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Some Related Sentences

If and I
If I could make myself feel the same way
If I don't come back in the house, Breed's going to '' --
If I hadn't got Nate stopped when I did, my duds'd all be shot plumb to hell!!
I showed her the shower and tub, and she said, smiling, `` If you really don't mind, I think I'll get clean in the shower, then soak for a few minutes in your tub.
If it were not for an old professor who made me read the classics I would have been stymied on what to do, and now I understand why they are classics ; ;
If I even hint at it do you think it will matter that you are his nephew -- and not even a blood nephew ''??
If you tell him I made a pass at you he might think you misunderstood something I said or did, so instead of just telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
Fruit compote: `` If you think I would understand it '' ; ;
`` If you will pardon, I think it would be better if not.
`` If I don't come out within half an hour ride back to town and bring out a posse ''.
If the old fool argues about the price, tell him I shall order my husband not to treat him as a patient any longer.
If I now risk some comparisons with Sons And Lovers let it be clear that I am not comparing the two works or judging their merits ; ;
If Mrs. Wright doesn't accept the terms in the morning, I'll go either to Tokyo or to Holland, to do what I can.
If I am to speak the whole truth about my knowledge of love, I will have to stop trying to emulate the transcendant nightingale.

If and is
If the circumstances are faced frankly it is not reasonable to expect this to be true.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
If a work is divided into several large segments, a last-minute drawing of random numbers may determine the order of the segments for any particular performance.
If they avoid the use of the pungent, outlawed four-letter word it is because it is taboo ; ;
If Wilhelm Reich is the Moses who has led them out of the Egypt of sexual slavery, Dylan Thomas is the poet who offers them the Dionysian dialectic of justification for their indulgence in liquor, marijuana, sex, and jazz.
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
If it is an honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it??
If he thus achieves a lyrical, dreamlike, drugged intensity, he pays the price for his indulgence by producing work -- Allen Ginsberg's `` Howl '' is a striking example of this tendency -- that is disoriented, Dionysian but without depth and without Apollonian control.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
If he is good, he may not be legal ; ;
If the man on the sidewalk is surprised at this question, it has served as an exclamation.
If the existent form is to be retained new factors that reinforce it must be introduced into the situation.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
If he is a traditionalist, he is an eclectic traditionalist.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.

If and right
He said: `` If it's all right with you, Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the couch.
If the Union conceded this to them, the same right must be conceded to each remaining state whenever it saw fit to secede: This would destroy the federal balance between it and the states, and in the end sacrifice to the sovereignty of the states all the liberty the citizens had gained by their Union.
If these people were denied a voice ( do they have a moral right to a voice??
If you had screamed right there in the street where we stood, I could not have felt more fear.
If they are right, they will prevail of and by themselves.
If you're lyin' out in the hammock at night, and it gets kinda cool -- you know -- you just take these sides with the fringe on -- see -- and wrap 'em right over you.
`` If they are here, then surely I have the right to be here '', Rousseau said.
If you are dreaming of a blue, shimmering pool right outside your living room windows, close your eyes firmly and fill in the picture with lots and lots of children, damp towels, squashed tubes of suntan oil and semi-inflated plastic toys.
`` If you can fix it up with the undertaker '', returned the politician, `` it's all right with me ''.
If a litigant chooses to enforce a Federal right in a State court, he cannot be heard to object if he is treated exactly as are plaintiffs who press like claims arising under State law with regard to the form in which the claim must be stated -- the particularity, for instance, with which a cause of action must be described.
If you have taken this stroll in the morning, and you have the time and inclination, walk to the right along the crowded Corso for half a dozen blocks to visit the fine private collection of paintings -- mainly of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries -- in the Palazzo Doria ( open Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 10:00 to 1:00 ).
If laying ties on a railroad track, which he once did for $1 an hour, paid more than playing right field for the Yankees, Maris would lay ties on a railroad track.
If to be a Christian means to say yes where I otherwise say no, or where I do not have the right to say anything at all, then my only choice is to refuse to be a Christian.
If the demand for demythologization is unavoidable and so must be accepted by theology unconditionally, the position of the `` right '' is clearly untenable.
`` If Philip Toynbee is claiming that the choice lies between capitulation and the risk of nuclear war, I think he is right.
If A-Z could buy Ticonderoga cheaply and use their presses and dies and other equipment, if William could hit precisely the right promotion note, if the money hurdle was not insurmountable.
If one looks at the fields around the Deserted Village and right up the mountain, one can see the tracks in the fields of ' lazy beds ', which is the way crops like potatoes were grown.
If amber is heated under the right conditions, oil of amber is produced, and in past times this was combined carefully with nitric acid to create " artificial musk " – a resin with a peculiar musky odor.
On a trip to Washington, with a final plea for help in East Tennessee in early 1863, he gave a speech in Indianapolis, saying: " If the institution of slavery denies the government the right of agitation, and seeks to overthrow it, then the government has a clear right to destroy it.
* If the balance factor of P is-2 then the right subtree outweighs the left subtree of the given node, and the balance factor of the right child ( R ) must be checked.
* If the balance factor of P is 2, then the left subtree outweighs the right subtree of the given node, and the balance factor of the left child ( L ) must be checked.
* If the balance factor of L is + 1, a single right rotation ( with P as the root ) is needed ( Left-Left case ).
If through lack of issue, marriage or both, eventually only one person represents the claims of all the sisters, he or she can claim the dignity as a matter of right, and the abeyance is said to be terminated.

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