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Some Related Sentences

order and understand
In order to translate one language into another, it was observed that one had to understand the grammar of both languages, including both morphology ( the grammar of word forms ) and syntax ( the grammar of sentence structure ).
In order to understand syntax, one had to also understand the semantics and the lexicon ( or ' vocabulary '), and even to understand something of the pragmatics of language use.
Eilenberg and Mac Lane later wrote that their goal was to understand natural transformations ; in order to do that, functors had to be defined, which required categories.
Category theory is also, in some sense, a continuation of the work of Emmy Noether ( one of Mac Lane's teachers ) in formalizing abstract processes ; Noether realized that in order to understand a type of mathematical structure, one needs to understand the processes preserving that structure.
Mather also viewed Hayy as a noble savage and applied this in the context of attempting to understand the Native American Indians in order to convert them to Puritan Christianity.
In order to better understand the world of appearances and objects, phenomenology attempts to identify the invariant features of how objects are perceived and pushes attributions of reality into their role as an attribution about the things we perceive ( or an assumption underlying how we perceive objects ).
Unlike Sophocles, who established the setting and background of his plays in the introductory dialogue, Euripides used a monologue in which a divinity or human character directly and simply tells the audience all it needs to know in order to understand the subsequent action.
This is often not an issue for people without agrammatic aphasias, but many aphasics rely very heavily on word order to understand roles that words play within the sentence.
Each book in the Encyclopedia Brown mystery series is self-contained in that the reader is not required to have read earlier books in order to understand the stories.
In one study, glucocorticoid receptors in the central nucleus of the amygdala were disrupted in order to better understand the mechanisms of fear and fear conditioning.
Paleontologists examine the fossil record in order to understand the process of evolution and the way particular species have evolved.
Feminist theory, which emerged from these feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience ; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender.
They also plot and combine measurements of geological structures in order to better understand the orientations of faults and folds in order to reconstruct the history of rock deformation in the area.
In order to comprehend why humans are essentially hairless, it is essential to understand that mammalian body hair is not merely an aesthetic characteristic ; it protects the skin from wounds, bites, heat, cold, and UV radiation.
Also, the concept of archetype was redefined by the Early Church Fathers in order to better understand that when a person shows veneration toward an image, the intention is rather to honor the person depicted, not the substance of the icon.
" It is for this reason that it has been suggested that in order to understand American individualist anarchism one must take into account " the social context of their ideas, namely the transformation of America from a pre-capitalist to a capitalist society ... the non-capitalist nature of the early U. S. can be seen from the early dominance of self-employment ( artisan and peasant production ).
He believed that complex systems must be examined as complete, irreducible systems in order to fully understand how they work.
In order to understand and ultimately predict job performance, it is important to be precise when defining the term.
Major projects attempted to encode wide bodies of general knowledge ; for example the " Cyc " project ( still ongoing ) went through a large encyclopedia, encoding not the information itself, but the information a reader would need in order to understand the encyclopedia: naive physics ; notions of time, causality, motivation ; commonplace objects and classes of objects.
Apart from sexually laced conversation, much seems to revolve around coding and building within the world, which requires knowledge of that skill in order to understand.
The practical implementation of multivariate statistics to a particular problem may involve several types of univariate and multivariate analysis in order to understand the relationships between variables and their relevance to the actual problem being studied.

order and micrometeoroid
Their velocities relative to a spacecraft in orbit can be on the order of kilometers per second, and resistance to micrometeoroid impact is a significant design challenge for spacecraft and space suit designers ( See Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment ).

order and population
In order to assist the States in maintaining basic vocational rehabilitation services, Section 2 of the amended Act provides that allotments to States for support of such services be based on ( 1 ) need, as measured by a State's population, and ( 2 ) fiscal capacity, as measured by its per capita income.
Interviews with members of the Brandywine population were attempted in order to discover the ranking of the various families in the population.
Power analysis is often applied in the context of ANOVA in order to assess the probability of successfully rejecting the null hypothesis if we assume a certain ANOVA design, effect size in the population, sample size and significance level.
However, the total population of the arctic fox must be in the order of several hundred thousand animals.
The Greek army destroyed altogether 161 Bulgarian villages and massacred thousands, in order to reduce the Bulgarian population of the region.
Using this population density as a base for calculation, and allotting 10 % of food towards surplus for trade and assuming that city dwellers do no farming, he calculates that " in order to maintain a city with a population of 1, 000, and without taking the cost of transportation into account, an area of 100, 000 square kilometers would have been required.
" Unlike utilitarianism, which views pleasure as a moral good, " the basic goods in Mohist consequentialist thinking are ... order, material wealth, and increase in population ".
In order to ease the burden on the population, the information is primarily drawn from population registers and supplemented by sample surveys.
Dominic sought to establish a new kind of order, one that would bring the dedication and systematic education of the older monastic orders like the Benedictines to bear on the religious problems of the burgeoning population of cities, but with more organizational flexibility than either monastic orders or the secular clergy.
" Unlike utilitarianism, which views pleasure as a moral good, " the basic goods in Mohist consequentialist thinking are ... order, material wealth, and increase in population ".
The new ruler faced the challenge of restoring order in a country that was in shambles — by the end of Masie Nguema's dictatorship, the state coffers were empty and the population had been reduced to only one-third of what it was at independence.
This represents an itinerant population of up to 1, 000 sailors, which outnumbered any permanent population by an order of magnitude.
An advantage for gnutella is its user population numbers in the millions, whereas the G2 network is approximately an order of magnitude smaller.
After the surrender, despite the efforts of the senior officers to maintain order, the civil population of Gibraltar suffered at the hands of the troops.
Already in 1999 he started the training of police forces which he trained specifically to keep order and protect the civilian population in case the United Front would be successful.
The boundaries of the areas and the number of councillors assigned are fixed from time to time by order of the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, following a report by the Local Government Commission, and based on population changes recorded in the census.
So, the global population of speakers of Inuit language variants is on the order of over 90, 000 people.
For a population of size n, with a sequence of values y < sub > i </ sub >, i = 1 to n, that are indexed in non-decreasing order ( y < sub > i </ sub > ≤ y < sub > i + 1 </ sub >), the Lorenz curve is the continuous piecewise linear function connecting the points ( F < sub > i </ sub >, L < sub > i </ sub > ), i
In classical antiquity, the " liberal arts " denoted those subjects of study that were considered essential for a free person ( Latin: liber, " free ") to master in order to acquire those qualities that distinguished a free person from slaves-the latter of whom formed the greater number of the population in the classical world.
Indeed, when the results of the elections do not represent the ethnic proportions of the population, the Best Loser System provides for additional members to be nominated by the Electoral Commission in order to ensure that the Assembly reflects the ethnic proportions of the Mauritian population.

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