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Page "Stationary phase approximation" ¶ 4
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If and however
If, however, the child is weak, overweight, or afraid, more help will be needed.
If, however, it would help to intensify your anguish, I can delimit the powers of a few of the divinities you've affronted and describe the punishment they meted out in one analogous instance.
If, however, the figure to be discerned were complicated, composed of several interlocking subfigures, and so on, even the tracing process failed him, and he could not focus even relatively simple shapes among its parts.
If the retailer and hotelman's downtown unit sales have been decreasing, however, his dollar volume continues to rise, and it is dollars which you put in the bank.
If the distant patron of the suburban branch has been frightened away from downtown by traffic problems, however, the city store can only pressure the politicians to do something about the highways or await the completion of the federal highway program.
If, however, we are seeking the optimal R-stage policy for a given feed state, only one search for a maximum is required at the final step.
If the photographically realistic continuity of dreams, however bizarre their combinations, denies that it is purely a composition of the brain, it must be compounded from views of diverse realities, although some of them may never be encountered in what we are pleased to call the real life.
If, however, the numbers are referring to allies it could possibly include forces from Tyre, Judah, Edom, and Moab.
If, however, there are no shares left when the chain is founded, then the founding player does not receive the free share.
If, however, one picks non-optimally, after improving a sub-optimal component and moving on to improve a more optimal component, one can see an increase in return.
If, however, a layer of paper remains stuck to the surface, the adhesive has not failed.
If, however, the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from all previous cases ( called a " matter of first impression "), judges have the authority and duty to make law by creating precedent.
If however it was possible to have two of any one kind of fruit there would be 3 more combinations: one with two apples, one with two oranges, and one with two pears.
If a cabal can be implicated in a sequence of events, there is always the hope, however tenuous, of being able to break the cabal's power – or joining it and exercising some of that power oneself.
If however it has already saved its life by self-castration and is again pursued, then it stands up and reveals that it offers no ground for their eager pursuit, and releases the hunters from all further exertions, for they esteem its flesh less.
If people with cholera are treated quickly and properly, the mortality rate is less than 1 %; however, with untreated cholera, the mortality rate rises to 50 – 60 %.
If the function f is not linear ( i. e. its graph is not a straight line ), however, then the change in y divided by the change in x varies: differentiation is a method to find an exact value for this rate of change at any given value of x.
If in the above example Mary had overpaid, paying £ 750 for the watch, her damages in contract would still be £ 450 ( giving him the item he contracted to buy ), however in tort damages are £ 700.
If this happens to all industries however, everyone would be worse off than if they had been subject to the rigours of market competition.
His government has also been condemned for allegedly arming and financing the insurgency in Somalia ; the United States is considering labeling Eritrea a " State Sponsor of Terrorism ," however, many experts on the topic have shied from this assertion, stating that " If there is one country where the fighting of extremists and terrorists was a priority when it mattered, it was Eritrea.
Frege, however, did not conceive of objects as forming parts of senses: If a proper name denotes a non-existent object, it does not have a reference, hence concepts with no objects have no truth value in arguments.
If the occulting object has an atmosphere, however, some of the luminosity of the star can be refracted into the volume of the umbra.
If they had gone it alone, the IRB and the Volunteers would possibly have come to their aid ; however, the IRB leaders met with Connolly in January 1916 and convinced him to join forces with them.
If, however, the firm is not a perfect competitor in the input markets, then the above conclusions are modified.
If this is done on fractals, however, no new detail appears ; nothing changes and the same pattern repeats over and over, or for some fractals, nearly the same pattern reappears over and over.

If and these
If these people were denied a voice ( do they have a moral right to a voice??
If you cut down these horrible buildings you'll have no more traffic jams.
If art is to release us from these postulated things ( things we must think symbolically about ) and bring us back to the ineffable beauty and richness of the aesthetic component of reality in its immediacy, it must sever its connection with these common sense entities ''.
If the would-be joiner asks these questions he is not likely to be duped by extremists who are seeking to capitalize on the confusions and the patriotic apprehensions of Americans in a troubled time.
If you're lyin' out in the hammock at night, and it gets kinda cool -- you know -- you just take these sides with the fringe on -- see -- and wrap 'em right over you.
If Russian pupils have to take these languages, how come American students have a choice whether or not to take a language, but have to face so many exceptions??
If these services are to be maintained, the New York Central must have the revenues to make them possible ''.
If the resulting difference for the particular State is less or more than these extremes, the State's allotment percentage must be raised or lowered to the appropriate extreme.
If the resulting difference for the particular State is less or more than these extremes, the State's Federal share must be raised or lowered to the appropriate extreme.
If you plan to visit any of these countries, you can obtain your International Driving Permit before you leave at a nominal fee -- around $3.00.
but then Arlene got another tone in a hurry, and she said, `` If it wasn't for these dear children '' --.
If adjectival meanings show relatively low retentiveness of stems, as I am confident will prove to be the case in most languages of the world, why should our basic lists include 15 per cent of these unstable forms, but only 8 per cent of animals and plants which replace much more slowly??
If it could be shown that judgments of good and bad were not judgments at all, that they asserted nothing true or false, but merely expressed emotions like `` Hurrah '' or `` Fiddlesticks '', then these wayward judgments would cease from troubling and weary heads could be at rest.
If we were asked why we thought so, we should say that these things involve great evil and are wrong, and that to take delight in what is evil or wrong is plainly unfitting.
If there is nothing evil in these things, if they get their moral complexion only from our feeling about them, why shouldn't they be greeted with a cheer??
If the wedding party lasted late, and the travel schedule means there are only a few hours before resuming the trip or making an early start, the husband may forestall tensions and uncertainties by confiding to his bride that lying in each other's arms will be bliss enough for these few hours.
If these facilities are not at the door, getting them may cost more than you expect.
If the house is not wired adequately for electricity or if plumbing or a central heating system must be installed, check into the cost of making these improvements.
If we add to these contacts with friendly members the `` contacts with an organization of the church '' ( 11.2 per cent of the cases ), then a substantial two thirds of all recruitment is through friendly contact.
If we have not thought and made a decision entirely in these terms, then we need to submit ourselves to the following `` simple test '': `` Have we decided how we are to kill the other members of our household in the event of our being less injured than they are ''??
If I could put your body in an imaginary atomic press and squeeze you down, squeeze these holes out of you in the way we squeeze the holes out of a sponge, you would get smaller and smaller until finally when the last hole was gone, you would be smaller than the smallest speck of dust that you could see on this piece of paper.
If unchallenged, these decisions have the power to settle more minor legal disputes once and for all.
If these allegiances come into conflict, he or she may be guilty of treason against one or both.
If the demands of these two sovereigns upon his duty of allegiance come into conflict, those of the United States have the paramount authority in American law ; likewise, those of the foreign land have paramount authority in their legal system.

0.445 seconds.