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literature and was
My curiosity was sharpened a day or two before the interview by a conversation I had with a well-informed teacher of literature, a Jesuit father, at a conference on religious drama near Paris.
Now, although the roots of the mystery story in serious literature go back as far as Balzac, Dickens, and Poe, it was not until the closing decades of the 19th century that the private detective became an established figure in popular fiction.
I was familiar with Pilgrim's Progress, which I read as literature.
The second half of the sixteenth century in England was the setting for a violent and long controversy over the moral quality of renaissance literature, especially the drama.
What is not so well known, however, and what is quite important for understanding the issues of this early quarrel, is the kind of attack on literature that Sidney was answering.
It was `` the creation of a monstrous historical period wherein it thought it had to synthesize literature and politics and avant-garde art of every kind with its writers crazily trying to outdo each other in Spenglerian inclusiveness.
My `` touchstones, had, been strictly '' literature and, humanly enough, American literature ( because that was what I wanted to write ).
An exhaustive survey was made of the literature, and a primary reference file of approximately 600 references was catalogued.
I called the other afternoon on my old friend, Graves Moreland, the Anglo-American literary critic -- his mother was born in Ohio -- who lives alone in a fairy-tale cottage on the Upson Downs, raising hell and peacocks, the former only when the venerable gentleman becomes an angry old man about the state of literature or something else that is dwindling and diminishing, such as human stature, hope, and humor.
After all this destruction of old literature, it should be obvious why we have so little information about the early history and development of the Lo Shu, which was already semisecret anyhow.
As the Zen literature reveals, as soon as an early Zen master attained fame in seclusion, he was called out into the world to exercise his powers.
Richard was a solitary student in New York and acquired, in his remoteness, a thorough if bookish knowledge of Asian lore, literature, life, politics and history.
As a first step, Algerian literature was marked by works whose main concern was the assertion of the Algerian national entity, there is the publication of novels as the Algerian trilogy of Mohammed Dib, or even Nedjma of Kateb Yacine novel which is often regarded as a monumental and major work.
However, while Apollo has a great number of appellations in Greek myth, only a few occur in Latin literature, chief among them Phoebus ( ; Φοίβος, Phoibos, literally " radiant "), which was very commonly used by both the Greeks and Romans in Apollo's role as the god of light.
Once his eyesight recovered sufficiently, he was able to study English literature at Balliol College, Oxford.
Heigo was academically gifted, but soon after failing to secure a place in Tokyo's foremost high school, he began to detach himself from the rest of the family, preferring to concentrate on his interest in foreign literature.
The Agrarians believed that Chinese society should be modeled around that of the early sage king Shen Nong, a folk hero which was portrayed in Chinese literature as " working in the fields, along with everyone else, and consulting with everyone else when any decision had to be reached.
He was educated in Rome, studying literature, law, and rhetoric.
The York school was renowned as a centre of learning, in the liberal arts, literature and science as well as in religious matters .< ref name = RenewAmerica >
He was a cultivated patron of literature and art, and it was in his time that the first printing press authorized to use the Arabic or Turkish languages was set up in Constantinople, operated by Ibrahim Muteferrika ( while the printing press had been introduced to Constantinople in 1480, all works published before 1729 were in Greek, Armenian, or Hebrew ).

literature and classicist
Oxford classicist Edward Copleston said that classical education “ communicates to the mind … a high sense of honor, a disdain of death in a good cause, a passionate devotion to the welfare of one ’ s country ”, thus concurring with Cicero that: “ All literature, all philosophical treatises, all the voices of antiquity are full of examples for imitation, which would all lie unseen in darkness without the light of literature ”.
The classicist A. Y. Campbell set out to answer the question, " What ... in ancient literature, are the uses of a wallet?
Current faculty include Religion scholar Wendy Doniger, theologian David Tracy, sociologist Hans Joas, literary theorist Thomas Pavel, theorist of German literature David Wellbery, classicist James M. Redfield, philosopher and psychoanalyst Jonathan Lear, philosopher Jean-Luc Marion, medieval historian David Nirenberg, philosopher Robert B. Pippin, Nobel Laureate economist Robert Fogel, classicist Laura M. Slatkin, historian of science Lorraine Daston, physician and philosopher Leon Kass ( former chairman of the President's Council on Bioethics ), political theorist Nathan Tarcov, and poet Adam Zagajewski.
In reality, 17th-century French literature encompasses far more than just the classicist masterpieces of Jean Racine and Madame de La Fayette.

