is syncretised with the Catholic Saint Clare, her symbol is the palm frond, she drinks no alcohol, and is the wife of Loko Atisou.
He is often syncretised with Satan.
The mother goddess figure they worship often is syncretised with the Yoruba goddess called by the names Iansan and Oyas.
She is syncretised with Our Lady of Czestochowa.
She is syncretised with Mater Dolorosa.
Santería and Palo Monte are largely syncretised with Catholicism, though it is generally considered that the African elements outweigh the Catholic ones.

is and with
Clayton is with him, takin him out of the valley.
His wife had said to him: `` Nellie is in love with Clayton Roy.
`` Exterminatin' cow thieves is just a business proposition with me '', he'd blandly announce.
It is also possible, but equally doubtful, that he actually shot down the hundreds of men with which his legend credits him.
Let me pass over the trip to Sante Fe with something of the same speed which made Mrs. Roebuck `` wonduh if the wahtahm speed limit '' ( 35 m.p.h. ) `` is still in ee-faket ''.
One of my virtues or vices is a sort of three-dimensional imagination complete with sound effects and glorious living color.
this is not so, for education offers all kinds of dividends, including how to pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife.
It is nothing you can put your fingers on but the air suddenly fills with a high charge of electricity.
It is Eromonga -- look hard, you can see with your naked eye the wooden scaffolding on the cliff ''.
I clapped the big man with the bleached hair on his shoulder and said heartily, hoping it would make an impression on the women: `` This one is the maku Frayne.
That place is crawling with Bill Doolin and his gang ''.
The woman eyed the youth with the avidity a coin collector might display toward a rare doubloon which is not yet in his collection.
`` What is with this vow jazz ''??
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
Why, in the first place, call himself a liberal if he is against laissez-faire and favors an authoritarian central government with womb-to-tomb controls over everybody??
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
Reduced to its simplest terms, it is an assumption of a collective duty to compensate for the inability of individuals to cope with the rigors of the era.
( Since the time-span of the nation-state coincides roughly with the separate existence of the United States as an independent entity, it is perhaps natural for Americans to think of the nation as representative of the highest form of order, something permanent and unchanging.
Only one rule prevailed in my conversations with these men: The more highly placed they are -- that is, the more they know -- the more concerned they have become.
He was, and is, with the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit pool of thinkers financed by the U.S. Air Force.
They include the Navy's Atlantic Command at Norfolk, Virginia, which is in contact with the Polaris subs ; ;
In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the wall about six feet from the door to Wisman's right.
It has nothing of the proud stride of the trained runner about it, it is not a lope, it is not done with style or verve.

is and Catholic
As symptomatic of the common man's malaise, he is most significant: a liberal and a Catholic, elected by the skin of his teeth.
In his effort to stir the public from its lethargy, Steele goes so far as to list Catholic atrocities of the sort to be expected in the event of a Stuart Restoration, and, with rousing rhetoric, he asserts that the only preservation from these `` Terrours '' is to be found in the laws he has so tediously cited.
As it happens the English lady is a good Catholic herself, but of more liberal political persuasion.
The latter plays a prominent role in Roman Catholic theology and is considered decisive, entirely apart from Scripture, in determining the ethical character of birth-prevention methods.
The Roman Catholic natural-law tradition regards as self-evident that the primary objective purpose of the conjugal act is procreation and that the fostering of the mutual love of the spouses is the secondary and subjective end.
in fact, a contrast is often drawn in this regard with the `` impersonal '' Roman Catholic parish.
There can be no doubt that the American Catholic accomplishment in the field of higher education is most impressive: our European brethren never cease to marvel at the number and the size of our colleges and universities.
But the simple truth is that higher education has never really been an official American Catholic project ; ;
Yet for better or for worse, the truth of the matter is that most American Catholic colleges do not owe their existence to general Catholic support but rather to the initiative, resourcefulness and sacrifices of individual religious communities.
To understand the past history -- and the future potential -- of American Catholic higher education, it is necessary to appreciate the special character of the esprit de corps of the religious community.
It is this spirit which explains some of the anomalies of American Catholic higher education, in particular the wasteful duplication apparent in some areas.
I think for example of three women's colleges with pitifully small enrollments, clustered within a few miles of a major Catholic university, which is also co-educational.
Apart, however, from the question of wasteful duplication, there is another aspect of the `` family business '' spirit in American Catholic higher education which deserves closer scrutiny.
In the academic world there is seldom anything so dramatic as a strike or a boycott: all that happens is that the better qualified teacher declines to gamble two or three years of his life on the chance that conditions at the Catholic institution will be as good as those elsewhere.
Just as it is possible to exaggerate the drawing power of the new tenure practices, it is also possible to exaggerate the significance of the now relatively adequate salaries paid by major Catholic institutions.
Broadly speaking the total Catholic atmosphere is such an intangible but the larger demand is for a sense of creative participation and mature responsibility in the total work of the university.
In itself there is nothing wrong with this form of `` participation '': the only difficulty on the Catholic campus is that those faculty members who are in a position to implement policy, i.e., members of the religious community which owns and administers the institution, have their own eating arrangements.
For the `` tide is well on the turn '', as the London Catholic weekly Universe has written.
Now, in 1961, the Catholic population of England is still quite small ( ten per cent, or 5 million ) ; ;

0.085 seconds.