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Page "Rudolf Steiner" ¶ 82
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suggested and would
The speaker suggested that the desolation of a post-attack world would be too awful to face.
Also, it has been suggested that the source of all or part of the dust may not be the same as that for visual or radar meteorites ( Best, 1960 ), and the same distribution would not be expected.
A careful student has suggested that `` In any new revision ( of the Judicial Code ) the legislators would do well to remember that the allocation of power to the federal courts should be limited to those matters in which their expertise in federal law might be used, leaving to the state judiciaries the primary obligation of pronouncing state law ''.
Still another suggested that he would join a temple `` for social reasons, since I'll be living in a suburb ''.
When Dr. Wallace Buttrick, wise in his judgment of people, declined to have the Science Building named for him, he wrote Miss Tapley ( April 7, 1923 ) `` If you had asked me, I think I would have suggested that you name the building for Miss Upton.
Some commentators have suggested that this incident would influence Kurosawa's later artistic career, as the director was seldom hesitant to confront unpleasant truths in his work.
Alcott asked Niles if he would publish a book of short stories by his daughter ; instead, he suggested she write a book about girls.
Elena Lourie ( 1975 ) suggested instead that it was Alfonso's attempt to neutralize the papacy's interest in a disputed succession — Aragon had been a fief of the Papacy since 1068 — and to fend off Urraca's son from her first marriage, Alfonso VII of Castile, for the Papacy would be bound to press the terms of such a pious testament.
He suggested that a combination of spiritual exercises ( for example, concentrating on an object such as a seed ), moral development ( control of thought, feelings and will combined with openness, tolerance and flexibility ) and familiarity with other spiritual researchers ' results would best further an individual's spiritual development.
* His view of the second coming of Christ is also unusual ; he suggested that this would not be a physical reappearance, but that the Christ being would become manifest in non-physical form, visible to spiritual vision and apparent in community life for increasing numbers of people beginning around the year 1933.
As early as 1573, Thomas Digges had suggested that this theory should necessitate a parallactic shifting of the stars, and, consequently, if such stellar parallaxes existed, then the Copernican theory would receive additional confirmation.
72 accounts for the island's archaic name Ortygia by asserting that Zeus transformed Leto into a quail ( ortux ) in order to prevent Hera from finding out his infidelity, and Kenneth McLeish suggested further that in quail form Leto would have given birth with as few birth-pains as a mother quail suffers when it lays an egg.
On the one hand, Reagan stated that SDI was " consistent with ... the ABM Treaty ", but on the other hand, he viewed it as a defensive system that would help reduce the possibility that mutual assured destruction ( MAD ) would become reality ; he even suggested that the Soviets would be given access to the SDI technology.
Some observers have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which, it is suggested, drove Malay men to create circumstances in which others would kill them.
Various types of creatures have been suggested to explain both the sightings and what type of creature Bigfoot would be if it existed.
It has been suggested that they would likely have advanced to the Fall Classic had it not been for a minor wrist injury that sidelined Powell for two weeks in late August.
It is suggested that had Elihu appeared in the original source, his spirited and virtuous defence of the divine right to punish would have been rewarded by God in the conclusion, or at the very least mentioned.
It is suggested that the most comparable English name would be " Victoria ".
At a War Cabinet meeting, held on 31 October 1917, Balfour suggested that a declaration favorable to Zionist aspirations would allow Great Britain " to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America "
He opened the meeting on a negative note, revealing to his brigadiers that provisions would be exhausted in less than five days, and suggested retreating, perhaps as far back as Asmara.
Theorists have suggested many possible reasons for why people would have originally decided to come together to form dense populations.
Typical of his satire and cynical humour, the book included a discourse on Parkinson's Law of Triviality ( debates about expenses for a nuclear plant, a bicycle shed, and refreshments ), a note on why driving on the left side of the road ( see road transport ) is natural, and suggested that the Royal Navy would eventually have more admirals than ships.

suggested and be
It will readily be seen that in this suggested network ( not materially different from some of the networks in vogue today ) greater emphasis on monitoring is implied than is usually put into practice.
We must avoid the notion, suggested to some people by examples such as those just mentioned, that ideas are `` units '' in some way comparable to coins or counters that can be passed intact from one group of people to another or even, for that matter, from one individual to another.
Morgan took the suggested steps, but when Mrs. Sanderson appeared, there was nobody with her but her husband, whom he promptly sent to headquarters to be questioned.
The historian need not be concerned with the philosophical problems suggested by religion.
According to the official interpretation of the Charter, a member cannot be penalized by not having the right to vote in the General Assembly for nonpayment of financial obligations to the `` special '' United Nations' budgets, and of course cannot be expelled from the Organization ( which you suggested in your editorial ), due to the fact that there is no provision in the Charter for expulsion.
The Colonel ordered that it be wiped out, and I suggested, ' You ask for volunteers, and promise each man on the patrol a quart of whisky, ten dollars and a week-end pass to Davao.
In his report to the Attorney General, the hearing officer suggested that the petitioner be exempt only from combatant training and service.
The stepped-up defense procurement called for in the 1961 Budget has already begun to make itself felt in an upturn in orders for military electronic equipment and the components that go into it, and it has been suggested that an additional $2 billion increase in total defense spending may be requested for fiscal 1962.
It has been suggested many times that a Class be set up for the Juniors who are overage and cannot enter the Junior Classes.
If the superintendents do not receive more cooperation from Handlers, it has been suggested that licensed Judges also be qualified to judge this Class.
Finally, it is suggested that in many respects the horse lung may be anatomically more comparable to that of the human than any other presently known species.
Thus, although the agenda of external assistance in the economic sphere are cumulative, and many of the policies suggested for nations in the earlier stages remain relevant, the basic purpose of American economic policy during the later stages of development should be to assure that movement into a stage of self-sustaining growth is not prevented by lack of foreign exchange.
In sentences, patterns of stress are determined by complex combinations of influences that can only be suggested here.
General manager Pels even suggested that it might be wise to keep the Mexicans in suspense rather than accept their offers to sell out and move away, and try to have a few punished.
The taking of depositions, he suggested, should be placed under a special court examiner empowered to compel responsive and relevant answers and to exclude immaterial testimony.
A clerk in the outer office took him in to Sheriff Carruthers, a big, paunchy man with thick, white hair and a voice with a senatorial resonance which suggested he should be running for higher office.
Time magazine reviewed it and suggested that the Federation Assembly Daily Record should be translated into the medium.
It has been suggested that Aristotle was probably the last person to know everything there was to be known in his own time.