literature and ;
We scour literature for them ; ;
Even in its present form, however, the first part of Malraux's unrecoverable novel is among the greatest works of mid-twentieth century literature ; ;
assemble and maintain pertinent and current scientific literature, both domestic and foreign, and issue bibliographical data with respect thereto ; ;
This publication covers the old literature ( Groth ) ; ;
Part 1, of the present edition covers the literature to mid-1948 ; ;
Levittown has applied science, business, and literature ; ;
The Republican Party's production of campaign literature dwarfed the combined opposition ; a Chicago Tribune writer produced a pamphlet that detailed Lincoln's life, and sold 100, 000 to 200, 000 copies.
Among his very numerous works two poems entitle him to a distinguished place in the Latin literature of the Middle Ages ; one of these, the De planctu naturae, is an ingenious satire on the vices of humanity.
Also during his reign taxes were lightened ; literature, art and science were encouraged ; the lot of the soldiers was improved ; and, for the convenience of the people, loan offices were instituted for lending money at a moderate rate of interest.
Supporting literature includes: the work of social impact theory, which discusses persuasion in part through the number of persons engaging in influence ; as well as studies made on the relative influence of communicator credibility in different kinds of persuasion ; and examinations of the trustworthiness of the speaker.
It may be viewed as didactic, mocking, or merely descriptive ; in any event it preserves the attitudes and practices that were the foundation of a long and significant tradition in Western literature.
* Morris Jastrow, Jr., The Civilization of Babylonia and Assyria: its remains, language, history, religion, commerce, law, art, and literature, London: Lippincott ( 1915 ) — a searchable facsimile at the University of Georgia Libraries ; also available in layered PDF format
Authors of recent doctoral dissertations have described their work as concerned with the fields of archaeology and cultural anthropology ; with various fields of history including the history of specific regions and periods, the history of science and the history of religion ; and with the relation of astronomy to art, literature and religion.
Judeo-Christian literature positioned blindness as a flaw ; only through a cure could God ’ s love be made manifest, when the scales would fall away from the eyes of an afflicted individual upon contact with a holy man or relic.

literature and politics
We may thus trace the notion of individual autonomy from its manifestation in religious practice and theological reflection through practical politics and political theory into literature and the arts.
`` You and I have fallen out of literature into politics '', Moreland observed.
Though respected for their contributions to various academic disciplines ( respectively mathematics, linguistics, and literature ), the three men became known to the general public only by making often-controversial and disputed pronouncements on politics and public policy that would not be regarded as noteworthy if offered by a medical doctor or skilled tradesman.
In 1917, Eastman co-founded a radical journal of politics, art, and literature, The Liberator, with her brother Max.
The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature, poetry, art manifestoes, art theory, theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works.
With the key activists of the Nationalist Clubs largely absorbed into the apparatus of the People's Party, Bellamy abandoned politics for a return to literature.
The theories and findings of EP have applications in many fields, including economics, environment, health, law, management, psychiatry, politics, and literature.
His book Homage to Catalonia ( 1938 ), an account of his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, is widely acclaimed, as are his numerous essays on politics, literature, language and culture.
During this period, Nehru also studied politics, economics, history and literature desultorily.
* Sartre: philosophy, literature, politics ( articles ), International Webjournal Sens Public
Like the other major phenomenologists, Merleau-Ponty expressed his philosophical insights in writings on art, literature, linguistics, and politics.
Many of his friends have said publicly that they regret that he ever gave up literature for politics.
Contributors included H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler Yeats ; the magazine became a forum for politics, literature, and the arts.
Here, poetry alone provides a consolation for personal grief, much less philosophy or politics ( as in Dante ), for Petrarch fights within himself ( sensuality versus mysticism, profane versus Christian literature ), not against anything outside of himself.
Rhetorical study has broadened in scope, and is especially utilized by the fields of marketing, politics, and literature.
The orator, said Cicero, needed to be knowledgeable about all areas of human life and culture, including law, politics, history, literature, ethics, warfare, medicine, even arithmetic and geometry.
From this perspective, Adorno's writings on politics, philosophy, music and literature could be described as a lifelong critique of the ways in which each tries to justify self-mutilation as the necessary price of self-preservation.
The " wild Tolstoys ", as they were known in the high society of Imperial Russia, have left a lasting legacy in Russian politics, military history, literature, and fine arts.
Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music.
Notable Unitarians include Béla Bartók the 20th century composer, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker in theology and ministry, Charles Darwin, Joseph Priestley and Linus Pauling in science, George Boole in mathematics, Susan B. Anthony, John Locke in civil government, and Florence Nightingale in humanitarianism and social justice, Charles Dickens, John Bowring and Samuel Taylor Coleridge in literature, Frank Lloyd Wright in arts, Josiah Wedgwood in industry, Thomas Starr King in ministry and politics, and Charles William Eliot in education.
The theme of prostitution and the " fallen woman " ( an umbrella term used to describe any women who had sexual intercourse out of Marriage ) became a staple feature of mid-Victorian literature and politics.
Writers such as Alfred Döblin, Erich Maria Remarque and the brothers Heinrich and Thomas Mann presented a bleak look at the world and the failure of politics and society through literature.
The emphasis on classics gave rise to a number of private student societies, open only by invitation, which arose primarily as forums for discussions of modern scholarship, literature and politics.

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