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Page "Coitus reservatus" ¶ 9
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Some Related Sentences

If and so
If we was both armed, you wouldn't talk so tough ''.
If you tell him I made a pass at you he might think you misunderstood something I said or did, so instead of just telling him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what a louse I really am.
If it were not that I knew who it was I could have mistaken it for my Aunt so well did her clothes fit him.
If the detective insists upon retaining his personal standards, he must now do so in conscious defiance of his society.
If `` Jack the Courtier '' is really to be taken as Swift, the following remark is obviously Steele's comment on Swift's change of parties and its effect on their friendship: `` I assure you, dear Jack, when I first found out such an Allay in you, as makes you of so malleable a Constitution, that you may be worked into any Form an Artificer pleases, I foresaw I should not enjoy your Favour much longer ''.
If Robinson was a liar and a slanderer, he was also a very canny gentleman, for nothing that Pike could do would pry so much as a single word out of him.
If the hardships of the winter at Valley Forge were trying for healthy men, they were, of course, much more so for those not in good health.
If his circumspection in regard to Philip's sensibilities went so far that he even refused to grant a dispensation for the marriage of Amadee's daughter, Agnes, to the son of the dauphin of Vienne -- a truly peacemaking move according to thirteenth-century ideas, for Savoy and Dauphine were as usual fighting on opposite sides -- for fear that he might seem to be favoring the anti-French coalition, he would certainly never take the far more drastic step of ordering the return of Gascony to Edward, even though, as he admitted to the English ambassadors, he had been advised that the original cession was invalid.
If Russian pupils have to take these languages, how come American students have a choice whether or not to take a language, but have to face so many exceptions??
If so, I would lean to Sir Charles' conception of the man.
If only the fucken weather wasn't so lousy!!
If and when Hino decided to tell him about his experiences, he would do so unasked.
If you elect to use the Standard Deduction or the Tax Table, and later find you should have itemized your deductions, you may do so by filing an amended return within the time prescribed for filing a claim for refund.
If notched for the battens, they would require more work, be weakened and limber holes would have to be bored so that bilge water could flow through.
If Af, then Af is divisible by Af and so Af, i.e., Af.
Then I replied, coldly, `` If you despise me, why don't you say so, directly ''??
If Congress wants to displace the states from areas which they have customarily occupied, let it do so knowingly and explicitly.
If people don't want to provide public education, should they be forced to do so??
If so, then it is clear that in saying the suffering was bad we are not expressing our feelings only.
If we did not mean to say this, why should we be so relieved on finding that the suffering had not occurred??
If we were asked why we thought so, we should say that these things involve great evil and are wrong, and that to take delight in what is evil or wrong is plainly unfitting.
If, however, the figure to be discerned were complicated, composed of several interlocking subfigures, and so on, even the tracing process failed him, and he could not focus even relatively simple shapes among its parts.
If they opted for illusion, it could only be illusion per se -- an illusion of depth, and of relief, so general and abstracted as to exclude the representation of individual objects.
If Cynewulf was literate, the Beowulf poet may have been also, and so may the final redactor of The Iliad and The Odyssey.

If and has
`` If Blue Throat has his way he'll keep us all cooped up in here for days '', he said.
If Wilhelm Reich is the Moses who has led them out of the Egypt of sexual slavery, Dylan Thomas is the poet who offers them the Dionysian dialectic of justification for their indulgence in liquor, marijuana, sex, and jazz.
If the man on the sidewalk is surprised at this question, it has served as an exclamation.
If any one of them has any power to veto the Secretary General's decisions the nature of the organization will have changed.
If this new Bible does not increase in significance by repeated readings throughout the years, it will not survive the ages as has the King James Version.
If the case is thus determined by us to be domestic, the court has no jurisdiction.
If this capacity had not failed them, they would see that their enemy has made a disastrous miscalculation.
If the new Soviet series has followed the general pattern of previous Russian tests, the shots were roughly half fission and half fusion, meaning a fission yield of 30 to 40 megatons thus far.
If the superintendents do not receive more cooperation from Handlers, it has been suggested that licensed Judges also be qualified to judge this Class.
If your state has no provisions for the numbering of pleasure boats, you must apply for a number from the U.S. Coast Guard for any kind of boat with mechanical propulsion rated at more than 10 horsepower before it can be used on Federal waterways.
If design head has a deep cavity, clay lid will be quite thick at this point ; ;
If you run into excess plug fouling on one truck, check to be sure that the rig has a thermostat.
If we manage to keep track of a Bombus queen after she has left her feeding place, we may discover the snug little hideout which she has fixed up for herself when she woke up from her winter sleep.
If cell Af has not previously been assigned as the information cell of a form in the text-form list, it is now assigned as the information cell of Af.
If of the founders of glottochronology Swadesh has escaped our steady plodding, and Lees has repudiated his own share in the founding, that is no reason why we should swerve.
If the transferor has substantial assets other than the claim, it seems reasonable to assume no corporation would be willing to acquire all of its properties in the dim hope of collecting a claim for refund of taxes.
If the patient can perceive figure kinesthetically when he cannot perceive it visually, then, it would seem, the sense of touch has immediate contact with the spatial aspects of things in independence of visual representations, at least in regard to two dimensions, and, as we shall see, even this much spatial awareness on the part of unaided touch is denied by the authors.
If the distant patron of the suburban branch has been frightened away from downtown by traffic problems, however, the city store can only pressure the politicians to do something about the highways or await the completion of the federal highway program.
If a statement has been assigned an address in the index word area
If she has not had such experiences, the female's normal adolescent degree of indecision will be compounded.
If the change, at first sight, seems minor, we may recall that it took the Italian painters about two hundred years to make an analogous change, and the Italian painters, by universal consent, were the most brilliant group of geniuses any art has seen.
If Barnett doesn't call a special session in 1961, it will be the first year in the last decade that the Legislature has not met in regular or special session.
If the church has followed the plan of cultivation of prospects and carried through a program of membership preparation as outlined earlier in this book, the process of assimilation and growth will be well under way.

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