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Page "Strophe" ¶ 2
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Some Related Sentences

more and general
`` we the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America ''.
He was referring not only to the general college situation but more especially to the preparatory schools.
And it is clearly argued by Lord Percy of Newcastle, in his remarkable long essay, The Heresy Of Democracy, and in a more general way by Voegelin, in his New Science Of Politics, that this same Rousseauan idea, descending through European democracy, is the source of Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
In this essay, we are, along with most historians, interested in the more general or more inclusive ideas, that are so to speak `` writ large '' in history of literature where they recur continually.
An idea, of the sort that we have in mind, although of necessity readily available to imagination, is more general in connotation than most poetic or literary images, especially those appearing in lyric poems that seek to capture a moment of personal experience.
The publication of Father Connolly's The Man Has Wings has made more of the group available in print so that a general picture of what it contained can now be had without difficulty.
But Morgan evidently reported matters of intelligence much more important to his commanding general.
Those who do have occasion to deal with the invasions in a more general way, like T.W. Shore and Arthur Wade-Evans, are on the side of a gradual and often peaceful Germanic penetration into Britain.
One is impressed with the dignity, clarity and beauty of this new translation into contemporary English, and there is no doubt that the meaning of the Bible is more easily understandable to the general reader in contemporary language in the frequently archaic words and phrases of the King James.
On this point there was fairly general agreement that assessors would like to do more than they are doing now.
and ( C ) to finance, for not more than three years beyond the end of said period, such activities as are required to correlate, coordinate, and round out the results of studies and research undertaken pursuant to this Act: Provided, That funds available in any one year for research and development may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State to assure that such activities are consistent with the foreign policy objectives of the United States, be expended in cooperation with public or private agencies in foreign countries in the development of processes useful to the program in the United States: And provided further, That every such contract or agreement made with any public or private agency in a foreign country shall contain provisions effective to insure that the results or information developed in connection therewith shall be available without cost to the United States for the use of the United States throughout the world and for the use of the general public within the United States.
In general, such apartments afford more protection than smaller buildings because their walls are thick and there is more space.
As I have repeatedly stated, this provision is much more restrictive than the general law, popularly known as the Buy American Act.
For the near term, however, it must be realized that the industrial and commercial market is somewhat more sensitive to general business conditions than is the military market, and for this reason I would expect that any gain in 1961 may be somewhat smaller than those of recent years ; ;
In type 3, this general relationship is maintained peripherally but not centrally where the pulmonary vein follows a more independent path to the hilum as is the case throughout the lung in type 2.
This will be more or less our general method for the second problem.
The theorem which we prove is more general than what we have described, since it works with the primary decomposition of the minimal polynomial, whether or not the primes which enter are all of first degree.
In general, the approach is more active than passive, more out-reaching than reflective.
A more realistic analysis must take into account the fact that Brandywine people in the urban-fringe area are, in general, less segregated locally than group members in rural areas.
All of them felt a compelling need for more coverage on areas that could be only lightly touched upon in a general survey functional course.
Thus, this readiness to relax controls, evidenced in the Kohnstamm situation, appears to be a more general personality factor.
The tendency for general business activity to soften somewhat is becoming more evident.

more and sense
His bold eyes raked the woman, and a perceptive spectator might sense that there was more to their relationship than that of slave to owner.
Shocked at the response to our proclamations, we grow more defensive, and worse, we lose our sense of humor and proportion.
If in any one calculation Ptolemy had had to invoke 83 epicycles all at once, while Copernicus never required more than one third this number, then ( in the sense obvious to Margenau ) Ptolemaic astronomy would be simpler than Copernican.
High school students have more sense of the way to dress than college students.
Now, more than five years later, I cannot in any realistic sense be called a trained soldier.
Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit, as the Roman poet, Virgil, declared with much more historical sense than most writers of today.
Here there is a specific preventive component which applies in a more generalized sense to any casework situation.
It seems clear, when one takes into consideration the exceedingly defective eyesight of the patient ( we shall describe it in detail in connection with our second question, the one concerning the psychical blindness of the patient ), that he had to rely on his sense of touch much more than the usual portfolio-maker and that consequently that faculty was most probably more sensitive to shape and size than that of a person with normal vision.
And so the authors conclude: `` The conduct of the patient in his every-day life and in his work, even more than the foregoing facts ( mentioned above under 1 ), leave positively no room for doubt that the sense of touch, in the ordinary sense of the word, was unaffected ; ;
The vases which resulted had different shapes, far more complex decoration, and a larger sense of style.
We will achieve a more vivid sense of what it is by realizing what it is not.
There is only one sense in which it is valid to talk about Hardy's development: he did develop toward a more consistent and more effective control of that tone which we recognize as uniquely his.
Not through fear of disobeying orders, as Eichmann kept trying to explain, but through a peculiar giddiness that began in a half-acceptance of the vicious absurdities contained in the Nazi interpretation of history and grew with each of Hitler's victories into a permanent light-mindedness and sense of magical rightness that was able to respond to any proposal, and the more outrageous the better, `` Well, let's try it ''.
Proximate in the sense that there are more distant, more `` positive '' ends we seek, to which victory over Communism is but a means.
Erikson has noted that, unless this trust developed early, the time ambivalence experienced, in varying degree and temporarily, by all adolescents ( as a result of their remembering the more immediate gratification of wants during childhood, while not yet having fully accepted the long-range planning required by adulthood ) may develop into a more permanent sense of time diffusion.
A sense of self-certainty and the freedom to experiment with different roles, or confidence in one's own unique behavior as an alternative to peer-group conformity, is more easily developed during adolescence if, during early childhood, the individual was permitted to exercise initiative and encouraged to develop some autonomy.
Any more than they have the sense to eat mussels.
His sense of urgency in this matter stems from the fact that court cases and juvenile arrests have more than doubled since 1948, each year showing an increase in offenders.
There is no need here to spell out the conditions of creative teaching except to point out that, at the college level, the sense of community and of community responsibility is even more necessary than it is at other levels.
Much more than shelter, housing symbolizes social status, a sense of `` belonging '', acceptance within a given group or neighborhood, identification with particular cultural values and social institutions, feelings of pride and worth, aspirations and hopes basic to human well-being.

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