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Page "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies" ¶ 3
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account and is
also he is a drunk, and has lost his job on that account.
But however we come, finally, to explain and account for the present, the truth we are trying to expose, right now, is that the makers of constitutions and the designers of institutions find it difficult if not impossible to anticipate the behavior of the host of all their enterprises.
The account of the battle is, next to his descriptions of Garibaldi's campaigns, Trevelyan's outstanding military narrative.
The flood is not as great -- only 700 a week according to one apparently conservative account -- but it is symptomatic.
Taking account of the fact that such a move on our part would be unpopular in world opinion, he argued that the responsibility of the United States is `` to do, confidently and firmly, not what is popular, but what is right ''.
Essentially, the question presented for decision in the present Daytime Skywave proceeding is whether our decision ( in 1938-1939 ) to assign stations on the basis of daytime conditions from sunrise to sunset, is sound as a basis for AM allocations, or whether, in the light of later developments and new understanding, skywave transmission is of such significance during the hours immediately before sunset and after sunrise that this condition should be taken into account, and some stations required to afford protection to other stations during these hours.
In addition to its major effort on fuel cells, Patterson Moos Research Division is continuing to carry on research in other fields, both under contract for the Defense Department, other government agencies and for our own account.
There must be a restriction in the deed to provide that the customer may not be charged more than the current market price for the oil, an obvious precaution, since the account is permanently wedded, just like with gas or electricity.
Although we are still far from a complete understanding of these problems, as a first approximation, it is suggested that alterations in the hypothalamic balance with consequent changes in the hypothalamic-cortical discharges account for major changes in behavior seen in various moods and states of emotions in man and beast under physiological circumstances, in experimental and clinical neurosis, and as the result of psychopharmacological agents.
No single explanation is adequate to account for this.
All of this must be taken into account before the image of an `` all-Negro '' D.C. public school system is conjured up.
In general, friendly contact with a member followed by contact with a clergyman will account for a major share of recruitment by the churches, making it quite evident that the extension of economic integration through co-optation is the principal form of mission in the contemporary church ; ;
Not only should this provision be enforced but other economic and political actions might be taken which, this author believes, `` must surely be supported by every American who values the freedom that has been won for him and whose conscience is not so dominated by the lines in his account books that he can willingly and knowingly contribute to the enslavement of another nation ''.
In 1961, it is estimated that multiple unit dwellings will account for nearly 30 per cent of the starts in residential construction.
Naturally, where one or the other of the effects of an action is uncertain, this has to be taken into account.
Presumably, if the reverse is the case and the good effect is more certain than the evil result that may be forthcoming, not only must the good and the evil be prudentially weighed and found proportionate, but also calculation of the probabilities and of the degree of certainty or uncertainty in the good or evil effect must be taken into account.
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision but a new creation is of any account.
But it is most interesting in its account of the unending problems of high command, of decisions and their reasons, of the myriad matters that demand attention in addition to battle action.
George Kennan's account of relations between Russia and the West from the fall of Tsarism to the end of World War 2, is the finest piece of diplomatic history that has appeared in many years.

account and largely
Yet after 1832, the interrelations of economic and social and political affairs become blurred and the narrative becomes largely a conventional political account.
But it had largely disappeared on account of protest by the whites and through growing resentment on the part of the Negroes as they became more educated and got better wages.
Bede's account of the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons is drawn largely from Gildas's De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae.
Services currently account for 25 % of GDP, largely because of the oversized government bureaucracy and high transportation costs arising from the country's landlocked position.
" Other critics of the FAO data point out that they do not distinguish between forest types, and that they are based largely on reporting from forestry departments of individual countries, which do not take into account unofficial activities like illegal logging.
An account of the discovery was published in 1802 in an Italian newspaper, but it was largely overlooked by the contemporary scientific community.
Thucydides largely eliminated divine causality in his account of the war between Athens and Sparta, establishing a rationalistic element which set a precedent for subsequent Western historical writings.
Historian Milo Milton Quaife, however, regarded Kinzie's account of Point du Sable as " largely fictitious and wholly unauthenticated ".
Before the Nat Turner Revolt, there was a small but ineffectual antislavery movement in Virginia, largely on account of economic trends that made slavery less profitable in the Old South in the 1820s and fears among whites of the rising number of blacks, especially in the Tidewater and Piedmont regions.
Winter precipitation is extremely light largely on account of the dominance of high pressure at this time of year.
His account is largely overlooked.
In 1848, largely on account of his personal attachment to Martin Van Buren, he participated in the revolt of the “ Barnburners ” or Free-Soil faction of the New York Democrats.
ISBN 0-345-28000-8, This book about proliferation is largely an account of Taylor's ideas, including his idea that it is " easy " for rogue actors to produce nuclear bombs.
During roughly the same period, Israeli relations with many countries in Asia, including China and India, were enhanced, largely on account of the growth of Israel's high-tech economy.
" Keats's account of Pan's activities activities is largely drawn from the Elizabethan poets.
However, since the account in the Gesta of the early part of his exile ( in Scotland, Cornwall and Ireland ) contains fantastic elements which suggest it is largely fictitious, it is hard to know if we can trust this.
* The Outrage-an account of the bombing on a website set up by ex-British servicemen, whose purpose was to detail largely forgotten campaigns fought by the British since the end of the Second World War.
William Saroyan's short story, " The Journey to Hanford " that appeared in My Name Is Aram is a comic account of two characters from Fresno — a boy and his wastrel uncle — who share a single bicycle as they travel the approximately thirty-mile route between Fresno and Hanford, taking along a sack of rice to feed them through what turns out to be a largely pointless summer.
Sabine's appointment was violently attacked by Charles Babbage, the father of the computer, ( largely on account of his associations with the Royal Society, whose scientific credentials Babbage did not recognise ) in a pamphlet entitled Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on Some of its Causes.
His indefatigable exertions as a traveller, his skill and good fortune as a collector, his brilliance as a teacher and expositor, and his keenness as a controversialist no doubt aid largely in accounting for Spallanzani's exceptional fame among his contemporaries ; his letters account for his close relationships with many famed scholars and philosophers, like Buffon, Lavoisier, and Voltaire.
Josephus gives an account of Belshazzar largely paralleling the Book of Daniel but remarks that he was known to the Babylonians by the name Naboandelus.
His novels include Alwyn ( 1780 ), an account, largely autobiographical, of a strolling comedian, Anna St. Ives ( the first British Jacobin novel, published in 1792 ), and The Adventures of Hugh Trevor ( 1794-1797 ).
Over the years, however, his reputation declined, largely on account of a perceived didacticism and dullness.
He wrote Syllabus in English of Documents in Rymer's Foedera ( 3 vols., 1869? f 885 ), and gave an account of the history of the public records from 1837 to 1851 in his Memoirs of the Life of Henry, Lord Langdale ( 1852 ), Lord Langdale ( 1783 – 1851 ), master of the rolls from 1836 to 1851, being largely responsible for the erection of the new Record Office.
Robert Bridenbecker, Vice President of Online Technologies at Blizzard, explained that the intent behind the effort is largely to reduce account thefts resulting from player interaction with third-party sites.

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