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Page "Pasta" ¶ 39
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Some Related Sentences

If and pasta
If the cooked pasta is not used in the five days it may be frozen for up to two or three months.
If it is made from durum wheat, the pasta contains protein and gluten.

If and is
If the circumstances are faced frankly it is not reasonable to expect this to be true.
If his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this is consistent with his intention of placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their pedestrian identities.
If a work is divided into several large segments, a last-minute drawing of random numbers may determine the order of the segments for any particular performance.
If they avoid the use of the pungent, outlawed four-letter word it is because it is taboo ; ;
If Wilhelm Reich is the Moses who has led them out of the Egypt of sexual slavery, Dylan Thomas is the poet who offers them the Dionysian dialectic of justification for their indulgence in liquor, marijuana, sex, and jazz.
If he is the child of nothingness, if he is the predestined victim of an age of atomic wars, then he will consult only his own organic needs and go beyond good and evil.
If it is an honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it??
If he thus achieves a lyrical, dreamlike, drugged intensity, he pays the price for his indulgence by producing work -- Allen Ginsberg's `` Howl '' is a striking example of this tendency -- that is disoriented, Dionysian but without depth and without Apollonian control.
If love reflects the nature of man, as Ortega Y Gasset believes, if the person in love betrays decisively what he is by his behavior in love, then the writers of the beat generation are creating a new literary genre.
If he is good, he may not be legal ; ;
If the man on the sidewalk is surprised at this question, it has served as an exclamation.
If the existent form is to be retained new factors that reinforce it must be introduced into the situation.
If we remove ourselves for a moment from our time and our infatuation with mental disease, isn't there something absurd about a hero in a novel who is defeated by his infantile neurosis??
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
If he is a traditionalist, he is an eclectic traditionalist.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.
If to be innocent is to be helpless, then I had been -- as are we all -- helpless at the start.

If and be
If we let them go, they won't stay away, they'll find men to ride with them and they'll be back.
If she, Pamela, were being held responsible for his crimes, then hers must be the final act of expiation.
If you don't leave this country within 3 days, your life will be taken the same as Powell's was.
If I hadn't got Nate stopped when I did, my duds'd all be shot plumb to hell!!
`` If you will pardon, I think it would be better if not.
If he showed signs of collecting his rifle and going back with his deputy to the ranch he would be shot down instantly.
If communications work, his decision would be instantly known in all command posts that would originate the actual go order.
If the Union conceded this to them, the same right must be conceded to each remaining state whenever it saw fit to secede: This would destroy the federal balance between it and the states, and in the end sacrifice to the sovereignty of the states all the liberty the citizens had gained by their Union.
If an automobile were approaching him, he would know what was required of him, even though he might not be able to act quickly enough.
If life and death did not both present themselves to us, there would be no inscrutability.
If there were only darkness, all would be clear.
If there were only the mess, all would be clear ; ;
If I now risk some comparisons with Sons And Lovers let it be clear that I am not comparing the two works or judging their merits ; ;
If in any one calculation Ptolemy had had to invoke 83 epicycles all at once, while Copernicus never required more than one third this number, then ( in the sense obvious to Margenau ) Ptolemaic astronomy would be simpler than Copernican.
If `` Jack the Courtier '' is really to be taken as Swift, the following remark is obviously Steele's comment on Swift's change of parties and its effect on their friendship: `` I assure you, dear Jack, when I first found out such an Allay in you, as makes you of so malleable a Constitution, that you may be worked into any Form an Artificer pleases, I foresaw I should not enjoy your Favour much longer ''.

If and eggs
Thus, personal involvement is linked with public opinion Proverbs that speak to the political disgruntlement include: “ When the Czar spits into the soup dish, it fairly bursts with pride ”; “ If the Czar be a rhymester, woe be to the poets ”; and “ The hen of the Czarina herself does not lay swan ’ s eggs .” While none of these proverbs state directly, “ I hate the Czar and detest my situation ” ( which would have been incredibly dangerous ), they do get their points across.
If the eggs aren't turned, the embryo inside may stick to the shell and may hatch with physical defects.
If the host removes the cuckoo's eggs, some cuckoos will return and attack the nest to compel host birds to remain subject to this parasitism.
If they arrive at the corpse before any fly eggs hatch into maggots, the first eggs are eaten and maggot development is delayed.
If eggs accidentally roll out of the nest both sexes will retrieve the egg using the neck ( in other swan species only the female performs this feat ).
: Q: If three hens lay three eggs in three days, how many eggs does a ( statistical ) hen lay in one day?
" If you could take things from animals and kill animals all day long without causing them suffering, then I would take it ... Everybody should be able to agree that animals should not suffer if you kill them or steal from them by taking the fur off their backs or take their eggs, whatever.
If disturbed, the female will either abandon the eggs or eat them ; abandoned eggs tend to fall prey to fungi rapidly.
If regularly disturbed at the nest, magpie pairs will eventually either move the eggs or abandon the clutch altogether, but in the first instance they will defend the nest aggressively.
If food is scarce, parents may desert unhatched eggs, or allow the smallest chicks to starve, although the latter strategy appears not to be particularly efficient in protecting the older chicks.
If the host's eggs hatch before the cuckoo's, the cuckoo chick will push the other chicks out of the nest in a similar way.
If the hen cuckoo is out-of-phase with a clutch of Eurasian Reed Warbler eggs, she will eat them all so that the hosts are forced to start another brood.
If the female is ovulating, the eggs will be fertilized, and she will begin sequestering nutrients into the eggs, then secreting a shell.
If the female accepts the male and the nesting site, she alone builds the nest and incubates the eggs.
If you say the magic phrase written on the wall of that room ( one word at a time ), " Fee Fie Foe Foo ", the eggs will be moved back to the Giant room, wherever they are and wherever you are.
If used fresh, it is usually grilled, steamed, or mixed with eggs and fried to form a custard-like dish called " Ashpal Kuku ".
If a clutch is lost, up to two further eggs may be laid that are smaller than the earlier eggs.
If so, it has remained far more secret and " esoteric " than in any of the other great spiritual traditions of the world, so much so that its existence is highly doubtful ..." The Welsh writer Norman Lewis, in his celebrated account of life in Naples in 1944, claimed that San Rocco was the patron saint of coitus reservatus: " I recommended him to drink -- as the locals did -- marsala with the yolk of eggs stirred into it, and to wear a medal of San Rocco, patron of coitus reservatus, which could be had in any religious-supplies shop ".
If eggs or chicks are predated, the female will often leave the male, who then resumes singing and pairs with another female.

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