suggested and physical
A recent systematic review suggested that physical therapy is effective, but there is only moderate evidence to support this conclusion.
In Theosophy, Steiner suggested that human beings unite a physical body of a nature common to ( and that ultimately returns to ) the inorganic world ; a life body ( also called the etheric body ), in common with all living creatures ( including plants ); a bearer of sentience or consciousness ( also called the astral body ), in common with all animals ; and the ego, which anchors the faculty of self-awareness unique to human beings.
In these final pieces he offered a critique of Western science in which he suggested that non-European languages often referred to physical phenomena in ways that more directly reflected aspects of reality than many European languages, and that science ought to pay attention to the effects of linguistic categorization in its efforts to describe the physical world.
While the British military historian Sir John Keegan suggested an ideal definition of battle as " something which happens between two armies leading to the moral then physical disintegration of one or the other of them ", the origins and outcomes of battles can rarely be summarized so neatly.
It generally refers to a " pure ," ideal type of love, rather than the physical attraction suggested by eros.
David Turner, a retired physical chemist, suggested that ball lightning, another phenomenon, could cause inanimate objects to move erratically.
H. H. Price also suggested that telepathy was incompatible with any material explanation, as a physical theory of telepathy would reveal radiations detectable on physical instruments but none have ever been detected.
It has been suggested that in some cases the cheque is genuine — however the fraudster has a friend ( or bribes an official ) at the paying bank to claim it is a fake weeks or even months later when the physical cheque arrives back at the paying bank.
A study published in 2011 suggested that a subsequent collision between the Moon and one of these smaller bodies caused the notable differences in physical characteristics between the two hemispheres of the Moon.
In general, much research has suggested that males use more physical aggression than females.
One cleric suggested that Lewis should be imprisoned for five years, and there were also threats of physical violence against the author.
It is suggested that, at a minimum, such crises be managed by preventing the individual from harming oneself or others by whatever means necessary up to and including physical restraint, providing the patient with a safe and comfortable space, and supervising the intaker until all effects of the drug have completely worn off.
Studies from other institutions have suggested that the physical appearance of candidates is a criterion upon which voters base their decision.
Evidence for objective reality of projection on to the etheric plane ( a near-copy of the physical plane ) is sometimes suggested when people, such as patients during surgery, describe OBEs in which they see or hear events or objects outside their sensory range ( for instance, Pam Reynolds reported experiencing an OBE during brain surgery and described a surgical instrument she had not seen previously, as well as conversation that occurred while she was under anethesia ).
:( a ) There was no physical evidence linking John and Patsy to the homicide, and physical evidence found near JonBenét's body suggested the presence of an unidentified person in the Ramsey home.
Lombroso's general theory suggested that criminals are distinguished from noncriminals by multiple physical anomalies.
In 2001 Bernstein circulated " Circuits for integer factorization: a proposal ," which caused a stir as it potentially suggested that if physical hardware implementations could be close to their theoretical efficiency, then perhaps current views about how large numbers have to be before they are impractical to factor might be off by a factor of three.
In his presidential address to the British Association in 1871, Lord Kelvin stated his belief that the application of the prismatic analysis of light to solar and stellar chemistry had never been suggested directly or indirectly by anyone else when Stokes taught it to him at Cambridge University some time prior to the summer of 1852, and he set forth the conclusions, theoretical and practical, which he learnt from Stokes at that time, and which he afterwards gave regularly in his public lectures at Glasgow. Kirchhoff These statements, containing as they do the physical basis on which spectroscopy rests, and the way in which it is applicable to the identification of substances existing in the sun and stars, make it appear that Stokes anticipated Kirchhoff by at least seven or eight years.
Lord North's strong physical resemblance to George III, suggested to his contemporaries that Prince Frederick may have been North's real father ( and North the King's brother ), a theory compatible with the Prince's reputation but with little real evidence.
It has also been suggested that blushing and flushing are the visible manifestations of the physiological rebound of the basic instinctual fight / flight mechanism, when physical action is not possible.

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